Copyright 1998 by Daniel Carriger
A collection of poetry written by Daniel Carriger
covering all aspects of everyday life as you know it.
The poems covered throughout this page deal from one extreme of the normal
love poems to the other extreme of hate or death. Several areas cover such topics
as war, losing a friend, or the inside of a disfunctional family. There is almost
always a poem for every person should they choose to take the time to find it.
A number of these works have been published and hopefully this whole collection
will be soon. These have all been copyrighted and I have no objections to you using
them if you will leave me some mail explaining how and why you plan to use them to
solve any possible problems that may occur AND if you don't use them for any profit
related use without my written consent. Leave mail to me at my geocities address
You can use the outline and look around or if you are short on time use my favorites link.
It will take you to a page with one of my favorite poems on it (HOT's flashing by it's title).
If you have time feel free to read through it all and let me know what you think.
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