Welcome to Daniel Carriger's guestbook.

paul cambigue - 07/06/00 10:25:30
My Email:donne113@juno.com
Is there anything I should change?: you will change yourself
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: no such thing as bad poetry
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: read more classic poets

you are young you write young read the masters they are your best teachers no school can teach feelings or desire keep your own but pick up new styles read john donne byron tennyson and of course shakespeare learn to flow and keep writting you are on the right track

NeoDinian - 06/11/00 03:27:12
My URL:http://geocities.com/neodinian/
My Email:neodinian@koral.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Without you
Which poem was your favorite?: Broken Trust
Is there anything I should change?: Some of the Animations distract you from the poetry.
Do you also write poetry?: Yes. God yes. :)
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Not all was my taste, But I did like a lot of them.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Write Long, Write Strong!

Great site. Like the stuff in "Without you" and "Pain"... :) Almost like my styles... Keep it up.

Corrie Stahl - 05/19/00 01:06:32
My Email:shestahln@yahoo.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: im not sure what page it was
Which poem was your favorite?: Remembrance
Is there anything I should change?: not at all
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, your words are so powerful and have so much meaning

you are a beautiful,beautiful writer. Your words are so powerful not just in "Remembrance" but in everything. Your words are so full of wisdom and strenghth, you are amazing.

Debbie Dodson - 04/26/00 13:28:54
My URL:/poemstolove/index.html
My Email:sierra91@earthlink.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: love and romance
Which poem was your favorite?: Will You Marry Me, of course! But now I can't decide!!
Is there anything I should change?: NO!!
Do you also write poetry?: yes!
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I love romance expressed from the deepest part of your soul, which is what you display
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I think I just did!

Hi again, Daniel..I am so glad you finished it and it is really good..Please keep writing and never let that pen run dry..Life wouldn't allow it to anyway..Best of everything to you now and always. P/S..did she say yes??

Debbie Dodson - 03/24/00 19:57:19
My URL:/poemstolove/index.html
My Email:sierra91@earthlink.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: love and romance
Which poem was your favorite?: your smile
Is there anything I should change?: finish will you marry me!!!
Do you also write poetry?: yes!
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes!

Daniel, I was so mistaken!! I've read so many of your poems and it was "Your Smile" that was my fave!! Please finish Marry Me!

Debbie Dodson - 03/24/00 19:54:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/poemstolove/index.html
My Email:sierra91@earthlink.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: the love poems{smile}
Which poem was your favorite?: Marry me
Is there anything I should change?: NO!!
Do you also write poetry?: YES!
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I love how you write with such feeling. I can't believe you are so young...
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I think you're great and should write more and more. You are gifted..

I enjoyed my visit and think you should update with lots and lots more of your deep insights.. Best of luck to you now and always..

Angela Felix - 01/08/00 09:47:22
My Email:oraminta@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: all of them
Which poem was your favorite?: all of them
Is there anything I should change?: i noticed a couple of mispellings
Do you also write poetry?: nope
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: i enjoyed it all
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: it was so wonderful to read

wow...what a great set of poems...i love to read poems since i cant write them myself...they say so much in only a little bit of words

Lorna Sisk - 12/26/99 22:16:42
My Email:praisegod@iol25.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: I liked them all !!!
Is there anything I should change?: Not a thing.
Do you also write poetry?: No
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes

Your poetry has so much feeling. It makes me feel the emotion of the poem. Excellent work !!! Keep it up. Good luck.

Dominique - 12/16/99 15:37:14
My Email:Chewie_c@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: The Aftermath
Which poem was your favorite?: In Sin
Is there anything I should change?: More hate & Love
Do you also write poetry?: No
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes it was fun
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: more hate and love

keep it up

Rich - 10/03/99 17:45:58
My URL:http:// na
My Email:beerpatrol_99@webtv.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: ALL
Do you also write poetry?: no
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes


penelope-rose - 09/23/99 06:23:24
My Email:spider@pnc.com.au
Which page of poems was your favorite?: darkness
Which poem was your favorite?: grief is homework
Is there anything I should change?: no you are who you are
Do you also write poetry?: yes some
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: hmmmm I dont know if enjoy is the right word or not i would use to discribe
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: yes loads I have so many questions maybe as many answers s I am curious by nature and I feel compelled to ask

to truly write about grief one has to experience grief and through tradgedy evolves one of 2 things either a survivor or a sufferer. One sees despair and heartbreaak and endurance and learns to use these tools to there advantage the other learns to use the same tools as a weapon or as an excuse to not have to deal with realitity.

Jo Nell - 09/05/99 06:15:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Cabin/7115
My Email:poetjo@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Enjoyed all that I read tonight.
Which poem was your favorite?: Haven't decided yet.
Is there anything I should change?: No
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Very enjoyable

Visit our web site sometime at Poetry and Words from the Heart.

ANDRIJANA - 08/04/99 12:17:51
Which page of poems was your favorite?: ALL OF THEM I LOVED
Which poem was your favorite?: "AT HOME"
Is there anything I should change?: NO IT WAS GREAT
Do you also write poetry?: YES
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I LOVE ALL THE POEMS ,EVERY POEM IS SPECIAL


ANDRIJANA - 08/04/99 12:16:31
Which page of poems was your favorite?: ALL OF THEM I LOVED
Which poem was your favorite?: "AT HOME"
Is there anything I should change?: NO IT WAS GREAT
Do you also write poetry?: YES
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I LOVE ALL THE POEMS ,EVERY POEM IS SPECIAL


Laurie - 07/13/99 01:16:55
My Email:kacey@ttlc.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Deman
Which poem was your favorite?: Deman/I No Longer cry.
Is there anything I should change?: NO
Do you also write poetry?: yes-i WOULD ALSO LOVE TO GET MIND PUBLISHED SOME DAY.
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes I did.Because I'm a surviver.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I Completly understand

The two poems, Deman & I no longer cry was WOW. You hit right at were I was as a child. Keep on writing. Sincerely Laurie,

Kellyn Maillard - 06/24/99 20:08:33
My Email:kmaillard@oceprinting.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: The darker side of life
Which poem was your favorite?: "the emptyness, the loneliness, the darkness"
Is there anything I should change?: not a thing
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: very much so... i love how you express yourself!
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I can't wait to go back and read some more of your work!


crow - 06/24/99 09:29:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/vt/terror
My Email:crows999@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: the dark one
Which poem was your favorite?: the Emptiness...
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes I did. I like to read dark poetry
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: umm.. well not really.. I might apply for any awards...

Hello. Your site is very good. It stirs up emotions. That is the purpose of poetry. Thank you.

Dante - 06/20/99 02:14:32
My URL:http://crystal.net
My Email:Andrew14@laneengineers.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: The short one
Which poem was your favorite?: See above
Is there anything I should change?: More short ones
Do you also write poetry?: Just short ones
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Too long
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: YOU NEED MORE SHORT POEMS!!!


Stacy Leverette - 06/02/99 03:02:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/8016/index.html
My Email:shine@tnweb.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: The pages with love poems
Which poem was your favorite?: ~Everything~
Is there anything I should change?: No way!
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes, I did enjoy it because it is all new and refreshing.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: It's all in the comments section...

First of all, I want to say that I hope your training went well. Second, I want to say that i am very pleased with your web page. I really enjoyed your poetry and I will return for future updates. I think you did a fabulous job on the design and layout of your pages, I liked the backgrounds and the colors you choose to go with them. I can tell that you put a lot of time and your heart into your writing and I feel like that is what it is all about. Keep up the great work!

wendy tabar - 05/14/99 15:47:38
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, your choice of words
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: you are extremley talented

Keep up the good work!!!

peggy - 05/12/99 16:00:58
My URL:http://www.ncci.net/kingp/heartof.htm
My Email:pm_kpoetess
Which page of poems was your favorite?: i like your war poems
Which poem was your favorite?: the war one that i read that was up with my of black and of white remember
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: o yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes love poetry and you are a fine fine poet
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: hello remember me

hello this is peggy remember me the one with the POW poem i think we were on a page together once so how have you been i have done alot of new things to my page http://www.ncci.net/kingp and check out my awards page and please take my mona lisa award for keeping the art alive with your poetry which takes a great deal of creativity too:) just copy and paste it to your awards page ok enjoy its a lovely award designed by linda if you like her work i have her addres ok anyway so good to hear from you by email if you send me mail email in the future do so by pm_kpoetess@hotmail.com my ncci server will not let me send email out ok oh and i have 2 poem that will be published in 2 river view soon june the 20th the summer issure so check it out i am happy so happy about this:)

Anna - 04/25/99 20:41:25
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Don't know
Which poem was your favorite?: "Remembering"
Is there anything I should change?: nope
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Most of it, ya
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: You have a gift!

I loved almost all of your poems! You could maybe try writing more up-beat poems too though. But other then that, you have an awsome page! Love the music! :)

- 04/25/99 20:23:33


Ginny - 04/24/99 22:00:34
My Email:kamikaze797@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: 12
Which poem was your favorite?: The Midnight Kiss
Is there anything I should change?: Nope not that I can see
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I did..I love poetry

I love your poems they express alot of stuff I cannot..and stuff that most people dont understand...There great..I love em all

'Salem - 04/16/99 01:56:03
My URL:http://disenchanted.cjb.net
My Email:disenchanted@postmark.net
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes

Hi! You are in one of my webrings, and I thought I'd surf through the ring and take a look at all the sites. I love your page! You've really done a lot with it since I last stopped by! I also have been busy with my site -- I've moved to a new domain a d have started an online fantasy webzine. If you would like to visit, please stop on by! And I'm always looking for new submissions for the 'zine! Carpe Diem!

Geoff - 03/30/99 00:54:38
My Email:rxwinder@teleport.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: War Poems
Is there anything I should change?: no
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, good real-life poetry

One of the best constructed websites I've ever seen. The music itself is fun to listen to.

Todd - 03/11/99 09:21:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/1074
My Email:todd_roland@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: that's unfair
Which poem was your favorite?: impossible to answer
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, because it represented "truth"

A great site. I will come back to read more.

chyanne - 03/06/99 22:50:29
My Email:chyanne19@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: all of them
Which poem was your favorite?: the emptiness, the loneliness, the darkness
Is there anything I should change?: nothing at all
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: i think that your highly talented and you should write a book.

well like i said i love all your poems this is my first time visiting this site you could say i just stumpled on it. your very good at writting i would like to know what inspired you to write demon, the emptiness, the loneliness, the darkness. well i hope to get an email from you

michelle - 02/25/99 05:52:56
Which page of poems was your favorite?: all of them
Which poem was your favorite?: all
Is there anything I should change?: not really
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes

I love your page!!!

TLynn - 02/23/99 12:46:43
My URL:http://www.wixnet.com/~tlynn
My Email:TLynn@wixnet.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Favorites
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I have to go back to read more of the poetry to make further remarks

I finally found a poetry trail and today I am surfing to find the ones to bookmark I will definately be back here for further reading but wanted to sign while I was surfing through. What I have seen so far I have enjoyed very much Thank you

Giovanni - 02/23/99 02:51:54
My Email:BRYANT911@aol.com
Do you also write poetry?: no
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: kind of
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: You should add more poems about what makes you happy and another one about what makes you sad.

Read the one in the section "Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!:".

Shonda Carter - 02/12/99 17:56:49
My Email:trugirl1@yahoo.com
Which poem was your favorite?: At Home
Is there anything I should change?: nothing it was great
Do you also write poetry?: yes,
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: your are really good


Shonda Carter - 02/12/99 17:42:50
My Email:trugirl1@yahoo.com
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: i love the words people use


The_Huzztler - 01/29/99 01:16:12
My URL:http://geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/6336


Kt - 12/01/98 01:46:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/MaskedMaidens/index.html
My Email:Masdmaidn@aol.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: too many to know
Which poem was your favorite?: oh geeze not a gain?!
Is there anything I should change?: NO
Do you also write poetry?: yea
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: very much
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: WOW

I have found your site tonight by accident, and am glad I did. I don't have time to read all of the work but have bookmarked it and will be back! The poetry that I did read was wonderful and I could relate to much of it. Keep up the excellent work!

Anna Marie - 11/22/98 17:48:30
My URL:http://www.amgelfire.com/ms/annaspoems/index.html
My Email:Sweetsujer@aol.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: " I Will Always Love You "
Which poem was your favorite?: " Everything"
Is there anything I should change?: Not that I see
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes...Love poems are my favorite
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Great Poetry....Great Sight

Hello, I just dropped by for a visit...as I am always looking for poetry to read and sights to see...I am glsd I found yours...I loved your poems and you sight is very impressive...Thank you...Best Wishes...Anna Marie @)}~~>~~>

Christi - 11/22/98 05:52:59
My URL:http://home.att.net/~joe.ah
My Email:christi@smartluck.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: I don't know. too many
Which poem was your favorite?: can't pick
Is there anything I should change?: spell check
Do you also write poetry?: yep
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yep. it's from the heart.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: aghhh! just had to get that out

nice page. Your poetry is great. I'll be back to finish reading 'em. Keep up the good work

Julie Fontenot - 11/15/98 04:45:44
My Email:xoxo_169@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Love
Which poem was your favorite?: THe Night Before Last & A Letter To You!
Is there anything I should change?: NO! It was so SWEET!
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes! I loved it! You weren't afraid to say how your heart felt, and what you felt for this person, and I wish I had a boyfriend that would express his feelings the way you do!!!!
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: You RULE!!!!!!!! :)

I think this is the BEST page yet! I am also into poetry, so I have looked at a lot of pages, but this is the first one, that made me feel the feelings you were about somebody! thanks! Much Love, Julie

Julie Fontenot - 11/15/98 04:44:00
My Email:xoxo_169@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Love
Which poem was your favorite?: THe Night Before Last & A Letter To You!
Is there anything I should change?: NO! It was so SWEET!
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes! I loved it! You weren't afraid to say how your heart felt, and what you felt for this person, and I wish I had a boyfriend that would express his feelings the way you do


chris judge - 09/28/98 00:03:00
My Email:judge_chris@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: I liked all of them
Which poem was your favorite?: the demon and the truth about life
Is there anything I should change?: nothing
Do you also write poetry?: sort of
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: YES!!! it made me cry
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: you are a very good poet and I am glad that you write such good poetry

AWSOME,AWSOME, page keep it up

~@~Sweet Release~@~ - 09/07/98 04:17:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/3381
My Email:cherrybird@cheerful.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: not sure which one it was
Which poem was your favorite?: That Smile
Is there anything I should change?: NO!! your doing a great job!!
Do you also write poetry?: Some say I do
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes, I enjoy the flow of emotions here.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: WOW!!!

Great job, keep it up & thanks for your contribution to the armed forces & the web. If you have time when you return home stopp by and see me.

Drop by and visit!

Dawn - 09/03/98 20:42:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/amsun/index.html
My Email:am_sun@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: The Night Before Last
Which poem was your favorite?: The Night....
Is there anything I should change?: nope
Do you also write poetry?: To let my feelings out, it let's my inner soul live (how mushy).
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I like your poems because I can feel your emotions in reading them.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!

You are very good. I got to your link from another persons page that had an option to view "ameture" poems. In fact, I believe your peotry is better than the person who listed you as the ameture. You are very good. It's nice to read poetry written by man. Thank you. Hey... smile... you did good!

tammy - 08/11/98 17:12:13
My URL:http://cits.jc.unitele.con.my/~p9710999
My Email:tammyrachel@mailcity.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: most of them!!
Which poem was your favorite?: all
Is there anything I should change?: nope
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: very much
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: when you love someone,you feel like reading these poems to him!!!

nice job.

kirk - 08/03/98 22:01:38
My Email:kirk127@juno.com
Which poem was your favorite?: like alot of them
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: wrote 1 short song at 18 got a contract for it from culombine records thought it mite be a poem at first being a short song
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: keep up the good work


april trowbridge - 07/17/98 23:15:33
My Email:albt77@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: stained glass
Which poem was your favorite?: Remembrance
Is there anything I should change?: title
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes

I think all of your your poems are insightful and heartfelt. They don't seem structured or thought out. I really enjoyed the site. Keep up the good work.

BatDragon - 07/15/98 16:28:01
My Email:batdragon@nym.alias.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: 2 and 8, but I confess, I didn't stop and read the others yet.
Which poem was your favorite?: The Night Before the Last and pretty much everything in section 8.
Is there anything I should change?: Are you unhappy with any of it?
Do you also write poetry?: Only when I have something to write about.
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Greatly. I tend to go for everything that seems to come straight from deep down. Everything of your's I saw seemed to do that. Heart on the page. Good stuff.


cathy - 07/11/98 22:29:04
My Email:cathyhyden@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: all
Which poem was your favorite?: the night before last
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes it all ment something true
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: you write poetry very well


Steven Carriger - 07/08/98 20:13:30
My Email:scarjo@cinenet.net
Do you also write poetry?: Not since I was your age.

Daniel, I am your 30something year old 2nd cousin. My mother moved back to Tulare a few years ago. I haven't seen you since you were about, hmm..., 10?? I live in SoCal with my wife and two small children, one child also nearby with his mother. I read a littl about you and it sounds as if you're doing well and have a good grasp of who you are. I'm at work right now and don't have time to read your poetry, but I'll try to read it at home sometime soon. I tried to contact your father about a year ago but didn t receive a reply. I think he may be upset with me, concerning me not paying respects to your grandfather upon his passing. In my defense, I was getting married in NY at the time and later felt awkward about broaching the subject. Sorry to hear of the assing of your Aunt, I wish I could have been at the memorial service but at least my sister and mom were there. Good luck, and I hope we can communicate in the future. Steve C.

Alexandra - 07/05/98 00:41:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/square/1205
My Email:alexandra_richardson@mailexcite.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Cant decide
Do you also write poetry?: Yes

Nice page (hows that 4 creative??) Anyway the poems here were really good, they brough out the feeling which only few could really express. Being a poet myself, i found them very inspirational. Please visit my site and comment on my poetry

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 23:39:45
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Angela - 07/01/98 17:54:39
My Email:dafney_98@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: all of them
Is there anything I should change?: definately not!
Do you also write poetry?: yes

I loved reading these because they are real. Most people write about fictional trials and lovs but the ones here are exactally right. Keep writing! Good luck.

Desiree Brenton - 06/26/98 23:47:58
My Email:dbrenton@unitedbank.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: All of them were great
Which poem was your favorite?: all
Is there anything I should change?: nothing
Do you also write poetry?: yes, I love to write poetry
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, All your poetry was beautiful
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Magnificant


Tauseef - 06/24/98 05:18:28
My Email:alakhtam@emirates.net.ae
Which page of poems was your favorite?: page 1 to 8
Is there anything I should change?: every thing is perfect
Do you also write poetry?: no i am only read a poem
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: you write a perfect style poetry which we whant
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Please send me your photo

You are a nice poetry man, if you write some more beautiful poem on friend ship or love so we almost your fan

Sabrina Mercuri - 06/22/98 06:28:57
My Email:SabrinaMercuri@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: no favourite all different
Which poem was your favorite?: no favourite all different
Is there anything I should change?: no its what you feel therefor its ok
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes different perspective on someone elses feelings and experiences
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: as an idea try to write outside of you, like you see whats happening to you but your writing as a third person on your experiences

pretty interesting poems. sometimes poems show a lot about how a person feels. you have somehow given me the impression that you express your feelings through your poetry as a meams of release from life, without truely expressing the real you. life won t hurt you if you completely open up to it. it's our fears of being hurt that leave us open to pain. Honesty within yourself will only make you closer to the real you. loved your poems though. THANKS.

AfRoGiRl - 06/21/98 23:03:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/6375
My Email:afrogal@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: I loved them all!
Which poem was your favorite?: They are all excellent, I cant pick a favorite, but one that standed out was "Short Term Cure"
Is there anything I should change?: Not that I can think of, just keep on writting!
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes definatly! I could relate to a lot of it, and I could tell your writting truely tells what you feel.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Im impressed with your talent!

Like I said, Im truely impressed with everything. Your writting is very real and very relatable and I enjoyed every single one of your poems. Keep up the excellent work, Ill be looking foward to more poems.

Stormie/MarySherman - 06/19/98 01:36:34
My URL:http://www.vabch.com/Poetic1
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes

You have a nice site, and I enjoyed reading your poetry. I'll come back to read more when I have time.

Jamie Hutchinson - 06/18/98 15:43:20
Which page of poems was your favorite?: the love poems
Which poem was your favorite?: none, they all are very beautiful
Is there anything I should change?: No, because I feel that your poetry is you, so if you change anything then we would not be watching your life. I think everything is perfect, you have perfected yourself very well.
Do you also write poetry?: Yes, I write love poems to bad most of them are sad.
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes, I just did!!! hehe
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Poetry to me is document of ones deepest, most inner feelings, thoughts, dreams, etc. I would like for you to write more love poems, because theirs no poem like a love poem.

May God Bless You Always!!

sherry - 06/18/98 04:52:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~kissable1/index.html
My Email:kissable1@webtv.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: liked them all
Is there anything I should change?: no, the midis were great too
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: keep up the great work!

thanks for seeking me out through swap-site... i am glad to get the opportunity to check out your poetry... sherry

Tracie - 06/16/98 06:32:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~silentpoet/4.htm
My Email:traciepeters@prodigy.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: favorite poems
Which poem was your favorite?: i had a couple
Is there anything I should change?: not that i could see...
Do you also write poetry?: yup, sure do
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: of course i enjoyed it!
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Blisters are like bad friends... they show up when the work is done...

nice page, i loved all the poems, and i'll definetely come back in the future, after all we're webring neighbors. :) Keep writing. peace...

coco - 06/16/98 05:27:42
My Email:cocoshai@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Left Behind
Which poem was your favorite?: "Crying Out" and lots more...
Is there anything I should change?: its perfect !!!!
Do you also write poetry?: Yeaps
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: oooohhh yes, very much ..i enjoy it

I'll return for more reading and new ones from you ;-) p/s this page is bookmarked

Belda Lynds - 06/15/98 22:09:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/6575/
My Email:b_lynds@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Liked all your pages
Which poem was your favorite?: The Night Before Last
Is there anything I should change?: No..well..maybe more of your poetry to fill my poem starved mind!
Do you also write poetry?: Yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: YES!!!!
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I like your style..written from the heart!

I have enjoyed my visit to your site tremendously...I was especially fond of the poem " The Night Before Last "..WOW...AWESOME!....and of course the music playing.."Nights In White Satin" has been one of my all time favorites...I read your poem over and ver and over...each time feeling the mood, sensing the moment...words that can make you feel!...You have remarkable talent! Belda

Erin {Kestrel} - 06/15/98 01:33:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Metro/2656/
My Email:kestrel100@hotmail.com
Which poem was your favorite?: They're Too Young
Is there anything I should change?: Add more poetry! :)
Do you also write poetry?: yes!
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Wide range of topics, originality, style, thought, good poetry!

Great site! I really enjoyed reading your poetry! I would like to personally invite you to join The Poetry Site Swap...you can find out more about it at my page. You have done some INCREADABLE work here, so keep writing!

Alison - 06/05/98 05:17:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/4333/index.html
My Email:eeyore5540@aol.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: too hard to choose
Which poem was your favorite?: see above
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes but it's not good
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes because it was very good
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Nope no more.


David - 06/03/98 14:28:27
Which poem was your favorite?: smile
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yep!

Daniel been reading your poetry... keep at it mate...damn good poe's regards David Downunder/Perth ...

ariadne - 06/02/98 05:24:25
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/pink_karma/
My Email:blonde_shell@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: one's concerning love
Which poem was your favorite?: i liked all that i read actually
Is there anything I should change?: yes, you should have a page about yourself. let your visitors get to know a little about the author
Do you also write poetry?: with passion
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes i did, very much
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: keep writing :)

i'm your nieghbor on the 'original writing web ring' i come right after you.. so i thought i'd check out the sites of the people around me :) you have a lovely page that is filled with tons of writing! i only read a few of your poems this visit, but i'll e back to read more soon .. hugs & mushy stuff ariadne :u)

Emma Jane Johnson - 06/01/98 22:02:22
My Email:www.sweetjane.@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: the first page
Which poem was your favorite?: the love ones
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes it was interesting and I think that love is just great


'Salem - 05/30/98 01:49:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~jherusalem
My Email:jaida@bellatlantic.net
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes -- very well written, very emotional
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Carpe Diem!

Great page! Here's my award! Just link it back to my page above. Thanks!

Poetic Creep - 05/29/98 03:49:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/2880/
My Email:Spacebread@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: My Other Sides
Which poem was your favorite?: Short Term Cure
Is there anything I should change?: pop up windows are kind of a hassel when returning to your mainpage.
Do you also write poetry?: all the time 8^)
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: Yes. You had a lot of varierty in your poetry, they don't all sound the same like some poems tend to do. I was able to relate to a few of the poems you had posted as well.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: My cat's breath smells like cat food.

Gee..The above questions kind of says it all, really. I forgot how I found your website, I think it was through an Award link. You have a cool page, nice graphics, and a lot of good content. I hope you update this place often, it's a nice webpage.

Leah Osborne - 05/28/98 20:23:33
My Email:steveleaho@aol.com
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: remain the free soul that you already are...


danielle - 05/26/98 12:39:45
My URL:http:\\www2.netcom.com\~kboes01\poempg1.html
My Email:kboes01@ix.netcom.com
Which poem was your favorite?: Remembrance
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, it rhymed!
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: I thought I was the only one that rhymed!

Hi, You wrote me regarding the award and I did add it to my site, thanks again! You mentioned some of your poems were published. On line or regular? Just wondering, I have been working on that myself and am now in the process of self publishing a collection. That was the only way I could get anywhere. You're bookmarked, talk to you later. Danielle

Emmalou - 05/21/98 09:41:23
My URL:http://www.compass.com.ph/~em-em
My Email:em-em@compass.com.ph
Which page of poems was your favorite?: all of them
Which poem was your favorite?: all of them
Is there anything I should change?: none
Do you also write poetry?: sometimes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I enjoy it very much. Because they are amazing.
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: BRAVO!!!!

Thanks for writing those poems of yours... Thanks for sharing it to the world.... Thanks for making such impressive homepage... Keep up the good work...

Darkshadow - 05/08/98 10:22:22
My URL:/SoHo/Gallery/6474
My Email:darkshadow2@geocities.com
Which poem was your favorite?: I didn't get to em all, but so far, your second favorite is mine
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes

Great poems my friend, you get the award ;) Someday I hope to have so many poems on my page. I'd love it if you'd contribute one of your poems to my page...think about it.

    Stay true to the pen,

Stop by my page anytime.
A great page, check it out!!!
See ya 'round

PEGGY MEEKS-KING - 05/06/98 02:46:45


peggy meeks-king - 05/06/98 02:44:05
My Email:kingp@ncci.net
Which page of poems was your favorite?: the one at lady poets page the pow one
Which poem was your favorite?: rem. pow/mia poem
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: YES
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: YES I LOVE POETRY, WHEN YOU WRITE IT , YOU ALSO ENJOY READING POETRY
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: JOB WELL DONE


David Barnes - 05/05/98 13:30:22
My URL:http://www.aceonline.com.au
My Email:quite a few mate
Do you also write poetry?: yepper's
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes

Bear.......It'sa great site mate a credit to you.... David Poetry Downunder... :o) peeking and reading Nite from Perth Australia......

Jamie - 05/03/98 23:11:26
My Email:johaverity@yahoo.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: their pain
Which poem was your favorite?: someone to care
Is there anything I should change?: no
Do you also write poetry?: no
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: yes, it seems so real, like i wrote it
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: it!!!

good job, keep up the good work!

Daniel Carriger - 05/02/98 00:49:21
My URL:This is IT!!!
My Email:eldnac@geocities.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: part 6 "Stained Glass"
Which poem was your favorite?: remembrance
Is there anything I should change?: I hope not, any ideas?
Do you also write poetry?: hmmmm...
Did you enjoy this poetry? Why or why not?: I enjoyed it because it delt deeply with the emotions I feel every day...
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Thanks for reading...


Lady Poet - 05/01/98 21:52:00
My URL:http://come.to/PoeticLove
My Email:Poetic_Love@iname.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: "I Will Always Love"
Which poem was your favorite?: "To Love"
Is there anything I should change?: nope
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Do you have your own homepage? Where?: http://come.to/PoeticLove
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: hello!

wonderful website!

Renee` Wahl - 05/01/98 11:21:08
My URL:http://members.aol.com/heyback2/index.html
My Email:heyback2@aol.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: To Watch My Life
Which poem was your favorite?: To Watch My Life
Is there anything I should change?: Nope!!
Do you also write poetry?: yes
Do you have your own homepage? Where?: See URL
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Good Job!!

I really enjoyed all of your poetry and your page is wonderful :o) Thanks for sharing with us :o) Renee`

lauren - 04/30/98 14:49:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/7657
My Email:lauren15@hotmail.com

Sorry I didn't have much time to read all the poems that are here. I enjoyed what I have seen so far. I hope that you will check out my site and tell me what you think. And I plan to check back when I get a chance.

Cyber the Hare - 04/15/98 02:53:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/3193
My Email:cyberthehare@geocities.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: The one with "Grief Is Homework"
Which poem was your favorite?: "Grief Is Homework" (Ha ha ha...)
Is there anything I should change?: No
Do you also write poetry?: Um, I refuse to answer that one...
Do you have your own homepage? Where?: On Geocities, same as you
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Nice page!

Great job so far! Keep up the great work! See you in class!

Bigsmartass - 04/12/98 02:09:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/9801
My Email:bigsmartass@hotmail.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Part 6
Which poem was your favorite?: Rememberence
Do you also write poetry?: sometimes
Do you have your own homepage? Where?: Yes... http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/9801
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: IT!!!


Daniel Carriger - 04/11/98 22:11:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/7548/
My Email:eldnac@geocities.com
Which page of poems was your favorite?: Has to be Part 6 (Stained Glass)
Which poem was your favorite?: Remembrance
Is there anything I should change?: Ummm, got anything for me?
Do you also write poetry?: Duhhh...
Do you have your own homepage? Where?: Here, this is mine...
Anything you want to say, SAY IT!!!: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

- Be sure to use the hot link and read my seven favorite poems!!! - If you want your page linked e-mail me... - Be sure to link me to your pages!!!

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