Global History and Geography 2, 2001-2002

This course is the second half of the Regents Global History and Geography
required by New York state.  A Regent's Exam covering both the 9th and 10th grades
must be taken and passed in order to achieve a Regent's diploma. This exam is created
by the state education department, not local teachers. (In other words, don't blame us !)

In GHG 2 we will focus on the following areas of the world: Western Europe; China; India;
Africa; Latin America; Middle East; Japan and Southeast Asia. The final units of study will
concentrate on post-WWII and modern problems.  This  course deals with geography,
history, politics, culture and societies of the world. We will meet all the New York state
standards for Social  Studies.

The students will do the following:
    Daily reading assignments from the text and/or handouts;
    Take content quizes based on the reading;
    Analyze primary and secondary documents;
    Write thematic essays and to develop sound principles of social studies writing;
    Design and complete long-term projects.

This course is full of content. The student cannot afford to fall behind.  Keep up.

Refer to your course requirements and calendar for due dates and expectations.

Why is this course necessary ?  We are here, in 21st century America, because of what
people have been doing for 30,000 years.  To better understand ourselves, we need to
understand the motives, beliefs, issues, philosophies, technologies and ideas of those who
came before us.  To function in the modern world we need to understand the cultural
traditions of the other 5.75 billion people who inhabit the planet with us.
Here are some links you may find useful

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