
Family and Work Page
Balancing Work and Family - the study
Balancing Work and Family - the literature
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Akeroyd, Anne V.

1984 Ethics. In R. F. Ellen (ed.) Ethnographic Research. A Guide to General Conduct. London: Academic Press: 133-154


Bateson, Mary Catherine

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Busch, Ruth C.

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Christensen, Lone Rahbek

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Clark Jr. Clifford Edward

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Coontz, Stephanie

1992 The Way We Never Were. American Families and the Nostalgia Trap. New York: Basic Books


Cruikshank, Julie in collaboration with Angela Sidney, Kitty Smith & Annie Ned

1990 Life Lived Like a Story. Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.


di Leonardo, Micaela

1984 The Varieties of Ethnic Experience. Kinship, Class, and Gender among California Italian-Americans. Ithaca: Cornell University Press


du Boulay, Julie & Rory Williams

1984 Collecting Life Histories, In R. F. Ellen, Ethnographic Research. A Guide to General Conduct. A.S.A. Research Methods in Social Anthropology 1. London: Academic Press: 247-257


Gerstel, Naomi & Harriet Engel Gross

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Goldschneider, Francis K. & Linda J. Waite

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Goody, Esther N. (ed.)

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Gullestad, Marianne

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1992 The Art of Social Relations. Essays on Culture, Social Action and Everyday Life in Modern Norway. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

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Højrup, Thomas

1993 The Concept of Life Mode. A Form-Specifying Mode of Analysis Applied to Contemporary Western Europe. Ethnologia Scandinavia 23: 15-50


Lamphere, Louise

1993 Sunbelt Working Mothers. Reconsidering Family and Factory. Ithaca: Cornell University Press


Langness, L.L. & Gelya Frank

1984 Lives. An Anthropological Approach to Biography. Novato, California: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc.


Lasch, Christopher

1977 Haven in a Heartless World. The Family Besieged. New York: Basic Books Inc. Publishers


Lave, Jean & Etienne Wenger

1991 Situated Learning. Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


Linde, Charlotte

1993 Life Stories. The Creation of Coherence. New York: Oxford University Press


Marcus, George

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Nash, June (ed.)

1993 Crafts in the World Market. The Impact of Global Exchange on Middle American Artisans. Albany: State University of New York Press.


Nippert-Eng, Christina E.

1996 Home and Work. Negotiating Boundaries through Everyday Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press


Ochs, Elinor & Lisa Capps

1996 Narrating the Self. In Annual Review of Anthropology 25: 19-43


Peacock, James L & Dorothy C. Holland

1993 The Narrated Self: Life Stories in Process. Review Article in Ethos 21(4): 367-383


Stacey, Judith

1990 Brave New Families. Stories of Domestic Upheaval in Late Twentieth Century America. USA: Basic Books.


Zussman, Robert

1985 Mechanics of the Middle-Class. Work and Politics among American Engineers. Berkely: University of California Press

1987 Work and Family in the new Middle-Class. In: Gerstel and Gross op.cit: 338-346

Family and Work Page | Balancing Work and Family - the study | Balancing Work and Family - the literature | Is there a Family Crisis | Bibliography | Balancing Work and Family - the survey | Family Crisis - the survey | Other Cool Sites | About me
Date Last Modified: 6/23/98