Welcome to Kuroneko's Homepage

Since January, 2000

(last update: 15/Feb/00)

This page is designed to use for my personal use and is not currently intended to open to the public, but just to my friends.
As you may soon notice, this page is dedicated partly to TESL/TEFL and partly to beloved cats :-)
Please try to refresh this page (by clicking the tool bottun of your browser above) and see how many sayings about cats you will get!! (it will be altered everytime you refresh this page)
I will recommend you to use Internet Explorer, instead of Netscape, when you visit this page.


Cats' Pics For background pictures of your PC
French Dinner Photos Digital Photo Collection1
Indian Dinner Photos Digital Photo Collection2
MAELT Party Photos Digital Photo Collection3
Useful Links For personal use, but help yourself
Message Board Please write something when you visit

Copyright (C) 2000 by Naoyuki Naganuma


No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted
by any means without permission

Internet Explorer 3.0 or later is recommended