-Poetry's Meaning-(Intro)

"Poetry's Meaning"

"The meaning of poetry,
of poetry is simple,
the verses can be free,
free, they don't have to rhyme,
It doesn't need a beat,
or have to be neat,
It's just words,
words that express a feeling,
whatever your feeling,
anything you can think of,
even words or thoughts,
that have nothing to do with the rest,
can be added in for no reason.
Why write poetry? Why not?
That's one question often sought.
Poetry is ment,
here's the answer,
poetry is ment to clear ones mind,
to let out all your emotions,
to help you heal yourself, to help you find,
find out what you really think,
poetry is just expressing,
how you truely, really feel,
without the sugar coated dressing."

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