THIRUKKURAL - Introduction
My colleague Mr K.Ganapathi during our development of Kuralbase programme
compiles the following writings about Tirukkural. I am proudly presenting
this to honour Mr K.Ganapathi's great work and involvement.
Thiruvalluvar, the poet and philosopher of Tamilnadu, is the Everest of
Tamil wisdom. He belongs to the first century B.C. (31 BC).
Thirukkural, the masterpiece of Thiruvalluvar, which is a mini-work in size,
contains 133 chapters on different aspects of life, and each chapter
consists of ten couplets. Each couplet is called Kural-Venba (KURAL),
whcih is one of the basic metres of Tamil prosody.
Thirukkural has been broadly divided into three parts, of which the first deals with Aram (VIRTUE) the moral value of Life, the second discusses Porul (WEALTH), socio-economic values of Life, and the third on Kamam (LOVE), depicts the psychological values of Life. There are 38 chapters in the first part, 70 chapters in the second part and 25 chapters in the third part. In the third part, Thiruvalluvar plays the role of creative artist. But in the first two parts, we find Thiruvalluvar as a moral philosopher and political scientist. Only in the third part, Thiruvalluvar portrays the fascinating aspects of lovers, the Akam tradition which he has inherited from his ancestors.
No significant tribute is needed for the supremacy of its subject matter, than the fact that it has been translated into a number of languages of the World. Perhaps, it can be claimed that there is no other work of non-religious nature, which stand in comparison to Thirukkural. In the range of subject-matter and brevity of the couplets, Thirukkural excels the other didactic literature of the World.
As a great thinker, St. Thiruvalluvar, actually transgreeses the frontiers of language and creed. His scripture of Universalism has induced to recognise him as one of the greatest philosophers, to be placed in the midst of Socrates, Kant and Confucius, the illustrious moral philosophers of the mankind.
In the sphere of Political Science and Public administration, Thiruvalluvar seems supreme in his treatment and humanistic approach than Aristotle, Kantilya, Machiavell and Harold Laski.
When we take into consideration, the third part of Thirukkural, no other poet can be placed by the side of Thiruvalluvar, except the mysterious Roman poet, Ovid 43 BC - 18 AD., who immortalised the agony and anguish and the ecstasy and exhilaration of the loving-hearts in his famous Ars Amorous.
Thiruvalluvar is acclaimed as a poet without any comparable bard not only in the Tamilnadu but also in the World. Many illustrious minds have shed their powerful radiant light on this gem of Tamilnadu. Listed below are a few of such tributes to Thiruvalluvar by eminent scholars of the World.
The author of the KURAL was a kindly, libel-minded man and his poetry
is a kind of synthesis of the best moral teachings of his age.
- Fr. Emmons E. White
Thiruvalluvar a weaver, wrote in the most difficult of Tamil makers
a religious and philosophical work - the KURAL - expounding moral and
political ideals.
- Dr. Will Durant
It is refreshing to think that a nation which produced so great a man
(Thiruvalluvar) and so unique a work (KURAL) cannot be a hopeless,
despicable race. The morality he preached could not have grown except
on an essentially moral soil.
- Rev. Dr. J. Lazarus
He (Thiruvalluvar) throws the purity of Bunyan's English completely
into the shade. No known Tamil work can even approach the purity of
KURAL. It is a standing rebuke to the modern Tamil. Thiruvalluvar has
clearly proved the richness, melody and power of his mother tongue.
- Rev. J. Lazarus
The poet (Thiruvalluvar) in fact, stands above all races, caste and
sects inculcating a general human morality and worldly wisdom. Not
only the ethical content of the book but skill with which the author
gives his aphorisms, a poetical setting in a difficult metre have
evoked admiration.
- Dr. A. A. Macdonell
Thiruvalluvar has become a tradition by himself and various anecdotes
and folk-stories have gathered around his name. His wife's name is given
as VACUKI and she is described as a embodiment of chastity.
- Dr T.P.Meenakshisundaram
Great thinkers belong to the World. Thiruvalluvar belongs not only to
Tamilnadu but also to the Whole of India, nay (no) to the whole world.
He wrote for the benefit of the whole mankind.
- Sri. SaneGuruji
"Tamil Nadu gave unto the
World Valluvar
And won thereby great reknown."
- Mahakavi Subramania Bharathi
Thiruvalluvar was a Tamil Saint and Weaver by tradition. He is said
to have lived in the first century B.C. He gave us the famous Thirukkural,
holy maxims described by Tamilians as the Tamil Veda and by M. Ariel as
one of the highest and purest expressions of human thought. The maxims
number 1330. These have been translated into many languages. There are
several English translations.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Thiruvalluvar was one of the greatest product of Indian culture. The
saint's dealism, his philosophy, humane practical sense and universal
ethical code had mingled into main stream of Indian culture, and had
become part of the common culture heritage and philosophers if India.
- Zahir Hussain
The real greatness of Thirukkural is its survival, even after the
onslaughts of many heterogenous creeds. In the last two thousand years,
it never failed to attract any scholar or lover of wisdom. Everyone of them,
never failed to treat Thirukkural as a finest composition. The following
are few of such scintillating tributes to Thirukkural by the world scholars.
No translation can convey an idea of its (Thirukkural's) charming effect.
It is truly an apple of gold in the network of silver.
- Dr. Graul
Thirukkural is the well known literary composition in the Sankam classics.
This work proclaims the basic principles for the moral and material life
of the people. The aphorisms about 'loving-kindness' reveal the humane
approach of the poet to the problems of life.
The lofty ideals that are enshrined in thus didactic work transcends the
barriers of race, creed, place and time. Besides, this universal and
cosmopolitan outlook, Thirukkural shines supreme in its poetic excellences.
- Dr. Wilfried Noelle
The KURAL, on the other hand all the time stays at the level of general
principles, i.e., what may be called a mandatory ethics.
- Dr E. H. Hopkins
Nothing in the whole compass of human language, can equal the force and
terseness of the distiches in which the author of KURAL conveys the
lessons of wisdom.
- Rev. P. Percival
KURAL has entered into the very soul of a whole people. It proclaims
sweetest mystic couplets on virtue, truth, wealth and joy. Valluvar is
seer of spotless souls.
KURAL means 'anything short', and is properly the name of the couplet,
as being the shortest species of stanza in the Tamil language.
Thiruvalluvar's poem is thus by no means a long one; though in value
it far outweighs the whole of the remaining Tamil literature, and
is one of the select number of great work which have entered into the
very soul of a whole people, and which can never die.
- Dr G. U. Pope
In its own land, the KURAL owes its popularity as much to the beauty of
its versification as to its morality, but it is in its breadth of view
and its speaking that to the heart of men, must make it a favourite work
with the world at large.
- Dr R. C. Temple
The teaching of Thiruvalluvar is however, purely eclectic and inculcates
such principles as are common to all systems of morality.
- Dr. R. W. Frazer
It is a text-book of indispensable authority on moral life. The maxim's
of VALLUVAR has touched my soul.
-Mahathma Gandhi
Thirukkural is a treatise par excellence on the art of living. Thiruvalluvar,
the author, diagnoses the intricacies of human nature with such
penetrating insight, perfect mastery and consummate skill absorbing
the most subtule concepts of love and modern psychology, that one is left
wondering at his sweep and depth.
- Dr. K. M. Munshi
They (KURAL couplets) are not limited to the people of any one nation,
or of any one language or of any one period but they will remain alive
and fresh as long as the human race survives.
- Dr. Ramanial C. Shah
Thirukkural was a treasure house of worldly knowledge, ethical guidance
and spiritual wisdom. In the majority of its 1330 couplets even where
the theme was common place the treatment was artistic and they play of
sentiment, image and sound had a perennial interest.
- Dr. Zakir Hussain
Thirukkural, the Tamil classic is universal in its outlook, which has
no barriers of caste, creed, language and country. Hence, it has been
acclaimed as the VEDA of mankind.
- Mr N.M.R.Subbaraman
In Thirukkural, one can find a kaleidoscopic wisdom that will inspire
the people to lead a simple life with high thinking.
- Dr. Avvai D. Natarajan
The KURAL's sentences are as binding as the TEN commandments on the jews.
KURAL is as important and influential on the Tamil mind as Dante's great
work on the language and thought of Italy.
- Mr Charles E. Gover
The short distiches which the learned poet Valluvar has composed in order
that we may know the ancient right way, are sweet to the mind to meditate
on; sweet to the ear to hear; and sweet to the mouth to repeat; and they
moreover form a sovereign medicine to promote good and prevent evil actions.
- Cavuniyanar
The KURAL contains much in a little compass. Such is the ingenuity of its
author, that he has compressed within its narrow limits all the branches
of knowledge, as if he had hollowed an atom, and enclosed all the waters
of the seven seas in it.
- Ouvvay
What is the use of great length, when the short work of Valluvar alone is
enough to edify the world? It contains all things, and there is nothing
which it does not contain.
- Madurai-Tamil-Naganar
Tamil Wisdom: Edward Jewitt Robinson
The masterpiece of Tamil literature - one of the highest and purest
expressions of human thought. That which above all is wonderful in the
Kural is the fact that its author addresses himself, without regard to
castes, peoples or beliefs, to the whole community of mankind; the fact
that he formulates sovereign morality and absolute reason; that he
proclaims in their very essence, in their eternal abstractedness, Virtue
and truth; that he presents, as it were, in one group the highest laws of
domestic and social life; that he is equally perfect in thought, in
language and in poetry, in the austere metaphysical contemplation of the
great mysteries of the Divine Nature, as in the easy and graceful
analysis of the tenderest emotions of the heart.
Thiruvalluvar's scripture of universalism has made him as one of the great philosophers, to be placed in the midst of Socrates, Kant and Confucius, the illustrious moral teachers of the mankind. Given below are a few of the common saying from Thirukkural and by Confucius.
Those who are destitute of love appropriate all they have to themselves;
but those who posses love consider even their bones to belong others.
-Kural 73
It is to love all men.
-Confucius BK 12 Chapter 22
Let not a man consent to do things to another which, he knows, will
cause sorrow.
-Kural 316
What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.
-Confucius BK 15 Chapter 23
Let (a man) observe and do these things which have been praised (by the wise);
if he neglects and fails to perform them, for him there will be no
(happiness) throughout the seven births.
-Kural 538
Immediately carry into practice what you learn to be good.
-Confucius BK 11 Chapter 21
Whatever besides you leave unguarded, guard your tongue; otherwise errors
of speech and the consequent misery will ensue.
-Kural 127
What is the good of being ready with tongue?. They who encounter men
with smartness of speech for the most part procure themselves hatred.
-Confucius BK 5 Chapter 4
Let not a man do those things that good men condemn, even to save
the mother who bore him from starvation.
-Kural 656
The superior man does not, even for the space of a single meal, act
contrary to virtue.
-Confucius BK 4 Chapter 5
The great will do those things which is difficult to be done; but the
mean cannot do them.
-Kural 26
The base resemble the Gods; for the base act as they like.
-Kural 1073
The superior man cannot be known in little matters; but he may be
entrusted with great concerns. The small man may not be entrusted
with great concerns; but he may be known in small matters.
-Confucius BK 15 Chapter 33
A man's deeds are the touchstone of his greatness and littleness.
-Kural 505
See what a man does. Mark his motives. Examine in what things he rests.
How can a man conceal his character?
-Confucius BK 2 Chapter 10