
Welcome with greetings

Thiruvalluvar, the poet and philosopher of Tamilnadu - India is the everest of Tamil wisdom. Thirukkural, the masterpiece of Thiruvalluvar, which in a mini-work in size, contains 133 chapters on different aspects of life, and each chapter consists of ten couplets. So Thirukkural contains 1330 couplets. Each couplet is called Kural-Venba (KURAL), which is one of the basic metres of Tamil prosody.

I had a great opportunity to put these 1330 couplets in a Dos based Database program named as KURALBASE which is published by the Indian Computer Committee, Singapore in January 4, 1992. This would not be possible for me without help of my colleague and co-author Mr K.Ganapathi and the Indian Computer Committee of Singapore. I am very thankful to those who are involved in this achievement.
We have used English translated couplets from the book,
TIRUKKURAL with translations in English by Rev Dr G U Pope, Rev W H Drew, Rev John Lazarus and Mr F W Ellis Published by The South India Saiva Siddhantha Works Publishing Society, Tinnevelly, Limited. India (1982). We thank them for their kind permission to use.

Now I am trying to put the contents of the KURALBASE software in Webpages with additional information to make our works to reach every corner of this world by the Internet.
I made this effort to tribute my colleague and Co-author Mr K.Ganapathi, Singapore.


Introduction Thirukkural

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