Each item is an example of something (For details on how these things were made, you can just send a message . Maybe I can remember, or send code or something) :

Algorithmically 'composed' music (MIDIs):
'fractalized' 1/f
cell, hrmm2, mel1,
tang, pld
lsys00, lsys03, lsys08, plant02,
passie, flowers, fib, hogeweg, dvt, island, airhorse
'Hopalong' fractals
hop6, hop11

fractal Brownian motion ('1/f')

the Cantor set (L)

the Koch 'dragon' fractal (L)

and lots more L-system examples on the LMUSe page

'Thumbnails' of some algorithmically generated/derived pictures.
All graphics on this page made using one or more of:
POV-Ray, SuperPatched POV-Ray, HLA, Fractint, Polyray, and my MS-DOS adaptation (send a note if interested) of Ying-Qing Wu's Ming for most of the knots. Other knots used my harmonic knots include file for POV-Ray.