

PrAyIng !~!~!~!~~

A priest and a bus driver arrived at the gate of heaven one day. St. Peter was at the door. He gave orders to the angels to escort the bus driver in a very honourable way. The priest was surprised. He was expecting a red carpet welcome. But, without showing the surprise he politely asked St. Peter why the driver was escorted and he was not. Then St. Peter said," Well when he starts driving people start praying, whereas when you start preaching people start sleeping."
(This is a recollection of a joke on prayer. Since it is the season of Lent we are supposed to pray more than ever. Besides, we have many reasons to pray: The haze, no rain, shortage of water and the economy crisis in our country.)

by Venecia A Bachee (Form 1) 20 March 1998

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