ICUG Project 2000
Welcome to
ICUG's Renaissance Institute
You've Arrived!
Whether Your Journey was local or Global, the fact that You're here says something special about YOU!
This is a Work In Progress.
It's a bit of CyberSpace we use to create and build ICUG's latest Project - "Renaissance Institute"
What I choose to share is the chance for You to get a behind the scenes look as it is being built. There are currently a lot of wheels in motion and a lot is going on behind the Institute Walls.
To Enter - will provide its own Learning and Growth Experience.
We will continue to Learn, Grow, Develop and Reach new Heights - Together.
But for now, I only want You to marvel at the Scope
Come. Walk With Me.
The above is the Projected Site for the ICUG Renaissance Institute. This is former De LaSalle University and served once as the Avondale Research Center. This Historic Building sits on an expanse of 17.7 acres surrounded by rolling green lawns and tall majestic trees. Can You see the Vision? Can You envision a future here where We, Together, will create a Training Facility that will Ride the Crest of Technology as we Preserve the Values of Family, Community and People.
With the ever increasing pace of Technology, Internet, E-Commerce, Online Trading, Stock Market Ups and Downs, ISDN, DSL, Fiber Optics, Wireless, Satellite telecommunications, multi-Million Dollar Corporation Mergers, Downsizing, Cutbacks and massive Employee Layoffs, the all too sad fact is that People are being left behind. In the rush to Success and Profit, it is all too common that it is at the expense of the Individual, Family and Solid Values. Without Preserving and Instilling these Solid Family Values in Our Youth and Young Adults, the Community and Society at large will suffer. It is for this vital reason that We will "Preserve the Good Things from the Past as We, Together, Navigate and Create the Future".
We, Together, will keep these Values Alive, as We take advantage of the Best that developing Technology has to Offer. We, here, will Value People, Family, Community, Tradition, Culture and Family Values. We, Together will infuse Our Program with these Values as we Prepare and help Shape the Future. We, believe that it is not only possible, but Necessary to Preserve as We go forward into the future, thereby having the Best of Both Worlds, and sacrificing neither, for the sake of Success or Achievement.
Below, You will find an Overview of Project 2000 and the Elements that We feel will make the ICUG Renaissance Institute, a unique place unlike no other. The Future belongs to Those who Prepare. Join Us and help Shape the Future by adding Your Ideas, Talents and Skills. We, here, Together will create an Atmosphere where we can Shape Dreams into Realities, Ideas into Active Programs and Workshops, and Preserve the worth of People, Family and Community.
As We navigate this new Millennium, the World has become a Global Community, it can be said that Society's Greatest Asset are it's People. Here we will offer a Healthy and Safe atmosphere for People of All ages - Children, Young Adults, Adults and Senior Citizens. Here we will merge Art and Technology, Skill and Talent, Historic Preservation and New Technology, Local Community and International Travel and Exchange. Here, We will set the Course, Explore New Frontiers, and Welcome the Best from All Cultures, Races, Backgrounds and Professions. But I have said enough for now, so without further ado, let me share the Projected Scope of Our current undertaking. As our Guest here, Your only responsibility will be to share with Me, Your Impressions, Comments, Ideas and Perspective. Don't just go away, but before You leave, send us an email. We've made it easy, and all that You have to do, is click on the Email link next to the Notepad and Pen at the bottom. So Please do share Your Thoughts with me, as we have done with You. Remember also, that this is a "Work In Progress", so we will be adding new Elements of Video and Audio to enhance the Presentation to You. Check back often and lend us Your unique Perspectives, Energies and Comments. Thank You.
ICUG Renaissance Institute Programs and Services
Job Training - Computer and Information Technology Training - Professional Preparation - Job Support Services - Career Transition and Continuing Adult Education - Seminars and Workshops
Educational Opportunities - Earn High School Diploma Equivalancy (GED) Online - Earn College Credits from Life Experience, toward A Degree with Online CLEP ~ College Level Examination Program
Distance Education - "Technology in Education" - The TeleClassroom provides the Platform and Vehicle that will enable ICUG to Reach Out around the World to offer Education, Training and Cultural Exchange to Asia, Africa, Europe or Central and South America
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Program - Environmental Education - Public Awareness - Solar and Alternative Energy Development Program
Research and Archival - Art - Literature - Historical - Cultural - Scientific
On-Site Presentation and Displays - Museum - Civic Awareness - Culture Exchange - Arts and Humanities
Food Service - Cafeteria - Snack Bar- Vending - Catering Services - Meals On Wheels
Library - Reference Books & Manuals - Publications - Video and Audio Tapes - Software and CDs
Health Services - Health & Nutrition Counseling Services - Exercise & Diet - Tai Chi Chuan - Qi Gung
Community Activities Center - Recreation - Self Development - Cultural Programs - Civic & Educational Lectures
Metro Area Resource Center - Program Referral & Support - Job Listings - Food Bank - Clothing Bank - Emergency Family Assistance
Child Care - Day Care - After School and Evening Care - Early Learning Child Development and Enrichment
Youth Programs - Mentoring - Structured After School and Evening Activities - Juvenile Delinquency Prevention - Leadership Skills Development - Civic and Community Involvement
On-Site Dormitory - Staff and Students - Organization Hosting - Retreat & Hiatus - Conference Facilities - Meetings, Banquet and Dining Facilities
Animal Sanctuary - Domestic Kennels in Conjunction with Rescue, Boarding, Care and Placement
Fitness Suite - Aerobics - Martial Arts - Dancercise - Child, Adult & Seniors
Online Services - Parenting & Family Resources - Health, Nutrition & Home Economics - Counseling Services - Information and Archival Resources - VideoTeleConferencing
Administrative - Receptionist - Office and Secretarial - Accounting - Personnel
Security - Reception, Building and Grounds - Video Camera with Computerized Monitoring - Public Address System - Smoke Alarms
Transportation and Logistics - Shuttle Van to Bus Stops and Metro - Airport & Hotels - Staff and Student Transport - Delivery & Courier - Supplies & Support
Offices - Staff Offices - Training Rooms - Health Suite - Cafeteria - Meeting & Conference Rooms - Dorms - Stock & Supply - Tech Shop
Gift Shop - Import / Export Items for Sale - Culture Curios - Art & Crafts from Center Participants for Sale
Miscellaneous Suites - Think Tank - Lounge - Auditorium - Pool
In Development - Other Program Elements which are currently on the Drawing Board and will be added here - ICUG's Project 2000 "Renaissance Institute" as A Model Environmentally Green Building, Retrofit for Solar Energy Power - Serving as an Example of Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Government, Business, Institutional Facilities and Private Homes
"A Panoramic View"
Behold - I present You a panoramic vision! The above is a composite of 7 photos of the Institute Building. Taken by our talented resident Photographer, from many angles, and then through the magic of Computer DeskTop Publishing and Adobe PhotoShop, merged together to present You with a better panoramic view of the planned scope of our Project.
The seams where the individual photos join, are intentionally left visible in some instances, to project more of a 3 dimensional feel. This style was chosen over a distance shot, because it presents a more detailed view.
"Welcome to Project 2000 - ICUG's Renaissance Institute"
Send Us Your Comments
Last Updated : Wednesday, June 20, 2001 12:33