I was in Primary Two when I started going to Sunday School for my First Holy Communion. I didn't listen what the teacher taught so I was behind the class. One day when my mother came to fetch me from Sunday School, my teacher told my mother that I might not receive my First Holy Communion that year because I wasn't listening in class. At that time it was two weeks before my Holy Communion exam. Not giving up on me, my mother taught me to memorise the Hail Mary,Our Father,The Glory Be and other prayers which were included in the exam. She also prayed to God to help me to pass my exam. I took the exam and after that when the results were out I passed with flying colours.
I really thank God for helping me and guiding me throughout the time I was studying. Because of Him I received my First Holy Communion at a young age.
by Felicia Chang Chai Len (Form 4) 31 March 1998

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