I. C. U. G.

Icug Around the World

I. C. U. G.

International Computer Users Group
ICUG - Who We Are

A Multi-racial and Multi-Cultural, Non-Profit 501(c)(3), Computer Users Group, Providing Computers, Training and Support for Communication, Networking, Opportunity and Humanistic Goals - and the Promotion of Cultural Exchange, Education and Understanding

ICUG - Origin, Evolution and Goals

Icug OEG Cover
Read the complete ICUG - Origin, Evolution and Goals
ICUG took shape as a Local Computer Users Group in 1989, initially conceived by employees from the Offices of U.S. News & World Report Magazine, in Washington, D.C.

As a result of Travel, Communication - "A Strong Outreach Program",the following years were to see it grow to an International Users Group with a Worldwide Membership of over 300 Members in the USA and 10 overseas Countries.

ICUG - View and follow our ICUG Timeline and Historical Pictorial

Timeline 1989-2002 – Our Footsteps in the Sand ICUG Timeline – "Our Footsteps in the Sand"

What a Person does becomes their Legacy.
Through Actions, Words and Deeds, one develops a Reputation and establishes themselves in conjunction with Others in the World around them.
We present Our Timeline here as a Chronological Record of just that – Undertakings, Achievements and more importantly – Members, Friends, Associates and Organizations that we have had the distinct opportunity to meet and work with over the years. We have been fortunate to meet, work in partnership or support, for so very many Individuals, MultiCultural, Grass Roots, Non-Profit and Community Organizations in Humanist endeavors and undertakings.
It is said that one’s Success can be measured by the Friends one makes … and by that measure, Our Success has been Great. We have Touched many lives, and in turn been Touched by Many. For this we are Thankful. It is with this Spirit that we go forward in our humble undertakings.
As we Journey forward – here, We Present our legacy of past events –
"Our Footsteps In The Sand"

Icug Footprint

ICUG - "Building Bridges WorldWide - Thru Better Communication!"

The ICUG WorldWide Family Circle

  • ICUG Int'l Membership Listing - Asia, Africa, Oceana, Europe, USA, Canada, Central and South America
  • ICUG Members, Colleagues and Associates
    Our Networked group of Professionals, Hobbists and Enthusiasts. We range from those with Interests to those with Passions; from the Layperson to the Specialist; from modest Creative Talent to Polished Expertise. An Extended Circle Who are "Personal Yet Professional"
    "What We Do - Mission Impossible" ICUG, has brought together principals to form a Collective Resource Network of People with professional experience and expertise in Public Service, Computers Technology, Satellite and Telecommunications, Network Management, Business Management, Education, Journalism, Technical Writing and Proposals, Public Speaking, Broadcast Engineering, Video Systems and Information Gathering.
    A Salute to Colleagues, Past & Present whose Energies and Efforts have helped turn so very many Dreams into Realities!
  • ICUG Int'l Members Online Photo Album

"A Celebration Of Cultural Diversity"

ICUG Sponsored Multi-Cultural Programs

ICUG's Renaissance Institute
  • Project 2000 - ICUG's Renaissance Institute
    An Overview of Project 2000 and the Elements that We feel will make the ICUG Renaissance Institute, a unique place unlike no other. The Future belongs to Those who Prepare. Join Us and help Shape the Future by adding Your Ideas, Talents and Skills. We, here, Together will create an Atmosphere where we can Shape Dreams into Realities, Ideas into Active Programs and Workshops, and Preserve the worth of People, Family and Community.
    In Planning and Development as A Model Environmentally Green Building, Retrofit for Solar Energy Power - Serving as an Example of Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Government, Business, Institutional Facilities and Private Homes

    The Shaolin Temple

  • ICUG Tribute to The Roots of Shaolin Martial Arts
    "Everlasting Springtime" - Wing Chun Kung Fu

    From the Historic Shaolin Monestary in China, One of the 5 Elders, Nun Ng Mui creates a Martial Arts System which She teaches to Her Student, Yim Wing Chun, whom She names it for - 300 years later Bruce Lee shares Wing Chun with the World thru His Movies

  • "For Love Of Wing Chun"
    More Photos from My Photo Album
    And In the Spirit of Wing Chun ~ ICUG Co-founder Jessica Carries on the Martial Tradition for Women of Today

  • ICUG sponsored Native American Indian Heritage Poster Series

    Leadership Training Institute, Washington DCFollow the Journey that led from The Leadership Training Institute here in Washington, DC to the Inspiration for the Native American Indian Heritage Poster Series and it's reaching Public Schools, Radio, Cable TV and a WorldWide audience

    Chief Sitting Bull The NAIH Poster Series #1
    Sitting Bull - Crazy Horse - Red Cloud
    - Bill Pickett - Wounded Knee Memorial - AIM - Sacheen Littlefeather - Two Moons - Native Visions - Dan George - Sequoyah - Geronimo - Cochise - The Walk For Justice - Prayer Vigil On the Mall - Miracle~White Buffalo Calf -
    Cherokee Trail Of Tears

  • Visit the Online Art Gallery where The Native American Indian Heritage Poster Series is available in Adobe Acrobat .PDF version, which will allow them to be Viewed, Downloaded and Printed

ICUG's NAIH Poster Series

  • "The Walk For Justice"
    ICUG presents Photo Pictorial of WFJ Arrival here in Washington, DC
    The WALK FOR JUSTICE is a 3,800 mile, five-month spiritual walk which began with an opening ceremony attended by over 400 persons at Alcatraz Island near San Francisco. Led by Native American Dennis J. Banks, walkers from around the world and 21 tribal nations crossed 25 mountain ranges with elevations up to 11,300 feet, survived three blizzards, visited six Indian Reservations, organized and ran in a four-day, 1000 mile spiritual run, and presented cultural programs of traditional Native drumming, singing and dancing each night, on it's cross country journey to arrive in Washington, DC at the Lincoln Memorial

    • The Online Griot Project - African-American Dispora, sponsored by members of AFROAM ListServ Ohio State University - with an Introduction by ICUG's own resident Author, Bianca P. Floyd

    • "Turning Dreams Into Realities"
      ~ Members Achievements and Contributions
      from Around Our Global Village ~

    "I will Pass on the Tourch to You, and I will Teach You how to carry it. We will Run Together for a while, but in the final analysis, My Achievement and Victory will come, only when You continue on and Reach Plateaus that surpass those that I have known. And as You reach these virgin platueaus, Standing, with eye drinking in all that is new, I will see through Your Eyes, and I will Celebrate Your Victory and Achievement, because in Your Achievement, I will also find mine." - Michael / Masai 1990

    • International Training, Travel and Cultural Exchange

    Education - Training - Support

    Professional Rewarding Fun

    Learn Computer Training with ICUG
    Personal Education and Training that can Take You from little or no previous Knowledge or Experience - through Introduction, Hands On Sessions, Self-paced Tutorials and Multimedia Presentations to Understanding Computers and A new Self Confidence with a "Can Do Attitude for A Bright Successful You!"
    Learning with ICUG will not only prepare You for the Office environment but will help You to indentify Your Personal Potentials ~ Tap into Your Creativity, Explore other Cultures, History and Art, Develop MultiMedia Presentations for Education, Enrichment and Early Child Development Classes, Guide A Senior Citizen Group through the Basics that You've previously Mastered, Video TeleConference with International Members, Create a Cultural Heritage Poster Series, Build A Virtual Reality Theater on the World Wide Web ~ the limits are only the ones that You accept, because with ICUG, You'll Learn by Doing!
    "Not Just Computers for the sake of Technology, but Computer Technology helping to make the World A Better Place for Us All!"

    Interested in becoming an ICUG Member?
    Apply now!

    International Travel and Cultural Exchange

    Welcome to Washington Shores

  • "ICUG Welcomes Visitors to Our Washington, DC Shores"
    As We have the opportunity to play Host to Our many ICUG Members, Associates, Extended Family Circle and Friends ~ Visiting, whether from Overseas Countries or from across the USA, Canada and Central and South America, We roll out the Red Carpet and extend the VIP status

  • "ICUG Showcases Our Members and Associates On the Move"
    Here We Showcase "Our Most Recent Travelers" ~ ICUG Members and Associates On the Move Coast to Coast across the USA and Internationally, around Our Global Community

    Visit ICUG's Green Environmental Energy Web Site

    Here We will provide a Platform for Education, Understanding, Research, Development and Implementation

    For the Many who have a long standing relationship and association with ICUG, You may think back to 1989, and remember when we were first presenting the whole idea of Computers and PCs. Many thought that it was a passing fad or something that would not affect their lives. A look today shows Computers and Computer Technology as a facet in use of almost every aspect of Society. Trust Us, as We've been doing Our Homework, and You can count on Energy becoming more and more a concern and need for just as many facets of your everday life. Energy is something that All People Rely on and All People Use and Need. It is a Universal Need.

    Follow Us as
    We Present the ICUG focus on Renewable and Sustainable Energy

    • ICUG Attends Philly 2000 Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ~ November 1999
    • ICUG Plans Renaissance Institute as a Model Green Building with Solar Power ~ May 2000
    • ICUG Attends the 5th Annual SolFest 2000 in San Francisco, California ~ August 2000

    Of Legend and Legacy

    • The Y.O.U. Story - Youth Organizations United
      Former Gang Leaders and Members, Come Together to Rebuild Their Communities Coast to Coast

    • Standing On The Shoulders of Giants - Honoring Our Teachers and Elders

      Colossus At Rhodes

      "If I have seen further than
      Other Men,
      It is only because I have
      Stood On the Shoulders of Giants."

    A Gallery Of Heros & Heroines


    • Interrupted Journeys - Remembering Those Who Have Given of Their Hearts, Efforts and Lives

    Visit The ICUG Virtual Complex
    Auditorium - Theater - Library & Reading Room
    - Art Gallery - Online Archives

    Throuugh the Roof

    ICUG - "Building Bridges WorldWide - Thru Better Communication!"


    Questions or comments please contact icug@erols.com


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