The Obsidian Mirror
Obsidian is hard, black volcanic glass that is a favorite for flint knapping. The edges of a chipped piece of obsidian are sharper and cut cleaner than steel blades used today in surgery. Obsidian was also used for mirrors by polishing the surface. The reflection is strange and gives an entirely different reflection than the one we are used to seeing in the mirror today. I have only ever seen them in pictures and in museums, such as the massive American museum of natural history in New York City where the mirror is hanging on a wall reflecting the image of a sacrifical knife. It is an interesting site to see.
That said, i shall now move on to other matters that interest me: films and television. I love the movies and being surrounded by my film major friends doesn't hurt either. For the most part i don't watch much television, what can i say my favorite channels are probably the Learning Channel and A&E, but i do have those few shows i hate to miss. One is X-files. I love it, it's X-files, enough said. One of my other favorite shows is Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and i must admit i have as of yet to see the movie, but i just can't imagine a Buffy that isn't SMG) For those Buffy fans who were not in New York the week of May 18th, they may not have heard that Angel was signing autographs at the WB store on 5th avenue and 57th for an entire hour. I am not an Angel fan, i got sick and tired of him drooling all over Buffy. Still, i decided his autograph wouldmake a great present for a dear family member of mine who thinks Angel is the greatest guy. Anyways, i enjoyed my day in NYC, going to a Broadway show and
after the show i went to the fated WB store. I had thought "how many people can there be? I mean, who really wants to autograph of some guy who almost no one knows and they can't even pronounce his last name?" The answer: a few thousand people. I had clearly mistaken his popularity (and so had the WB store from the looks of things). A massive mob of people lined the block, there was no more sidewalk on 57th street, there was a sea of people. I was standing in "line" with this mob of people, at least until the pushing began. Then i left. I stood across the street and watched the NYPD cars sped down the street (well, as fast as you can speed in NYC, about a whole 30 mph) and watched as some guy with a walkie talkie attempted to organize people who were madly trying to shove in the door. I never did see the outcome, but i will scan in a picture of the people mobbing to see David (who was safely up on the 5th floor). I did not get his autograph, but i did meet people who did and they said he is just as good looking in person and a very nice guy (which my family member was happy to hear). Sadly, the WB store, for all their nine stories i think it is, sells no Buffy stuff. Not so much as a t-shirt, that is unless you got to the infamous fifth floor with Angel, then you could buy a t-shirt. Go figure.
Any questions on archaeology and Buffy? Email me
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