Welcome to the Land of Sketch!

This is the land of Sketch. I shall be your host Mr. Sketch.

The Land of Sketch is a world full of information; Information about lots of types of Computer Programming. There are many good resources out on the internet for computer programming, but I've also noticed that they are few and far between, so I will be attempting to consolidate all the information I know onto this page in a meaningful and usable format. If there is another good reference that I know of on the 'net, I'll be sure to mention it. Those 'good' references will be at the bottom of the respective pages, the Links section will just be other places that are good/entertaining places to visit.

So, with no further comments, I will present you with your options as you enter The Land of Sketch:

To Mayan Jade's page

Questions? Comments? E-mail me: JeffSketch@hotmail.com

This page is Lynx friendly! (Well, it tries to be :) )

If you're curious about what type of person would create a webpage like this, you can click here for a little more info about me.