Daritama Community School
[Verzjoni bil-Malti]
1. The main objective of the branch is to assist children in developing their natural capabilities so as to avoid the possibility of being excluded or downtrodden by their environment.
2. The branch is a community school for Cotonera children managed according to these principles.
3. The pedagogical programme of the branch is designed solely according to the particular needs of the children.
4. Notwithstanding any exigences of the whole group of children, each and every single child is always given special and individual love and attention.
5. Whosoever is engaged in the pedagogical programme of the branch must have the will and the character to attend to the children with subtility and wisdom.
6. A pedagogical plan designed for any given child assigns due attention to the particular home environment of each child.
7. The branch is one of the branches of Daritama and, as such, gives full support to all the endevours of Daritama.
8. The voluntiers of the branch work as a team in the name of Daritama and, as such, support and defend each other always and everywhere.
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