Name: Donna Burcher – 03/16/05
Email: – dburcher at
Hello Jacky:
Just ran into your book of Tandem tour of Northern CA on the web. Delightful! Jeff & I still run the B&B in Dorris. He retired last year and we have expanded with a restaurant Hospitality Dinner House & Pub - a fine dining establishment.
Name: Anja – 31.1.05
Email: – a_goeldi at
Liebschti Güess us Bärn, isch interessant das Bsuecher me über üsi Stadt wüsse als mir. Tolli Fotos!
Name: Elen Pirgov
Email: – dakin at
Great site!
Name: Aðva Tatil ve Turizm Rehberi
Email: – info at
Nice site, I have bookmarked your site yet and I will come back again! You have a greatest site!
Name: Sarah Harmon – 05/19/04
Email: – sharmon at
I enjoyed reading about your trip very much. I am considering making a similar trip and it’s good to read from someone who’s actually done it.
Name: Joel LaFrance – 4/9/04
Email: – joeljlafrance at
It was very enjoyable reading your story. last summer my younger brother and I departed Duluth Minnesota and biked around Lake Superior. This summer the plan is Lake Michigan. It was interesting reading your account of the route that we used.
Name: Lynda Desselle
Date: 9/22/03
Email: jewelwire at
Really enjoyed the account of your tandem trip. I live in Susanville and got a couple of ideas of local trips I might take.
Name: Robert
Date: August 21, 2003
Email: Robert.McGinness at
So many questions are possible, here are a couple:
1. How fast is too fast down hill?
2. What was the most water you carried and how did you do it (carry that much)?
3. What resources did you use to pick roads where autos and trucks won’t squish you?
Name: Deb Barnard
Date: 5-30-03
Email: woodsdryad at
Woohoo! I love you for having pictures of your bike trip to Northern California. I’m a procrastinating college student who is writing a geology paper on the Lava Beds National Park, and desperately needed more pictures than the ones on the NPS website.
Thank you so much for having the pics online – I’ll be sure to credit you for them in my bibliography & captions.
Name: Dan
Date: 1/3/03
Email: dn22 at
Nice page. We drove to Ravendale to attempt to reach Observation peak, but were unsuccessful due to the terrain and savage locals out there in the plains.
Name: crystal lawson
Date: Jan 1.2003
Email: crysragamuffin at
Hi Jacky, was looking up muralist ben barker and found your site. Ben Barker died unexpectedly of bone cancer. He was the drawing and painting teacher at Lassen Jr college for many years. His wife Leanna Lord Barker and I are very good friends. Ben did � Sorry, Yahoo GeoCities limits it to 255 characters :(
Name: regina
Date: 26 november
Email: regina2011@hotmail
I hope this site will be a very nice one and it must be full of interesting things which I would love.
Don Carrier � 04/30/02
Email � rdcars at
Enjoyed reading your journal of the trip!
Joseph Tame � 6th April 2002
Email � josephtame at
Loved the site, especially the tales of Grindelwald. I actually lived at Kleine Scheidegg, halfway between Grindelwald and the top of the Jungfrau for 2 years. Plenty more photos of that on my homepage! Happy travels!
Joseph Tame
Doris � Mar 30/02
Jacky, that was FANTASTIC! I would have been too chicken to ride by myself, out of sight of anyone. Was once enough?
Thought Dave had his own guest-book. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but wouldn't it be nice to do the tour in a car when you retire? Presuming riding once was enough.
Scott J. & Jinann K. Cobia � February 9th, 2002
Email � decorbierre at
Absolutely beautiful, I could almost smell the rain and the trees. Someday, soon I hope, I want to live in the Northern California area.
Linda � Aug 29, 2001
Email � bigfattubocat at
Hello - read the whole diary of your trip, just happened to cover almost the exact same route last week ( car...Had been looking for references to Burney, CA.)
I really enjoyed your story immensely, and I'll come back to read about another trip I found among your links. Wish MY husband was a lot more outdoorsy - I'd love to do some bike touring like that!
Thank you for the fun read - Linda
Paul Stutrud � 14 August 2001
Email � copprfst at
What caught my eye was your mention of Ravendale. I own 40 acres just outside of Ravendale and know the area all the way over to Alturas, Eagleville, Surprise Valley, etc. Love that country! I live in Rohnert Park but my heart is up there.
Tom Gray - 06/10/00 16:14:51
Email: tom_gray_grc at
I think that we worked together at BNR in the 70s at the Central and Meriline Court labs. I read your account of the cross country bicycle trip with great interest espescially your return to Ottawa. Your description of Kanata was particularly interesting. Back then (in 1989) there was still at least a little of a rural flavor to the area. Now it is one giant construction site with four lane roads sering high tech parks. I supppose that this is a little like California.
Louis Comtois - 05/07/00 03:26:23
Email: louiscomtois at
Well things have changed a lot since you�ve been here at the Ottawa Hostel. Lots of renovations have happened. It�s a changing place. Thanks for the stories and photos, you always learn stuff in your own back yard that you never knew about. Ciao.
Anon - 05/03/00 22:24:19
I just saw your site. I found it accidentally. Needless to say, I liked the accounts of your biking adventures.
Mark Tessmer - 03/15/00 17:05:20
Email: mltessmer at
I�m really enjoying your transcontinental tour writings. I take a bike trip every year (have been for the last 13 years) and have covered 9 states and part of Canada. My dream (since 1982) has been to bike accross America. I can relate to a lot of your
experiences (I�m up to Nebraska so far). It looks like you came through my home state (Minnesota), I look forward to what you have to say. Thank you both for sharing your experiences with us.
Margaret - 12/10/99 15:58:24
Email: rmhendrickson at
Very interesting tandem tour. We enjoy ours but aren�t as adventurous.
Bob Becker - 11/06/99 13:09:43
Email: bob at
Very well done.
My wife and I are going to do it in 2000.
All the way in Y2K!
kevin masland - 08/24/99 06:47:01
Email: kevtmas at
My stepson is beginning to plan a transcontinental bike trip and I am doing some route research for him. We would appreciate any route or other advice you might have.
Marc Grant - 05/25/99 06:08:48
Email: merko at
Great Trip!!!
Well written story.
Thank you for posting.
Fine - 03/31/99 12:01:41
Email: sophie.staats at
Eure Fotos finde ich toll. Ihr seht die Landschaft mit den Augen fuer interessante Details. Ich finde es auch toll, dass Ihr solche Radtouren gemacht und Tagebuch gefuehrt habt.
Friedrich - 03/31/99 11:49:47
Email: friedrich.staats at
Found the link to your page at the end of transcontinental bicycle tour today. If I relax for some minutes I join your adventure diaries – you know I like them. Fine is beside me and try to read it, too. Every time it is a pleasure.