Tim Touchette - 12/22/00 08:35:20
My Email:TTWolf99@aol.com
How did you find us: I'm a telepath.
I can only tell you that I see and feel things you can't. This site looks like a dream I keep haveing don't laph.
John P. Merrick - 11/20/00 01:10:30
My Email:J6327@aol.com
How did you find us: search link
My 2 sons and I visited Montauk 11/18/00.We didnt see many of the buildings,as they have been torn down.Alot of the base seems to be torn down,but we had fun anyway.My son Danny saw something on the net about the Montauk Project,so we took the 2 hour ride
I dont know if it is real or not.But the mystery of it all is intreging.
Rory - 10/27/00 00:38:19
My Email:RoxyNY21@aol.com
How did you find us: searching
I've been to the montauk project a couple of times but after wandering throughout the buildings and radar tower i was still curious about how to get into the underground tunnels..any idea?
- 09/06/00 01:52:20
You are on our List - 08/24/00 02:41:29
My Email:blue_seven@nsa.gov
Your names have been placed onto Blue Seven. This is not an honor. Repeated disclosure will result in more serious action.
You are completely bagged, bugged, and tagged. Resistence is futile.
DG - 08/19/00 17:05:11
My Email:kerpal@sub-mail.com
How did you find us: metacrawler
who's the chick in pic#13, and why are the sidepanels in pics 10 and 11 different? (check the bottom right corner). email me, it's anonymous (like it really matters). :\
John Kostecky - 07/28/00 13:33:51
My Email:jkostecky@cp-m.com
There's an article about Camp Hero in the 07/28/00 New York Times, page B5. I'll try to send you a copy.
Robert Ward - 07/09/00 22:30:33
My Email:robertward@thegrid.net
How did you find us: Alt.Binaries.Aliens..sort of stumbled in on you
Thanks for providing some of the most stimulating reading I've had in years......Many beliefs have been confirmed....Your site is most instructive.
stephen c sheaffer - 07/02/00 07:06:23
My Email:scspbgfl@bellsouth.net
Jared - 07/01/00 18:37:21
My Email:creep6996@aol.com
How did you find us: Luck
Thanks for all the information, please contact me and tell me where I can find more information on the Phyladelphia experiment. I'v heard plenty of rumors, including one that had said Albert Einstein was one of the witnesses of the ships dissapearance.
- 06/04/00 03:42:45
steve mazza - 06/01/00 16:46:49
My Email:mazza74@aol.com
How did you find us: search engines
Thanks for providing this site
Al - 05/24/00 02:06:28
My Email:Allan@journalist.com
How did you find us: Searched Montauk
I'm writing a story about time travel and I came upon this entire Saga. I'm very interested any more information would be great. Email it to me and I'll reference your webpage.
Thanks ~al
bailey - 04/23/00 19:30:00
My Email:shupaw@gci.net
How did you find us: surfing
have preston's tape on phili experiment
stargayzer - 04/08/00 05:41:11
My Email:stargayzer@bigfoot.com
How did you find us: made a search for montauk air force base
a highly informative site...is there anything going on that base today in secret ? underground ?
also wasen't there a statement concerning a passage to the lighthouse from there ?the chemicals that were stored there are they radio active?is there anything else on that land still being used by some other government agency ?wasn't there a air sea rescu
radar system there ? i drove through there in about 1977 and drove up to a large 100 foot metal cross air sea radar tower which would turn at its base and would turn 90degrees left then back to center position then to right 90 degrees ... know anything a
out it ?also is there any other military sites on long island that could stir my continued interest???
was that radio station a broadcast radio station or a 2way shack? whats an amplitron?please right back scott
yuan - 03/28/00 13:16:22
My Email:A6035TA@usa.net
How did you find us: MysticalUniverse
Why you don't reports or discover the story about UFOS in Indonesia ? It was a lot of stories. Thank's
- 03/18/00 18:33:23
Rechtel - 02/20/00 16:55:22
My Email:@netscape.net
How did you find us: Montauk
Nice job.
- 02/16/00 01:46:39
Paul Vincent Zecchino - 01/27/00 01:18:17
My Email:milspec390@aol.com
How did you find us: RADOMES Website
Great reading. Love the photos. Have visited the site several times, returning with videos photos,
many good memories. Have a Photo shot in color in
January of 1992, silhouette effeft, of the '35 reflector and tower, the barren tree, and the little white cape house in foreground. The enlargement adorns my living room wall here in Englewood, Florida. Photos of The whole site in the sixties and a shot o
the '35 at Benton, PA
flank this most tasteful and non-yuppie-like wall
grouping. No Commies e'r sup at my table!
Do not believe the scurrilous rumours to the
effect that the "acid room" is merely typical late
sixties/ early seventies mondo-trasho kitsch decoration motif. No, these tales and prevarications obviously are the cover conjured up by the CIA, SPECTRE, or The Secret Armenian Army to obfuscate the strange and terible truths of time travel research run
mok. Will contact you upon my return from LIMA SITE - 85, I have not
enjoyed propinquity with an Amplitron since 1887.
Heaven willing, we will prevail, in true health, peace, freedom from fear through the purity of essence of our natural fluid. Bless you all.
(And then he hung up. We're still trying to figure out the meaning of that last part, Mr. President.)
scott - 01/20/00 03:42:21
My Email:pegasus623@yahoo.com
How did you find us: search engine
cool pagee sean!!!!!!!!
MARK ANTOLLI - 01/19/00 02:33:38
My Email:psrfc25@hotmail.com
How did you find us: Magic
How did you get those photos?!?
kathleen stewart - 01/06/00 13:10:21
My Email:Kitty_11952@yahoo.com
I have been there and totally believe it all.
Peggy Colantuono - 12/18/99 05:46:10
My Email:Azlynn@aol.com
How did you find us: Montauk project Key word
I am very familiar with this subject. I know more then most people. I have also visited Camp Hero multiple times and even spoke with Preston. I would like to see what you know and even exchange notes. Thank you for your time. Sincerly Peggy
KEITH - 12/16/99 03:26:04
How did you find us: SURFING
shawn - 12/15/99 03:01:06
My Email:shawnaka43@yahoo.com
How did you find us: surfing
I search the web alot for articles about government cover-ups etc. I enjoyed your site....thanks, shawn
Ed - 11/26/99 01:14:29
My Email:sped96@msn.com
How did you find us: friend
Any coincindence that there are several unexplained air crashes near this site? Could it be HAARM?
Adam - 11/08/99 15:59:06
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ny2/adamscoolpage/index.html
My Email:guettobooti@yahoo.com
How did you find us: A friend go's there, told me about
U guys rule... me and my entire computer class think you all rule... we all want to go there and find out some more... i know i am next week... and i cant wait, i dont really care if i get charged with trespassing, im only 15, ha... anyway. i love the sit
... ill be coming back soon, and again... later
Anthony Guido - 11/06/99 02:03:48
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:immortality10528
How did you find us: jus' browsin' brother
you guys are crazy,funky fly!!!
geo - 10/28/99 17:16:46
My Email:computerssuk@yahoo.com
How did you find us: friend
i don't know what to think. There are too many grey areas to actually be coninced of the speculation.Much more needed info is necessary. ex- stries from the people involved(time travel)
skeets - 10/19/99 19:25:23
My Email:dforrester@hotmail.com
Your nuts. Camp Hero was a coastal defense installation. Nothing more. Try using your imagination for something usefull.
Walter - 10/15/99 04:43:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/themontaukproject
How did you find us: miningco.com
I just went there... its wicked cool..
very eerie place, going back soon! :)
Lord Omar - 10/09/99 14:59:25
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/LordSOTAOmar/index.htm
My Email:Lord-Omar@gmx.net
How did you find us: Illuminati News
this site is very interesting! look to my page... maybee you can find interestimg things!
cya LO
PAT PHIPPS - 08/25/99 08:07:38
My Email:pphipps@easy-pages.com
How did you find us: surfed-in
love your stuff. How is Preston doing in underground PA? Are any pictures available of his facility? Pat
sazooki - 08/21/99 04:27:57
the best pics yet
needs more info
Jarett Barber - 08/10/99 19:33:00
My Email:Pchiovaro@worldnet.att.net
How did you find us: Passed camp hero while going surfing and stopped to look around and wanted to find out more information about it.
Is there really wierd animals and living creatures that live there due to the nuclear hazerdious area and the leaking chemicals?
Please email me as soon as possible with the info. thank you.
Raz - 08/09/99 00:03:40
My URL:http://free.prohosting.com/~time0/
My Email:montaukproject@email.com
How did you find us: www.montaukproject.com
Nice website, good articles, and great photos of camp hero. If anything strange happens at the base
let me know.
daniel brown - 08/06/99 02:39:47
How did you find us: yahoo search
Kevin - 07/30/99 13:16:44
My Email:Tobay@aol.com
How did you find us: family member told me
This is great. I have been going to Montauk since I was a kid, and even today, there is something eerie about the radar base. Now will someone please tell me what those tall telephone like poles are for off of East Lake Dr. Camp Hero was mentioned recentl
in the local paper, NY State wants to convert it to parkland within the next few years.
tom modern - 07/29/99 18:14:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/tmodern
My Email:tommodern@hotmail.com
How did you find us: www.m.p.com
cool site, hope I learn more.
Peg Snowden - 07/14/99 22:57:13
My Email:pegsnow@gateway.net
How did you find us: Jon ; - )
Jon, Hooray - I was able to access the site today. I don't know why I haven't been able to get in lately. Bye for now. Peg
Peg Snowden - 07/14/99 22:56:20
My Email:pegsnow@gateway.net
How did you find us: Jon ; - )
lincoln fong - 06/05/99 03:11:11
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/singfrom49/
My Email:lincolnthinking@yahoo.com
How did you find us: e-mail connection
certainly a lot of speculation and susupicion; but where are the living witnesses to this Montauk site? and, shouldn't there be some incidental documents from these projects? so, why aren't these published alongside or linked with this introduction to M
ntauk? I remain sceptical. It is, of course, easy to see familiar Star Trek episodes that correlate; such as the character, Wesley, and the Time Traveller. /s/ Lincoln.
Maxi Cass - 05/27/99 01:16:53
Mark Chambers - 05/12/99 01:05:07
My Email:rimmer007@hotmail.com
How did you find us: Lookin for pics
The pics are sweeeeeet! Keep 'em comin.
Valentine - 05/05/99 20:19:38
My URL:/Area51/Quadrant/4185/index.html
My Email:qntmslpstr@aol.com
How did you find us: Search Engine
Excellent work. Thanks for all the great pics. I'll be posting pics that I have been taking personally on my recent visits to Camp Hero to my website in the near future along with a report on my own findings.
Mark - 04/29/99 15:54:53
How did you find us: surfing
Great site! But you need more pictures