Welcome to the land of Mayan_Jade

This page will be under eternal excavation, but here you can find info on many of my favorite things!
Travel this way to journey to the land of Sketch and learn about the world of computers
This page is mainly focused on archaeology of the Americas, so just look around and enjoy. :)
Choose an area to explore:
The Library Past writing systems, archaeology terminology
The Temple Ancient religion in the Americas
The Ballcourt Overview of Central and South American civilizations
The Gallery The Old World and the New, the art of Vermeer and of the Americas
The Far Lands
Ancient North Americans
The Obsidian Mirror Archaeology and television

Feel free to e-mail me

Recommended linking pages:
The "Buffy"verse fun homepage dedicated to the series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Jon's Homepage Funny homepage of a true Star Wars fan complete with original rendition of the Emperor's Throne room scene from ROTJ
Jeff's Homepage Can only be viewed by using Lynx, the text based browser. Download lynx
Tolkien's Tower Beautiful page dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien and his work
Paintings of Vermeer

Sailor Moon Links:

Focus: Yuuichirou & Rei(Yuuichirou=Chad in the NA version)
The Rabbit Scribe Mayan writing
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