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Photos By Jonathan Kostecky.
These pictures were take in the spring of 1996.
Closer view of the traffic circle - note the
The power lines to the
tower which were supposedly cut by Preston Nichols.
Pulse amplitron on the 3rd floor of the
radar tower.
Pedistal of the radar tower - while
undeciferable in this photo, the word "Philadelphia" is
stamped on a plaque on the pedistal.
The front of the radar dish, seen from the
roof of the tower.
Discarded emitter which lays at the foot of
the tower.
Over view of the housing complex, in the
distance is the traffic circle. The pale building in the
foreground is the Acid House.
In this photo the second "sealed"
bunker can be seen.
The cluster of the base - right to left,
computer control center, pink building, office building,
powerhouse and radar building.
Taken from the 5th floor of the tower, the
lighthouse can just be made out in the distance.
The paisley room of the Acid House.
The black & white room in theAcid House.