Chaiya's Sephardic World
Jews in Medieval Spain

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Shalom Aleichem and well met! You are most well come, gentle traveler, to fair Toledo, glorious capital city of the kingdom of Castile. I am Chaiya bat Avraham Toledano, a native of this city. I was born here 30 years ago, in 4965 (as we Jews reckon it). The Christians, who rule these lands under Fernando III, call the current year 1235.

I see you are curious about our life here, as well you should be. It is seldom recorded in history a time when Christians, Muslims and Jews have lived together in such peace and prosperity. Our king and protector, Fernando III, and his son Alfonso, are understandably interested in the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers, which the Muslims have translated to Arabic. Many Jews are employed as translators and interpreters of these works. In addition, the Kingdom relies upon the wisdom of our sages, our diplomats, scholars, rabbis, poets, and physicians. We Jews, descended from the noblest of the tribes of Israel, have made a home here incomparable to any but Jerusalem of old.

You may tour the city if you desire, or I can tell you more about our history and way of life here. Be most well come!

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Chaiya bat Avraham Toledano is the SCA (or Society for Creative Anachronism) persona of Stacy Braslau-Schneck. Most SCA members adopt a "persona" - the person they "would have been" if they had existed in Medieval times - to better enjoy the game of recreating the Middle Ages and to give a focus to their research. Chaiya is a Jewish lady living in 13th century Sepharad (or Sefarad), otherwise known as Al-Andalus by the Muslims or Andalusia by the Christians. It will later be known as Spain.

This page contains a summary of historical events, aspects of Jewish culture in Medieval Spain, and links to other Medieval Spanish and Jewish sites.

Jews in the Middle Ages, or, Why I Chose This Persona

How and why did I choose such a relatively obscure ethnicity for my persona? After all, the SCA is full of Vikings, Germans, Landsknechts, and Celts of all flavors (yes, there were Celts in Spain, especially in Galicia, and Norsemen went a-viking there, too); there's even a whole Horde of Mongols, each with tons of literature and websites easily available. To make a long story short, I'm of Jewish ancestry, and even though the Catholic Church plays a huge role in Medieval history and culture, I just didn't want to play a Christian. Jews, however, were notoriously mal-treated in Medieval Europe. Geographically they were confined to specific quarters in towns; economically they were restricted from almost every profitable trade; and financially they were fined and taxed as much as their communities could bear. In spite of contradictions from the Popes, they were accused of murdering Christian children and using their blood in services and in Passover matzo ("blood libels"). When the Plague broke out in the 13th Century, they were said to have poisoned the wells (even though they died in almost equal numbers, only somewhat saved by the emphasis on bathing Judaism has).

But Yaakov HaMizrachi on "The Rialto," the SCA newsgroup (, mentioned "la Convivencia", a time when Jews, Christians, and even Muslims lived together in relative peace and prosperity. It took place in what is now Spain, in the beginning of the 13th Century. It was then Castile, the land of castles, and its glorious capital was Toledo. I had visited Toledo in 1989, and had fallen in love with its well-preserved medieval architecture, its Damascene jewelry, and its famous Toledo steel. My persona had a home. I welcome you to it!

What's New

This whole page was created March 11, 1998.

October 27, 1998 - "Music", "History", and "Languages" pages updated. Animal training "subsite" updated.





Language, Names and Heraldry



La Convivencia

Medieval Toledo


Links to Other Medieval Jewish Sites

Links to Other Medieval Spain Sites

Notes About This Site

Please note that I am not (by any means!) a history "maven". Researching my persona is one hobby of several within my SCA interest, which is itself one hobby of many. I can't make any claims as to the accuracy of the information on these pages. Updates will happen as I learn more, organize that new knowledge into coherent thought, and change the page. Of course, y el haham yerra en la Tora (even the rabbi can make a mistake in Torah)!

The background you see here was created by the talented Shirin al Hasana and used here by her gracious permission.

This is not an official publication of the SCA, Inc.

All text copyright Stacy Braslau-Schneck, 1998.

Image of lady with candle from Kyl's Medieval and Fantasy Clipart.


Please send your comments, corrections, suggestions, or "clicks" to Stacy Braslau-Schneck.

Chaiya bat Avraham Toledano has lately left the Shire of Cloondara (i.e., the San Francisco, California chapter of the SCA), and is currently moving to the Province of the Southern Shores (San Jose), in the Principality of the Mists, in the Kingdom of the West . I am honored with an Award of Arms and a Corolla Aulica from their royal Highnesses, Richard and Carinne of the Mists, July 11, 1998!

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