The Toronto Society of the
Archaeological Institute of America

Established in 1908

The Toronto Society is one of the oldest of over one hundred
local AIA Societies throughout North America. Local Societies
provide a vehicle for people interested in archaeology to
meet one another, to learn about new discoveries, and to
hear from scholars about their current research.

2008-2009 Lecture Schedule
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For membership information, go to the AIA webpage and click on membership

Archaeological Institute of America
Located at Boston University
656 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02215-2010
Telephone (617) 353-9361   Fax (617) 353-6550

The AIA has local societies all across North America.

The Toronto Society of the Archaeological Institute of America:
2008-2009 Lecture Series

Download as PDF

All regular lectures begin at 5:15 pm. (N.B. Nov 29, 2008)
Please note the location of each individual lecture below.
For a map of the University of Toronto and surrounding area; see U of T map

Admission to the lectures is free and non-members are most welcome.

September 24, 2008
Emmanuel College
Chapel, Room 319
75 Queen's Park Crescent
Edward Swenson
University of Toronto

Militarism, Sacrifice and Ritual Politics
in Moche Peru
October 22, 2008
Emmanuel College
Chapel, Room 319
75 Queen's Park Crescent
Dimitri Nakassis
University of Toronto

Paupers and Peasants and Princes and Kings:
Reconstructing Society in Late Bronze
Age Greece
November 29, 2008
6:30 pm
Royal Ontario Museum
C. Brian Rose
University of Pennsylvania

Graeco-Roman Troy
The Centenary Lecture of the Toronto Society of the AIA
January 21, 2009
Victoria College
Chapel, Room 213
73 Queen's Park Crescent
Carl Knappett
University of Toronto

Palaikastro: Minoan Town without a Palace?
February 25, 2009
Victoria College
Chapel, Room 213
73 Queen's Park Crescent
Sharon Herbert
University of Michigan

In Search of the Last of the Phoenicians
March 25, 2009
Victoria College
Chapel, Room 213
73 Queen's Park Crescent
Lothar von Falkenhausen
University of California, Los Angeles

The Current State of Chinese Archaeology
*To be followed by our annual AIA Members' Banquet

A post-lecture reception will be held for members only at
the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen's Park Crescent.

The Toronto Society of the Archaeological Institute of America gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of Victoria University.

We are grateful too for much-needed, tax-deductible support from the following:

PATRON (Gifts of $300 and over)
Patrons are invited to a post-lecture dinner with an AIA speaker of their choice.

Ed and Jocelyn Badovinac, Ian Begg, Jane Bracken, Eleanor Brown, Roger McCleary, Joseph and Maria Shaw.

DONOR (Gifts from $100 to $299)
W. Brian Carter, Douglas Fletcher, Garry Levman, Sherry MacEachern,
Wallace and Elizabeth McLeod, Peter Ross, Catherine Ukas

FRIENDS (Gifts up to $99)
Rosalind Bradford, Joyce Feinberg, Melissa Gold, Alan Middleton, Jacke Philips, Judith Humphries Pullar,
Peter Richardson, Margaret Tushingham, Fred Winter, Joan Winter

Last updated September 12, 2008.
Page maintained by Teresa Hancock
Original page created by Marissa R. Schlesinger