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"About The True Poetry Award"
This is my opinion...
I made up this true poetry award because as I roamed around the internet reading other peoples poetry,
I saw many of them who also choose to capture what I believe to be the true essence of poetry in their
writings... They wrote from their heart and took the time to shed a tear or start to grin as they dug deep
within their bodies to express how they truelly, really felt. Their poetry might not rythme, flow smoothly,
or make sense to any of us, but to them it means everything! It not just sharing with us, It's a way of dealing
with how they felt then, and are still feeling now by letting other's in, which is what I think is the main idea of poetry.
Therefor I made up this award to give out to the people who took the time to share with us their feelings,
true poets who deserve an award for true poetry!!!
"The Requirements"
This will be very short...
1) Your page must have at least 3 POEMS that somehow deal deeply with the human emotions and show how you/others truely, really feel. This could be love, hate, death, or happiness, but it has to be something real from the heart...
2) Your must display it on your MAIN PAGE and link it to my page at /Athens/Academy/7548/.
---(unless you ask me otherwise and get my persmission... Eldnac@geocities.com)---
3) DO NOT link directly to this image, take the little space needed and copy it to YOUR server and diplay it from there!!!
4 ) CLICK HERE and tell me why your site deserves this award in the COMMENTS section of my awards guestbook...
5 ) Read TO RECIEVE AWARD section below... Have faith... And never stop writing...
"To Recieve Award"
Unfortunatly, I am GONE!!! I am doing some Army training for 8-10 weeks, I'll return mid-sept...
Please sign the guestbook in part 4 above and don't get upset when I don't reply for quite a while...
I will check out all of the sites that would apply for this award once I return, and reply to EVERYONE...
Remember to keep writing and don't forget to read some of my poetry sometime!!!
Here's an HTML command you can use if you'd like...
Just COPY and PASTE it to your page to save time...
Remember, take the *'s out after you paste this to your page...
<*a href="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/7548">
<*IMG SRC="truepoet.gif" align=center alt="For capturing the true essence of poetry in their writings..."><*/a>
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person to read this section.
To See Some Of the Previous Award Recipients... CLICK HERE
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