Family and Work Page

Family and Work Page
Balancing Work and Family - the study
Balancing Work and Family - the literature
Is there a Family Crisis?
Balancing Work and Family - the survey
Family Crisis - the survey
Other Cool Sites
About me

Welcome to my work and family page. I am an anthropology student working on my thesis about work and family.

The purpose of this site is to let others know the results of my research and to collect more information on how people balance family and work. The latter is done through two short surveys that I encourage you to fill out.

All of the pages on this site are connected and you are welcome to jump around in any order you choose.

Welcome to my website. I hope you enjoy your visit

Pia Meden Baumgarten

Family and Work Page | Balancing Work and Family - the study | Balancing Work and Family - the literature | Is there a Family Crisis | Bibliography | Balancing Work and Family - the survey | Family Crisis - the survey | Other Cool Sites | About me
Date Last Modified: 6/23/98