Henny Groeneveld - 12/24/00 09:15:11 Loved One lost:: Marcel 22 years Relation to Loved One:: son When did they pass on?: 18-08-2000 | Comments: |
Brian - 11/28/00 20:49:30 My URL:/Pam_douglas_1 My Email:balder@acwn.com Loved One lost:: Erik Relation to Loved One:: Brother When did they pass on?: Nov 12,1999 | Comments: I know what I say will not make you feel any better because nothing anyone says to me does.and I do not know if it ever will get better.but it does not matter nothing does... just live all alone in Las Vegas Brian |
Brian - 11/28/00 20:49:26 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pam_douglas_1 My Email:balder@acwn.com Loved One lost:: Erik Relation to Loved One:: Brother When did they pass on?: Nov 12,1999 | Comments: I know what I say will not make you feel any better because nothing anyone says to me does.and I do not know if it ever will get better.but it does not matter nothing does... just live all alone in Las Vegas Brian |
Brian - 11/28/00 20:49:15 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pam_douglas_1 My Email:balder@acwn.com Loved One lost:: Erik Relation to Loved One:: Brother When did they pass on?: Nov 12,1999 | Comments: I know what I say will not make you feel any better because nothing anyone says to me does.and I do not know if it ever will get better.but it does not matter nothing does... just live all alone in Las Vegas Brian |
Kimberly Hargrove - 11/19/00 14:25:02 My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/kbceplina/myhomepage/fan.html My Email:KingWs6MOM@aol.com Loved One lost:: Christopher Pereida Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: August 31, 2000 | Comments: My heart goes out to you. My son hung himself on his 20th birthday and shattered my world and my heart in two. I don't know how I will find the strength to go on, but someone I have to. I have a daughter, who has given me two precious grandsons (one bo n 2 weeks after Chris died and named after him), my mother, and my fiancee that need me in their lives....so I will go on. I miss my baby boy terribly and my soul aches to just hold him in my arms and tell him I love him. God bless you and I will hold y u in my thoughts in days to come. Kimberly Hargrove Mom to Chris Pereida 08-31-1980 to 08-31-2000 Hanging YAMA |
Grace - 11/09/00 21:53:12 My Email:GEGMTYG@aol.com Loved One lost:: Steven Relation to Loved One:: husband When did they pass on?: Feb.17,2000 | Comments: I tried to look at all your pages but I was too sad. I think it is a lovely tribute. I may try to do something like that one day but today I am too weak. I am always too weak from missing Steven. Steven had never been depressed. He did not use drugs . He did not drink. He was very sensitive. His feelings were hurt easily. Something happened at his job and then he did it. I don't even know the whole story. I am scared to know. In fact there are many things I still don/t know because I have lost my mind from the pain , the grief. My sister- in - law refers to me as inconsolable. She is right. I hate anti-depressant medication but I am sinking . I have thoughts of suicide. I don't want to be in a world that Steven is not in. He was such a good man. He was kind and loving and generous and a wonderful father. He was all things good. It was a complete shock to all of us. I don't want to be here anymore. I have thought about dying.It will be 9 months in a about a week,. at first, I was just hysterical. I couldn't breath. They wanted to hospitalize me but I wouldn't let them. I was going to take my own life in the car in the garage |
AARON BAILEY - 10/22/00 04:36:31 My URL:http://WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/TIMESSQUARE/CHAMBER/7367 My Email:ABA@mb.sympatico.ca | Comments: SORRY ABOUT YOUR SON |
donna simon - 09/08/00 05:51:00 My Email:donnawel56@altavista.com Loved One lost:: father When did they pass on?: june 24,1993 | Comments: God bless you. |
Sigrid Marie Refsum - 08/16/00 16:17:03 My URL:http://charybde.com/sigma/ Loved One lost:: Pål Relation to Loved One:: love When did they pass on?: 1972 | Comments: The pain is so great that most people hesitate feeling it, unless they have to, but simply listening, without trying to do more than just being there, is probably the best. I believe you transferred some of your love on this site, and all the love you put into creating it, speaks for itself. There is soothing in heartfelt beauty. Love Sigrid Marie |
Desiree - 06/08/00 01:24:36 My URL:http://jasonmemory.homestead.com/jason.html My Email:drwilson@kskc.net Loved One lost:: Jason W. Batt Relation to Loved One:: boyfriend/daughter's father When did they pass on?: September 7, 1999 | Comments: Your pages are gorgeous I have condelences for you~May GOD continue to comfort you in the days to come~ |
Susie D. - 05/09/00 16:39:04 My URL:/susiegdunn/index.html My Email:salad@peoplepc.com Loved One lost:: Jason Christopher Dunn Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: March 13, 1997 | Comments:![]() |
Stacy - 04/28/00 16:14:29 My Email:sjc@bratrud.com | Comments: Molly - I have missed talking with you. Your in my thoughts always. Love - Stacy |
Maryann - 04/21/00 15:19:07 My URL:http://visit.to/walt/ My Email:mare1958@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: Walt Relation to Loved One:: mom When did they pass on?: 3 24 97 | Comments: Hi Molly, I was checkig Walts old memorial,Your name was there.Youhave added a lot to Mikes memorial..This is very nice.I hope you are doing ok..I am ok here.Walt has a new memorial ,if you sign it you leave him a rose. Please drop a line now and then , let me knowhow you are.. Love, Maryann |
fran - 03/27/00 23:56:11 My Email:franthomas@3n.net Loved One lost:: my brother Lindsey When did they pass on?: September 5,1995 | Comments: You say so much here, Molly, and at 1000deaths, that I wish I could spell out...my siblings and my parents have boxed Lindsey up, like his old clothes and junk, and even trying to bring him up in a funny, nice way gets me nowhere...I even found out my sis er has never told her 4yr-old she even had a brother, while my 4yr-old Mary knows Lin was a firefighter and died when a gun went off "accidentally" (if suicide isn't the worst accident in the world, I don't know what is!!) and that he is in heaven...your rother at least sought his own art and place and loves...and had you for his bud of buds...I miss my brother so much, and am still struggling to even conceive of the fact that he is gone...even after seeing him in his casket, it's still a terrible lie and joke...head can't make heart believe...thank you for these wonderful photos of your precious brother...love, fran |
Jennifer Peterson - 03/14/00 06:41:24 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sd/missingmike My Email:jenifferpeterson@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: Mike Relation to Loved One:: His wife When did they pass on?: 8.20.99 | Comments: this is such a good way to remember him. I am sorry for your loss. |
Patty J - 02/25/00 02:23:41 My Email:inspatty@aol.com Loved One lost:: Allen Boring, Jr Relation to Loved One:: Son & only child When did they pass on?: May 26, 1997 | Comments: Molly, What a wonderful tribute you have created to Mike and others that have been lost to suicide. |
Vickey B. Thomas - 02/24/00 02:12:14 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/vickey_31075/index.html My Email:vickeyb@progressivetel.com Loved One lost:: Allen T. Brantley Relation to Loved One:: brother When did they pass on?: 4/6/97 | Comments: Molly, You have done a great job with your page. I am your friend from SOLOS and I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. Take care. Love, Vickey |
Sigrid Marie - 02/23/00 23:01:42 My URL:http://charybde.com/sigma My Email:simare@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Pål Relation to Loved One:: love | Comments: I believe I'll get back to this site. So touching. Hard to take in everything all at once. It seems that you've got really valuable experience to share. How unbelievable your loss. I wish you wisdom and support as well as continued strength to move on. Sigrid Marie |
Dawn Gearhart - 02/12/00 08:46:07 My Email:pooh_bare2@email.com Loved One lost:: Darrell Lee Ohlau Relation to Loved One:: Fiance - Soulmate When did they pass on?: January 5, 2000 | Comments: I really have enjoyed your site, but have had problems accessing a few pages. How are you now? I want to know if our lives really do go on like people tell you it will. I have two daughters that I would never leave behind like Darrell did. But, then aga n, I never thought he would either. He always said he would die for them... I suppose in a sense, he did. Was your relationship turbulent? Deep, unmeasurable love as well as intense sadness? I agree with your opinions regarding the stigma society place on one that commits suicide. Darrell didn't hang himself out of selfishness, it was to end the pain and suffering, to save us from further deterioration. He did not stop to consider the effects of the rock dropped into the pond. The ripples will never nd. When I think of the pain and turmoil that enveloped him on January 5, 2000; my heart breaks. To actually construct a noose, tie it to the banister, loop it around your neck, climb upon the banister, then leap to your death... Only God could've helpe him to execute himself. God had given him numerous opportunities to help himself. Exhausted from the efforts and failures, God saw that before he hurt anyone else, He had to end Darrell's pain. Darrell didn't have the strength to execute himself, only ith help from above was he enabled. I only wish I had more "signs" from Darrell. I envy your "communication". God Bless You. Thank you for your story. I admire your strength. -Dawn Gearhart |
Donna - 01/23/00 12:15:51 My Email:donna72@optusnet.com.au Loved One lost:: Leon Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: 18/5/1999 | Comments: Dear Molly,I read your site with tears in my eyes. It's comforting to know that someone realy understands and is not there to make jugment.After loosing my husband to suicide,one of the hardest things to cope with was the stigmar attached to his death.I f lt that I was the only person to loose a love one to suicide.Through this site and many more like it,I now know that I'am not alone and that there are many others who hurt in the same way as I do. Donna Martin |
Lori - 01/10/00 00:19:05 Loved One lost:: Dave Relation to Loved One:: Everything When did they pass on?: December 10, 1999 | Comments: Dave was everything to me. He was my soul mate. I knew it from the moment we met and the bond that we shared didn't die just because he did. The pain I feel knowing that I'll never be able to look into his eyes again or be able to forget about the rest f the world while in his arms is destroying me. Dave shot himself while he was drunk. I had been drinking with him and went to bed after he went out. I didn't know that he ever took the gun out with him. I blame myself for buying the wine that night a d going to bed instead of going out with him. I actually broke a glass in the sink because I was so angry that he never said goodbye before he left. I came out of the bathroom and he was gone. I had no idea that he was gone forever. He wasn't depresse . Well, maybe he was, but 3 hours before he died we were laughing. There were no signs. I hit the cop who told me because I didn't believe him. His aunt called me to ask me how did this happen. His mom wanted to know the same thing. I couldn't tell nyone anything because I didn't know. I never will know. All I know is that I woke up in a nightmare and I wish I could wake up and have Dave next to me. Thank you for letting me share this with you. - Lori |
Gina Nitz - 01/05/00 17:38:35 My Email:Igotspunk8@aol.com Loved One lost:: Mark17 page7 Relation to Loved One:: Nephew When did they pass on?: 01-05-98 | Comments: Your page is beutiful.Im very sorry for your loss death is never easy but suicide is devastating.So many unanswered questions.Such a void that will never again be filled.Two years ago today my nephew decided he couldnt bear the pain any longer and chose t leave us.We miss him dearly and today is a very sad day for all of us, so I thought I would share some of my thoughts and feelings.Thank you for being there. |
Sharon Kaye Alters - 12/31/99 23:47:53 My Email:mcbrown@ipa.net Loved One lost:: Albert Alters Jr. (Bear) Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: November 29, 1998 | Comments: I lost my husband of only 29 days. I will never know why. I lost also, in that same instant, myself. |
Jan - 12/29/99 17:22:02 My Email:jan.litchfield2@med.va.gov Loved One lost:: Jef (with one "f") Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: November 25, 1998 | Comments: Your web page is a beautiful and loving tribute to Michael. My thoughts parallel yours, and since the death of my only son just over one year ago my focus and mission is to live life fully and help my daughter who is 14 to do the same. As survivors of s icide I feel that is the highest tribute we can make to our loved ones, but also the most difficult to achieve. I find the more we can talk about it and share our stories the more quickly the healing process can begin. I strongly recommend support groups, they have helped me tremendously. How very sad it is to become members of this horrendous "club" without anyo e asking our permission, but the support we receive from the fellow members is the one source that comes from pure understanding. And it is so important that we help each other through this life long process. My other recommendation is to educate yourself. I have had a voracious appetite for reading anything dealing with suicide, surviving, grief, etc., and there is some wonderful literature out there. I have found the more I read and learn it has helped me w th my personal healing. The main lesson learned is unfortunately we are not alone in our experience. The circumstances may be different, but the bitter agony we go through is the same. I'd like to share a few thoughts with you about my wonderful Jeffrey. When he was 16 there was a popular song with the young people that had a line in it that went "Jef with one f", and from that point on he was always Jef. I can't help but smile through my tears when I picture his beautiful smile and remember the joy he brought into our lives. He was a happy, joyful young man, and we could never have predicted his death. It came as such a shock to everyone who knew him. He was loved by everyone who ev r met him, and the sadness of his loss has been felt in many, many hearts. It's hard to believe that someone who was loved so much could take their own life, but I guess that's one of the questions that we will not have the answer to in this life time. Jef and I were very close and although he no longer lived at home we spoke on the phone several times a week. The last time I spoke with Jef was on Tuesday night. My daughter and I were so excited because we were flying into town the next day to spend T anksgiving with him. He too was looking forward to seeing us, it has been way too long since we had been together. I knew he was upset about circumstances with his girlfriend, and I told him "Jef, I will be there tomorrow, and I will help you work this ut, it's going to be alright." The last thing he said to me that night was "I love you dearly mom, and I will see you tomorrow." The sad ending of this story is sometime in the early morning hours of Wednesday my precious son died of an overdose of Tylenol PM injested with alcohol. The amount taken left no speculation as to the possibility of accidental overdose. When we got off the plane our world had not yet shattered, but within the next two hours our lives would change forever. We have somehow survived the next few days, weeks, and months. I am first and foremost grateful for my faith in a loving Father in H aven who has blessed us beyond measure. And secondly I am grateful for the choice to be "better not bitter." It was so important to me from the very begining to forgive Jef, because I know with all my heart that he would never have caused this pain to t ose he loved so much, and I also know Jef well enough that he would not want anyone else to carry any blame in his decision. There is so much we don't know, and as I said before, we will never know in this lifetime. I will miss that wonderful young man very day of my life, and I will always be proud and grateful that I was blessed to be his mother. My brother created a web page in tribute to Jef at the following site if you are interested: http://homestead.juno.com/gnear22/menu.html God bless you all in your efforts to find peace. You are not alone. |
Michelle Ray - 12/28/99 03:10:43 My Email:Fettsray@aol.com Loved One lost:: Dave Fetterolf Relation to Loved One:: daughter When did they pass on?: 12/20/99 | Comments: Thank you for your site. My dad killed himself 12/20. He was only 56. I don't know how to cope with this. I loved him so much. |
Holly (sady) - 12/23/99 16:51:40 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/JasonLenhart My Email:HLR@1000deaths.com Loved One lost:: Jason Ross Lenhart Relation to Loved One:: Mt brothers only child, my nephew When did they pass on?: 9/12/98 | Comments: What a beautiful web memorial to Michael. Thank you for sharing it with others. The poetry and pictures awwww just beautiful!! May you fins some comfort and peace in the coming year. Loving you...Loving me...sady |
Michael - 12/17/99 19:08:14 My Email:Murrs22@aol.com Loved One lost:: Murray Relation to Loved One:: Father When did they pass on?: december 5th 1998 | Comments: Hi Ive emailed you an article "Tunnel Visions" which I hope is of interest. Pleae let me know if it is dowloaded ok. Your memorial site is very touching. Know exactly how you feel. best wishes and take care michael Scotland |
caria martins - 11/11/99 21:51:00 My URL:http://members.tripod.com My Email:cariam@learnsoft.com Loved One lost:: Brendan Mitchell Martins Relation to Loved One:: Brother When did they pass on?: 1995 | Comments: I am really glad that you can deal with the loss so well! What lead me to your site was the desire to reach others who are lost, through a website dedicated to my little brother. All the feelings are still there and the isolation remains. Time marches for ard, but there are those times that to keep the person close - you also keep the grief close to you. It's like embracing a thorn bush that pierces your skin and causes extreme pain, yet to feel is still divine. The numbness is gone. And the pain is part o the package that you keep along with the memories and love for that person. |
KIM - 11/06/99 06:11:19 My Email:Livlovlaf87@aol.com | Comments: |
KIM - 11/06/99 06:10:55 My Email:Livlovlaf87@aol.com | Comments: |
KIM - 11/06/99 06:07:55 My Email:Livlovlaf87 Loved One lost:: Annie Relation to Loved One:: Daughter When did they pass on?: 05-04-89 | Comments: Molly my heart aches for you..my mother suffered for years with depression & in May of 89 I came home & found her.I was only 21.I think the better part of me died with her.I hate the way people look at me when they find out about her.She was sick with a d sease..would they do that if it had been Cancer? |
Danita - 11/04/99 00:31:43 My URL:http://inmemoryofgeoff.8m.com My Email:danita_j@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: My son, Geoff Anderson Relation to Loved One:: his Mom When did they pass on?: March 2, 1999 | Comments: This site is a beautiful tribute to Michael. I love reading of your communications with him. Suicide is a tragedy that I hope is eliminated in the future with more SOLOS siteslike this. Thank you for the info on suicide..hope you don't mind ..I might use ome on my site. Take care |
Jahanshahi J. - 10/22/99 09:37:19 My Email:treznrvvzw@yahoo. com Loved One lost:: 1. Atessa jahanshahi, and 2. thomas vanstrijdonck Relation to Loved One:: brother, 2. Friend and lover When did they pass on?: 1. June 1980, Jan. 3 1997 | Comments: I miss them, but I know the pain they felt. I wish they were still by my side, but I respect their decision. I hope to be reunited with them soon, that is my only wish at present. I wish you all the best. Love, J |
BEV PRIDMORE - 10/17/99 07:17:46 My Email:bev_pridmore@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: WENDY CECLIA PRIDMORE Relation to Loved One:: Best Friend/Sister/Co-Worker When did they pass on?: August 25, 1998 | Comments: I lost one of the most important persons in my life. I feel that in someway I let her down when she needed me most. We spoke to each other every day of the week, and we worked together every day for ten years 12 or more hours a day 5 to 6 days a week. She was my best friend-the kind you can tell anything to and she in return could do the same without worrying that it would be repeated. I started working for a towing company and after a weeks she came to meet me for coffee and never left. Unforturnately she and the boss fell in love and she moved in with him (but she would not marry him) for ten years. About 2 years before she left this world she was involved in a car accident and had bruised her brain which left her with memory problems, depression, and a few other medical conditions. Her so called husband could not deal with this and sent her to my parents to live until she was somewhat better (he could not deal with having a sick wife and if she was not in the city it was much easier for him to cheat on her) When she was well enough to come back to her so called home she was soon treated like dirt -calling her names, when she found out he was cheating on her and said that if that is what he wanted then she wanted out, he told her it was all in her head. he enjoyed playing head games and then blaming her for being sick. He told everyone that she was unstable. She had attempted suicide because of the way he treated her. In all of this I was there for her and we discussed the fact that he was not worth dying for and as hard as it would be her and I and my childern could move away from the city and get a job elsewhere, where he could not find us and we could have a better life. I would do ANYTHING to help her. She knew he was fooling around on her and she knew with who these women were - one lady at the bank where the company account was, another two of them at our office-you get the picture, and he was treating her so badly that even my parents noticed it, and they live 200kms away. When she finally came back to the city with a doctor's note saying she was well enough to come back to work, he attempted to tell her things had changed at work and he did not know if she could handle the workload.(The only people who had been there longer than her was her husband and myself.) Instead of moving back in with him she rented my basement apartment, but after a couple of weeks, he had somehow conned her into moving back in with him--You know the promise oh I have changed, I love only you, there is no one else etc. Well after coming home from dinner one night there was a love note taped to the front door of THEIR house from one of his girlfriends, and then not 10 minutes later a phone call comes in from another of his girlfriends. Needless to say she phones me in a panic and I meet her, we go and get her settled in a motel for the night, from which i refuse to leave as she has tried to commit suicide because of him before, and the doctors had told him to keep all his medication-he is a diabetic-out of her reach as she had tried to overdose on his insulin before. Well on August 24/98 one the girls (and i use the the term very loosely) appeared at my sister's door--I know this as my sister mailed me a letter the night she commited suicide explaining in great detail what had happened that day and why she could not say goodbye to me in person. That afternoon I saw her and she told me she had to get her car radio fixed and she would call me later. Well later never came in that sense. She left home taking all her so called husbands insulin and sleeping pills with her(the same ones he was told to keep out of her reach-he had left them in the trunk of his car for a few days and then returned them to the house-he cared soo much for her. She walked into a hotel on the airport strip, booked a room for three days -her husband told us the hotel had told him that she had reserved the room a month in advance, but after speaking with the person who booked her in, and seeing the registration book our family confirmed that the room had not been booked in advance-she proceeded to inject herself with mega insulin and swallow over 90 sleeping pill. When I arrived at work the next morning I was informed that if my sister was not at my house, then we had big trouble as she had not been home at 4:30am and he had assumed she was with me, as we often got together to go out for dinner or a show, or even just coffee afer I got off work. He attempted to phone me at 6am when he go up for work, but not at 4:30. Six hours later, after calling my older sister, the police and my parents and calling all hotels in the area we found out whch hotel she was in. My boss and I went to the hotel and found her still breathing,called 911 and went to the hospital. Due to severe brain damage she was kept on life support long enough for the family to gather and say goodbye. we cremeted her 4 days later. This continues to torment me every day, all day. The pain is only controlled by drugs i must take, and there is no one to talk to. Every one thinks I should be over this by now and get on with my life as before. Well there is a very very large part of my life that is missing, and things will never be the same. One thing that keeps me going are my childern and grandchildern. But it just keeps getting harder and harder. I tried seeing a therapist for a while but other than the drugs not much seems to help. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest for now as even this seems to help just a little. I don't know where to turn, or who to ask for help. Every one else in my family seems to have put this in some sort of perspection and can have a somewhat normal life. I just cant get there and dont know what to do. Any suggestions would be helpful, as I dont want to alinate my childer and i hope to someday maybe feel alive again in some small way, without just going through the motions. A large part of me died when Wendy died, and a large part of me wants to join her. Thank you for listening. I think this site is something all SOS's should have access to. I am sorry if this seems so jumbled but once i started it was hard to stop, and i just can't put it together . It feels like it all happened today. |
Kellye Rowland - 10/16/99 08:08:44 My Email:Kyliesea@aol.com Loved One lost:: Jim Kindelan Relation to Loved One:: soul friend and lover When did they pass on?: June 27th, 1999 | Comments: Thank you for such a beautiful site. I am still very very angry at Jim. It's a wall of anger ,really that I have to break down before I can cry or even think good thoughts about him.. It scares me how mad I am at him. How could he do this to me? Leavi g a note and addressing it to me? I have a PLANET of guilt and regret on my shoulders and I sometimes feel he wanted it that way. I am so lonely and lost these days....I am sorry for your loss....Thank you for listening..:) Kellye |
tazmom - 10/14/99 19:29:49 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/9201/ My Email:tazmom@centramedia.net Loved One lost:: jimmy27 Relation to Loved One:: mom | Comments: I AM SO SORRY ABOUT YOUR MICHAEL ... I lost my son on sept 7 1996.. God be with you... Taz JIMMY'S MOM |
bob gentry - 10/14/99 00:33:57 My Email:thuhshadoe@aol.com Loved One lost:: none | Comments: I am almost speechless. I am working on a educational project on suicide. The love,loss,hurt, doubt and questions that each of you has expressed brings me to a very quiet place. I extend my most sincere thoughts of appreciation for sharing with me yours lves and your lives. |
Tammy- an old friend - 10/11/99 23:27:47 My Email:TAntonacci@aol.com Loved One lost:: Michael Relation to Loved One:: husband When did they pass on?: April 8, 1998 | Comments: Molly, We connected last summer- and here I am again looking at your photos, wanting to talk to you. This past week was 1 1/2 year anniversary of Michaels death and I feel so low... time is definatly not making it better. I need to talk.... Tammy |
Pam - 09/27/99 17:56:55 My Email:pamela.c.barr@arthurandersen.com Loved One lost:: Michael Towson Relation to Loved One:: ex-fiance When did they pass on?: June 27, 1999 | Comments: On June 27, 1999, my exfiance hung himself about 6 months after I left him. I thought I was handling it well until recently. I have been having dreams in which Michael is still alive and is asking for me. What would have been his birthday is right arou d the corner. Sometimes the smallest thing can make me remember him and I am overcome with grief. I constantly wonder what would have happened if we had still been together, if I had tried harder to help him or force him to get help with his depression nd alcoholism instead of just leaving. Your site has touched my heart because you echo so many of my own feelings. People have told me to just get over it and get on with life. But it is so difficult to forget someone that was such a part of your life and now you know that will you never see them again. Thanks for your honesty and for sharing what really goes through you mind instead of some of the “classic pamphlet” material contained on some sites. |
Linda - 09/11/99 22:02:35 My URL:http://members.aol.com/dixielinn/index.html My Email:Dixielinn@aol.com Loved One lost:: Jon Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: 5/27/91 | Comments: Thank you for signing Jon's guestbook. I truly do pray that you are doing much better. I read the beautiful and inspiring tribute that you have for Michael. I don't know if I told you this before or not, but Jon went to Edison High School and I am prett sure it was in 86. Not sure if Jon was in the year book, tho. He wasnt in Edison long. May you find the peace that you seek. God Bless you. Linda |
Carol LaBonte - 09/10/99 21:36:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/4300 My Email:labonte@ivprog.com Loved One lost:: Ricky Bingham Relation to Loved One:: I'm his mother When did they pass on?: July 6, 1997 | Comments: Molly, You have made a beautiful memorial to your husband. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. My only son, my baby, committed suicide when he was 18 years and 2 days old. The days have been so terribly hard to get through since his death! Love and hugs to you! Carol |
Rita M. McKay - 09/10/99 19:44:52 My URL:http://http://www.netreach.net/~bruno1/dannymain.htm My Email:r_mckay@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Danny McKay Relation to Loved One:: Husband When did they pass on?: February 6, 1999 | Comments: Hi Molly, thank you for visiting my memorial to my husband Danny and signing my guestbook. Your memorial to Michael is also so so beautiful. I have met so many wonderful people through SOLOS. It is so sad that we all had to meet this way. It's only b en 7 months (216 days) since Danny left us and it feels like it is getting harder instead of easier. I miss him with my heart and soul and would do anything to have him back. We were together since we were 15 and he was my best firend. But I know we wi l be together again someday, it just gives me something to look forward to. He is also forever giving me signs to prove to me that he is always around, I truly believe he is happy and always going to be watching over us. Remember "Only the Good Die Youn ". My heart goes out to you and you will be in my prayers. |
Mark - 07/30/99 15:13:50 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/h-mark/ My Email:wintron69@aol.com Loved One lost:: Adam Relation to Loved One:: Friend When did they pass on?: Nov 20 1998 | Comments: Why Adam/...Why? "You will grow not old, as we that are left grow old" |
Mario - 07/01/99 18:28:06 My Email:thermotronics@softone.com.br Loved One lost:: Therezinha and Cristiane Relation to Loved One:: Wife and daughter When did they pass on?: 2 years ago | Comments: The most chalenge thing that could happen to me. The final frontier is not time or space but this memory based thing called "death". There's only LIFE, continuous, eternal, timeless. That "thing" that survives this now remembered death is made of the sam matter our imaginations, thoughts, feelings, rememberances are made. So let's discover WHO is thinking, feeeling and grieving, let's break the imaginary barrier between the "physical" and non-physical personalyties and live forever the love that unites u all. |
Skip Brown - 06/15/99 00:57:49 My Email:cbrown13@bellsouth.net Loved One lost:: Joey Relation to Loved One:: Youngest Brother When did they pass on?: July 14,1984 | Comments: Time will heal you partially, and you can trust me when I say that I have asked God many times why? Loved ones left behind have to learn to first be kind to themselves. I have spent many years taking the blame for my brothers death. I believe that if Joey could have seen the pain he was to inflict on his family, he would still be with us today. I have written a book on my brothers suicide and it reads a lot like the memories you have put on paper already, seeing your tribute to your loved one I will press head to get it published because it is needed. Love him and never be ashamed to speak his name and smile. Love Skip. |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:54:06 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you a lot courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my dea .... «La vie continue.» Life continues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:45:39 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you a lot courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my dea .... «La vie continue.» Life continues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:39:47 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you a lot courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my dea .... «La vie continue.» Life continues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:38:33 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you a lot courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my dea .... «La vie continue.» Life continues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:37:02 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you alot of courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my d ar.... «La vie continue.» Life continues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:36:22 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you alot of courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my d ar.... «La vie continue.» Life confinues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:36:13 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you alot of courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my d ar.... «La vie continue.» Life confinues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:35:51 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you alot of courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my d ar.... «La vie continue.» Life confinues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:35:46 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you alot of courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my d ar.... «La vie continue.» Life confinues. Mathieu |
Mathieu - 06/06/99 02:35:36 My Email:mkhadour@hotmail.com When did they pass on?: 06/05/99 | Comments: Molly, your site profoundly touched me. It took you alot of courage to post all of your thoughts to the world. I hope it will touch as much people as possible. I felt your pain as I read through the pages. I wish was with you so we could cry together my d ar.... «La vie continue.» Life confinues. Mathieu |
Vicky - 05/20/99 22:36:10 My Email:vivsilva@yahoo.com | Comments: Hello Molly, I'm a friend of Sherry's and knew her beloved Kevin through the net. I haven't faced your loss, but just wanted to say I am sorry that you and everyone else in this guestbook had to go through it. I do believe in eternal, unconditional love, hough I wasn't lucky enough to find it yet. Just remember you had (and have) something precious and be sure he'll be always with you. Peace and love, V. |
Sherry - 05/20/99 05:18:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/7298/kev.html My Email:boozles@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Kevin Relation to Loved One:: fiancee When did they pass on?: 4/17/99 | Comments: I know it is probably difficult to make this website, I know making Kev's was really hard. But to me it is therapeutic to get all of my feelings down on paper and hopefully to let others know they are not alone. It is hard reading the thoughts on your page because many of them mirror my own. Your page is a beautiful tribute to your lovely Michael and it is a wonderful way to keep his memory alive forever. |
Nataly - 05/10/99 12:54:34 My Email:cntryliving@clinic.net Loved One lost:: Perry Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: 9/10/98 | Comments: I cried as I read your tribute to Michael. I loved my husband w/ the same intensity that you love Michael. It is a brokeness that I will always carry. It's only been 8 months & it doesnt get better as you say (& as others expect). It's so nice to read about how you feel as we share many of the same feelings. My husband had manic depression and I often wonder how if just one thing was done differently, that it may have changed the final outcome & Perry would still be here today. Your web site has been very helpful. |
Sara Yarnell - 04/21/99 01:20:12 My Email:Pisce00 Loved One lost:: Chuck Hoover Relation to Loved One:: My boyfriend When did they pass on?: March 3, 1999 | Comments: I know words cannot ease the pain, but at least it helps to know someone is out there thinking of you. My boyfriend Chuck shot himself, 1 day after our birhday. We shared the same birthday, March 2, even though he was 2 years older than I. It's only bee 2 months since he's left, but it feels like 3 lifetimes to me. Reading sites like yours really helps, just knowing there are others who feel the same unbearable pain that I do. I don't know how I'm going to get through this, but I hope I will have as m ch courage as you do. He is proud of you for all that you have done. |
jenene' - 04/05/99 17:08:25 My URL:http://members.aol.com/ag2wife/dad.htm My Email:AG2WIFE@AOL.COM Loved One lost:: Paul L. Brown Relation to Loved One:: Daughter When did they pass on?: 9/28/98 | Comments: I am so very sorry for ur loss and I truly can feel ur pain and understand what ur going threw hang in there it will get better soon... ![]() ![]() |
Raylene - 03/19/99 18:12:16 My URL:http://maxpages.com/danssucide My Email:raylenebrown@webtv.net Loved One lost:: Dan Dunlap Relation to Loved One:: My best friend EVER When did they pass on?: June 2 1997 | Comments: Your story is sad & in my site we address the same issues. I'm also proud of Dan & my boyfriend & I miss him deeply. If I could turn back time he'd still be with us all. I ask myself eveyday WHY? or please God bring him back. May GOD bless you. Raylene |
- 03/15/99 20:13:38 | Comments: |
Tina - 03/10/99 18:52:54 My Email:davist@hhmi.org Loved One lost:: Joe Relation to Loved One:: Brother-in-law When did they pass on?: November 6, 1997 | Comments: You are a self-healer. Your words come from deep within you, and are beautiful. Don't ever let anyone suggest how you should heal. Each person has their own way of dealing with the loss of someone so dear to them. I wish you all the best your life ha in store for you. May the Great Spirit/God guide you through your life with much fulfillment!!!! |
adriane - 03/01/99 16:13:58 My URL:http://geocities.com/CollegePark/Stadium/3634 My Email:adrianejoy@hotmail.com | Comments: I am so sorry for your loss, your web page is beautiful, and I'm sure Micheal appriciates it very much |
Becky - 03/01/99 03:52:23 My Email:Beck98_69@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: Mark Relation to Loved One:: sibling When did they pass on?: Jan 5 1998 | Comments: Molly, you are a great person and i hope to become the great friends i feel we could be. You did a wonderful job on this. Keep up the high spirits. I think reading this for yourself will help you also. Stay Strong MOLLY. I am here for you....we are here f r eachother. Love, Hugs, and Prayers, Becky |
Tania - 02/18/99 01:08:44 My Email:taniajo@ime.net Loved One lost:: Robert Silver Relation to Loved One:: step daugher When did they pass on?: 10/30/97 | Comments: Still grieving. Touched by your tribute to Michael. My step father was depressed, also. I miss him terribly. |
liz - 02/17/99 02:52:25 My Email:Elizdiaz@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Alex Relation to Loved One:: Brother When did they pass on?: march 1, 1997 | Comments: What a wonderful site. I lost my brother 2 years ago. It gets better. The guilt fades, the "what ifs" begin to disappear. But the thought of why didn't I tell him that I loved him still lingers. This is to Alex, my brother, the man I wish I knew better. I LOVE YOU! you will be with me always. Love Ely |
Lacey - 02/17/99 01:30:59 My Email:lelgie@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Dale Elgie Relation to Loved One:: dad When did they pass on?: January 29, 1999 | Comments: I just wanted to tell you how sad I am for you. My dad shot himself last month and I feel like my life is over. If you have any words for me. Please email me back. |
Maryann Prettyman - 02/16/99 15:15:17 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2474/Walt_Prettyman/Walt.html My Email:wpmpwpjp@msn.com Loved One lost:: Walt Prettyman Relation to Loved One:: Mom When did they pass on?: 3/24/97 | Comments: Molly, I just wanted to sign Mikes page. I visit often but never sign it.You have done a beautiful job Molly. I know that Mike is proud of you. Love Always, Maryann |
Gena - 02/13/99 08:12:52 My Email:Zenagt@aol.com Loved One lost:: Julie Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: August 29,1997 | Comments: You have made a very nice and touching page. I know of your pain. My 13 yr. old daughter Julie took her own life. I suppose we become stronger and learn to live with it but I feel the Hurt is carved in my heart forever. Have you heard the Song by Carly Si on. "Life is Eternal".....and love is immortal.....And death is only a horizon.. as we move into the light.. and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.... When I read this on your page for Michael, I remembered we played this at Julie's service... ...Thanks for sharing your beautiful page....Gena |
Linda - 02/11/99 01:07:27 My URL:http://members.aol.com/dixielinn/index.html My Email:Dixielinn@aol.com Loved One lost:: Jon Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: May 27, 1991 | Comments: Your page is a wonderful tribute to your precious young man. When our family and friends leave us to soon, we often wonder what life would of been like, had they still been with us. Everyday you think of them, wish they were still here. Love that stays in your heart forever. Thank you so much for visiting my page, and for letting me glimpse into the life of you and your love. May God Bless you and keep you. Hugs, Linda |
Cathy - 02/10/99 18:10:56 My Email:cat101965@aol.com Loved One lost:: Chad Relation to Loved One:: Son When did they pass on?: June 11, 1997 | Comments: Dear Molly-Thank you for signing my guestbook. Your tribute to your Michael is beautiful! I was once told that sometimes this world is too tough for tender souls, and how true that is. You said that somehow your love may not have been enough. I've fel that so many times. But remember, we couldn't "love them well". If we could have there's no doubt that your Michael and my Chad would still be with us. I have learned that I must respect my Son's decisions as much now as I had to when he was alive. H made the decision not to continue in this life, and although I can't now and never will agree with that decision that he made, somehow I have to respect that. I hope someday, someway, you find a way to heal. You're right your love for your Michael will continue forever!!!!! |
Annie - 02/04/99 00:27:46 My Email:ACibak@aol.com Loved One lost:: Russell Relation to Loved One:: My husband When did they pass on?: July 24th 1996 | Comments: Thank you for sharing your story and your pictures---you made such a beautiful couple. I was married for 12 years, my husb was 32 and i was 31...he left behind three precious baby girls. My heart is with you. Annie |
Stephanie - 02/03/99 22:36:31 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4870 My Email:Mikayla649@aol.com | Comments: Hi..Molly, I was sent here by a friend of mine who lost a loved one, at their own hands, well my friend sent me here so that I see all that you had done.I will have to tell you I am very touched by your site. I hope today and the days on in are brighter a d happier for you, I can't say I understand the pain, I have yet to loose anyone in this way.But your site has enlighten me in many ways.God Bless you and Keep you always Stephanie |
Cathy - 02/03/99 17:58:22 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5211 My Email:LilRood@aol.com Loved One lost:: Richie Newman Relation to Loved One:: Cousin When did they pass on?: Jan 21,1998 | Comments: I just wanted to thank you for signing my guestbook, which lead me to your page which i find wonderful. Great job keep up the great work. :) |
Beth - 01/29/99 07:47:51 My Email:Peanutzmom@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: John Relation to Loved One:: husband When did they pass on?: 12-4-98 | Comments: This site has brought many tears to my eyes. It is a wonderful and loving tribute. John and I had been seperated for a few years but still legally married. We share a 13 year old son, the light of my life. I miss John terribly, and hope that one day the p in diminishes. He was only 34 years old, and had such a loving family. Why he chose to end his life, I will never know. He was a kind gentle man, who lived to help others. But in the end no one could help him. |
Jo Ann Boggan - 01/29/99 01:55:07 My URL:http://www.geoctites.com/Heartland/Meadows/2474/Scott_Boggan/Scott.html My Email:Silvathins@bigfoot.com Loved One lost:: Scott Relation to Loved One:: son When did they pass on?: 2-24-96 | Comments: Mollie, thank you so much for visiting my son Scott's memorial page. Your Micheal is such a nice looking young man. I know some of the pain of suicide my uncle who was like my father committed suicide 3-1-95 almost one year before Scott was killed. Sco t also talked about suicide and he was in therapy when he was killed. I wish nobody had to go thru the pain of losing one so young and close to them. My heart goes out to you. |
Carol (Xanika) - 01/25/99 04:56:38 Loved One lost:: Ron Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: October 29/97 | Comments: I hear the sorrow in your words Feel the pain in your heart Molly, you are precious Turn this love into art! |
MICHELLE LAMPITT - 01/22/99 20:29:52 My Email:EABURGIN@AOL | Comments: |
Tami and Roy - 01/19/99 00:18:09 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/benchristian/ My Email:murdock5@greene.xtn.net Loved One lost:: Ben Murdock(16) Relation to Loved One:: Our only son When did they pass on?: 7/17/97 | Comments: I first want to say that your tribute to Michael is simply beautiful. Your devotion to his life and memory is wonderful. I also want to say the construction of it is great, easy to access. I want to thank you for your kind words about our beautiful son, Ben. I pray that you will live well and spread the news that people who suicide are tender-hearted and so kind that it is ard for them to live in this world. Much love to you, Tami and Roy, Ben's loving parents |
Magge - 01/12/99 04:24:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9393 My Email:stelinda@seidata.com Loved One lost:: Joshua Relation to Loved One:: Grandson When did they pass on?: murdered | Comments: Dear Molly, My heart is breaking for US! Reading your writings was so heavy. I feel your pain, for it is my pain! You describe it so well. No, my grandson did not commit suicide but his life was complicated and he was searching. He needed more time and his time an out. God how I miss how. God how I hear your pain and know that IT WILL last a lifetime. My soul is so full of sorrow. I shall only find relief when my life comes to an end. How would anyone ever expect us to "get over" losing the true love of our lives. You see molly, my Joshua lived with me for the first 7 years of his life and he was everything to me. More precious and joyful that i can begin to describe. How do any of us explain our depth of love that we feel for another person. I can only ffer you my love and understanding. I have had one amazing sign from Josh and your signs are so great. I am so glad that you have this. I shall pray for you tonight when I share this awful pain with God and ask him to help you. Please know that I care and truely understand. God bless you. Please, when you have time, visit Josh's memorial sight - I want the world to meet him, its my gift to him. He shall never be forgotten. I shall never forget meeting your Mike, he was so handson. Please take good c re of yourself. Love, Magge |
Chad Grinkov - 01/03/99 03:26:26 My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/bleacherst/chadsyn/index.html My Email:chadsyn@hotmail.com | Comments: greetings hello again its been many months since we wrote but i never have forgotten you and never will. i hope you can find happiness in 1999 and know that i think of you and that i care see ya Chad |
Linda2 - 01/02/99 03:58:13 | Comments: I spoke with you...I hope you remember. |
Cheryl - 12/23/98 21:46:36 My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/2941 My Email:electrica@syncon.net Loved One lost:: Bobby Relation to Loved One:: my brother When did they pass on?: June 1997 | Comments: Your site is absolutely beautiful. I've bookmarked it to visit again -- when I have more time. Just had to say it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. |
Amy - 12/11/98 19:28:23 My Email:walrus@amaonline.com Loved One lost:: Jimmy Relation to Loved One:: daughter When did they pass on?: July 31,1997 | Comments: My dad shot himself 5 days before my 21st birthday and 8 days after his 47th birthday! the tears are falling so i need to go |
Amy - 12/11/98 19:25:54 My Email:walrus@amaonline.com Loved One lost:: Jimmy Relation to Loved One:: Dad When did they pass on?: July 31,1997 | Comments: My dad shot himself 5 days before my 21st birthday and 8 days after his 47th birthday! the tears are falling so i need to go |
beth - 11/22/98 14:21:36 Loved One lost:: tammy Relation to Loved One:: sister When did they pass on?: 3/22/98 | Comments: hi my name is beth, and i enjoyed your beautiful page, my sister tammy killed herself this year and my whole family misses her so much, and with the holidays coming it won't be the same without tammy. she loved christmas it was her favorite time of the year, tammy was a very happy person, and she had the normal blues that we all get, but nothing serious, but when her boyfriend got killed 10/97 she got into a deep depression, she changed alot from the outgoing woman to someone that didn't want to be around anyone, she went to the doctor but nothing seemed to help, me and my whole family was there for my sister, but she was in it so deeply that she completely shut everyone out, my sister was only 24 and we miss her so much, nothing will ever be the same, but her family will never forget about her. god bless you all, beth |
Jeannette - 11/18/98 22:27:13 My Email:jeannette.swayze@sympatico.ca Loved One lost:: Paul Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: September 14, 1998 | Comments: I just finished reading through your site after receiving a reply from you to a message I posted on "1000 deaths". This is truly a wonderful heart felt tribute to your Mike...such profound insight and sadness in all of your words. We all wish that it wa easy to just "move on" and/or change our attitudes. Those that say such things, truly have NO idea of our pain. I have heard comments like that already--9 weeks after the death of a man that I spent 17 years with and had 2 children with. Such an unfort nate bond that we share, that of understanding the deepest most overwhelming aching pain that could ever be imagined. I am so sorry that we share this terrible pain, how I wish that we had something else in common. Take care, you've done a wonderful job with this site...Jeannette |
Melanie Peter - 11/09/98 02:00:58 My Email:melannpeter@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Brian Relation to Loved One:: Mom When did they pass on?: 4/7/93 | Comments: |
Chuck Harding - 11/03/98 00:04:47 My URL:/Heartland/1787 My Email:charding@iguard.com Loved One lost:: Chris and Jim Relation to Loved One:: Father & Brother When did they pass on?: 08/12/1993 01/20/1998 | Comments: You visited my site and I am returning the favor. This is a wonderful tribute to your lost friend, Michael. {{{{{{{Molly}}}}}}}} |
Erin - 10/30/98 08:08:00 My Email:ENeathery@aol.com Loved One lost:: Wayne Henschke Relation to Loved One:: Husband When did they pass on?: Sept. 16, 1992 | Comments: Molly, Just wanted to finally sign in -- I've visited your website several times and just want to say what you have done here will help many. Be proud of yourself. Be good to yourself. Love to you... Erin |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Brady - 10/10/98 04:02:42 My Email:ski_be@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Kayla she was only 15 Relation to Loved One:: Good friend When did they pass on?: September 2, 1998 | Comments: Well Kayla and I were friends, but only at school, we didn't go to each others houses and stuff. But we would walk to classes together and joke alot. When I heard that kayla had shot herself I was shocked and then the tears came. I didn't know what to hink I think that I cried like 4 hours stright, since after school when I heard about it until I got home. The next day at school I couldent concentrait on anything. In my first hour it was a real struggle to keep from crying every one was talking about the firl that they didn't know who commited suicide. They were laughing and making jokes, and saying th t it was a stupid thing. I don't know how I got thrugh that, but I did until they started giving the announcementas and they mentiond her name, I started crying in class and everyone was staring at me. I just ran to the counseling office. It took me about a week and a half to get so that I could go a whole day without going to the counselor. I guess that I just need someone to talk to about this. I'm finally to the point where I can concentrait, and am not thinking about her constantly. But I will never forget her and the good laughs that we had. Brady |
Toni - 10/05/98 09:02:07 My URL:http://www.angelfire/mi/yadybug/index.html My Email:tjoyner@all-phase.com Loved One lost:: Tyler,Sister Marian Relation to Loved One:: Grandma, niece When did they pass on?: 2-21-95,12-93 | Comments: Your love for Michael shines so brightly through this site. It is a gift to him, and also to us. You put into words so eloquently how most of us feel towards the 'separation' we are forced into facing. I, too, believe our loved ones are allowed to stay close, and I thank God for this one concession He allows. But it is not enough to fill the great void in my daughter's life or my own. It only makes our being earthbound bearable. My tolerance of those lucky enough to never have to face this grief runs very low, then I have to remind myself of their blissful ignorance. And try to forgive them, because my anger only eats at me, not them. It's been over 3 years since Tyler's death, and although I am 'better' on the outside, on the inside I am still in a deep state of grief. And I miss him, and the future we wanted to share with him. On my last day with him, we made snow-angels - with our wings touching. Never could I have imagined that would be my last time playing with my gorgeous angel. He crossed ver due to a tragic accident, and our lives have changed forever. His life was so short, but his influence so long..... I also lost an Aunt due to breast cancer. I would say she was special like your Michael. Just to be in her presence was a gift. S e was adored by us all, and I have the strongest feeling it was she who helped Tyler to heaven so he wouldn't be frightened. I can envision them singing "I'm a Little Teapot" and the "Dinosaur Song" that only she could teach the little ones with so much nthusiasm. Thank you for letting me share. Love, Toni (Tyler's grandma) |
ann - 10/01/98 13:05:34 My Email:asand@uswest.net Loved One lost:: Melissa Ann Sand Relation to Loved One:: My Angel, My Daughter When did they pass on?: 12-10-97 | Comments: As I was typing in the above info, my heart starts breaking. I am such a different person now, some better, but most not so good. It such a sad life. One of the things I look forward to is being with my daughter again. I miss her so and Im just waiting for my ticket out of this "hell on earth". But, heres my life (I think you'll agree with me about waiting for my ticket)..... I never knew my Grandfathers & Grandmothers-some died before I was born, some when I was very young. My Mom was ill for many yrs-died at age 40-I was 14. My Dad-sudden heart attack-I was 20, I than straightened out myself married a wonderful man (we've been married 20 yrs)! We had two wonderful children, 1st a son-good kid, hunter, fisher, close to his Dad. Melissa was born 4 1/2 yrs later. She was (and Im not just saying this cause Im her Mom) such a beautiful baby, I use to think she was an Angel. eople would compliment me all the time on her long curly,curly, thick, blonde hair, beautiful eyes, etc..and she had a personality to match. Beautiful. Than she turned into a teenager..we were still Very Very close. We had a home that she was always co fortable to bring friends and hang out. She was always dramatic, loved to act like an actress, putting on shows, not a shy bone in her body...Than 12-10-97 my life stopped. My life has ended, I hate being here, Im just existing-my 13yr old "Angel" hung erself in our basement. Oh God I miss her so, I would do anything just to have one more chance just one day anything.... Sorry so long |
Kim Haltom - 09/28/98 06:11:50 My Email:khaltom@phoenix.net Loved One lost:: Son, Husband & Father Relation to Loved One:: mother, wife, daughter When did they pass on?: sickness,Heart attack & cancer | Comments: Hi Molley, After we talked tonight, I promised I would come here. Glad I did. You are "Special" never forget that. I also feel your pain..........but remember they are all in a better place. We are selfish we din't want them to leave. But leave they must .... but their soul will always be a part of us. God Bless You. Love Ya, Kim :) PS see you in SpiritualFriends |
raven - 09/25/98 15:50:44 My Email:talbottsraven@mailexcite.com Loved One lost:: Michael Relation to Loved One:: he was my uncle When did they pass on?: 21 Sept. 1998 | Comments: |
Bobbi Bobbi Dalton - 09/25/98 01:53:01 My Email:crackingoog@prodigy.net Loved One lost:: Dale Slusser Relation to Loved One:: sister When did they pass on?: May 24, 1992 | Comments: Your so dearly missed. One small sigh from you would give me so much comfort. L love and miss you dear brothr. |
Bobbi Bobbi Dalton - 09/25/98 01:49:43 My Email:crackingoog@prodigy.net Loved One lost:: Dale Slusser Relation to Loved One:: sister | Comments: |
Bruce - 09/25/98 01:48:06 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/bruceh My Email:bruceh@sprint.ca Loved One lost:: Martha Relation to Loved One:: My Mother When did they pass on?: 21 September 1971 | Comments: Dear Molly, You have a beautiful page and the message of your page is certainly one that needs to be told. My mother took her life on 21 September 1971. She had manic-depression for a number of years before that and none of us really understood what she was going through for many years after. I have experienced depression myself and through that experience I understand how she felt. I came across your page today after finding www.after-death.com. I have had a few experiences in the last four years where my mother came to me while I was meditating. The first time was in July 1994 and the meditation lasted for over an hour. She told me about her life between the ages of 18, when she met my father, and 44, when she took her life. We made amends to each other during the meditation. The experience was very healing for me. A few days ago, on the 27th anniversary of her death, I had another experience during meditation. In this experience she came walking up to me and stood about 10 feet from me. I walked up to her and put my arms around her and we hugged. The sense of lo e that I felt during that hug was very profound--I don't have the words to express what I felt. She also told me a few things, but the really important part of the whole experience was the feeling of love during that hug. What more could there be? There is no death. Relationships never end even though the form may change. The love does not change. In Love and Peace, Bruce bruceh@sprint.ca |
Cindy - 09/24/98 11:14:39 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Christine Toomey - 09/21/98 22:11:50 My URL:http://www.angel-messages.com My Email:tsavage777@aol.com | Comments: Dearest Molly: What a beautiful tribute to Mike! Looking at his pictures I see his loving spirit, no wonder you and others loved him so much. That love is what he sees and feels from his heavenly home. May God bless you in your efforts to reach out to other's who have experienced the death of a loved one through suicide, and may your angels bring you continued strength, wisdom and comfort as you go about your blessed work Many, many blessings to you Molly, Christine Toomey |
Patty Jacobs - 09/17/98 03:05:48 My Email:inspatty@aol.com Loved One lost:: Allen D Boring, Jr Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: 5/26/97 | Comments: I love this site. It has a sense of comfort about it even though it deals with suicide. My only child suffered from depression for most of his 32 years on this earth. The depression finally took him away from me. We will be togather again one day when God tells me it is my time to come home to be with him. |
shaunamarie - 09/16/98 23:58:02 My Email:cfosdick@csonline.net Loved One lost:: shauna marie Relation to Loved One:: daughter When did they pass on?: may 15, 1997 | Comments: Dear Molly, your website is very nice..You two look so nice together. I know how bad this hurts you, but you will survive just as I have.. Take care and god bless Shauna's mom |
Mike kosintinov - 09/14/98 07:07:59 My Email:Mike3212@webtv.net Loved One lost:: Jerry M Jack Relation to Loved One:: cousin When did they pass on?: not yet | Comments: Dear mam,you wrote me today and I am very happy to tell you I am blessed to meet you I am 32 and my cousin I wrote in Rochford discuss I need help so I can be strong for him he is 39 and I love your poem on your husband he was very blessed to have a LADY such as you,my cousin had a girl friend at 9 and was together till she was 23 when she died ina auto acciedent and it still hurts to know he still loves her as she will never depart his life he try ed to kill him self and now he been asleep for 2 d ays till late tonight he finally wole up alittle h e goes back to sleep fast the doctors give him a 50-50 chance to come back to life and I am very much want to be with him if he goes to GOD,WILL Y OU PLEASE HELP ME? I WANT TO GO ON BUT I NEED MY COUSIN TOO MIKE .....12:10 P.S.T. |
Darrel Slamp - 09/07/98 00:47:15 My URL:http://home.cdsnet.net My Email:local600@internetcds.com Loved One lost:: Kimberly Ann Powell Relation to Loved One:: ex fiance....very close friend When did they pass on?: July 16,1998 1:15 P.M. | Comments: Hi Molly.....I hope that you made it through Sept.4th ok.....or as well as we do...found your site through a follow up post @ 1000 deaths....bless you, and I was touched deeply by your memorial....kimberly's ashes are sitting in her chair out in my living room right now....I understood everything that you said in your journal entries to Micheal (sp?) (sorry)...thank you for telling me about him, and being the one to tell me that my thoughts and feelings are normal....almost too tired to hang on to this lif you know?...days melt....and mean nothing...she murdered herself skydiving....I have not gotten up the strength to see the pictures....she exploded...but I did get her rig (parachute system) from the M.E.,s office...and her cremains form the funeral home so far...it's like if I go around collecting these peices of her and the event that she will return somehow and I can try to fix everything one more time?....anyway....thanks. |
Pat - 09/06/98 18:06:22 My Email:nicotept@mci2000.com Loved One lost:: Thomas C. Nicotera, Jr. Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: 12/21/97 | Comments: Please accept my sorrow for the loss of your dear son. He was a handsome young man. I lost my son, Tom, to suicide on 12/21/97. He was only 15 years old. He was suffering from some type of a mental/psychological breakdown. We never determined what it was because he acted so quickly to end it. Feel free to e-mail me anytime. We have so much in common, unfortunately. Pat |
Jud - 09/06/98 14:01:49 Loved One lost:: Micheal and Lisa Relation to Loved One:: friends When did they pass on?: Good Friday | Comments: Dear Molly, What a beautiful web site you produce here. Hopefully, you pain can help other people who are going through the same things. Take care and come chat with us anytime at ADC or mediumship. Love, Jud |
Marilyn - 09/05/98 21:51:35 My URL:http://virtual-memorials,com:8080/servlet/ViewMemorials?memid=5380&pageno=1 My Email:Marilyn@stny.lrun.com Loved One lost:: Jodi Ann Nejman Relation to Loved One:: Mother When did they pass on?: July 22, 1997 | Comments: Molly ... I just want you to know how very touched I am by your web site and to let you know I am thinking about you on this very tough weekend! Your Micheal is a very handsom young man. You are in my prayers. |
Chuck Harding - 07/15/98 08:15:50 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1787 My Email:charding@iguard.com Loved One lost:: Chris Jim Relation to Loved One:: Father Brother When did they pass on?: 8/12/93 1/20/98 | Comments: Please check the SOSR home page for an important announcement about a boycott of a magazine ad that uses images of suicide to attempt to sell a product. Thanks, and take care. |
Stacy - 07/15/98 01:23:01 Loved One lost:: Todd Relation to Loved One:: Fiance When did they pass on?: 3/26/97 | Comments: Molly - I just finished going through your page completely. I'm at a loss for words. Although we have talked I feel now that I have so much more an insight. I thank God, Michael and Todd for bringing you and I together. Since Todds death I have felt s isolated...as you well know, I didn't allow myself the time to greive. Everything moves so quickly... and being so young the magority expect you to just "move on". Isnt it strange how the "majority" have never lost someone they loved so deeply? I know ow, thanks to you that its OK. Its ok to still love and to still cry and to feel. God Speed... |
Stacy - 07/15/98 00:44:58 My Email:Scubbi@msn.com Loved One lost:: Todd Relation to Loved One:: Fiance When did they pass on?: March 26, 1997 | Comments: Molly - you have been a blessing in my life. I know that Todd and Michael in some way helped you and I to find each other. Although I didn't loose Todd to suicide, the tragedy of an unexpected, tragic death haunts me. You are a beautiful person and Im o glad to call you friend. Always remember I am here for you neighbor :-) |
Mary Copeland - 07/14/98 23:13:18 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/copelandhome/index.html My Email:luklyd@knoxnews.infi.net Loved One lost:: Lucas Edward Copeland Relation to Loved One:: Son When did they pass on?: September 16, 1996 | Comments: Your web site is beautiful and poignant. I'm so sorry you Michael and my Luke are no longer here on Earth (or on this plane) with us. Three years before Luke's death, my sister (and best friend) killed herself. The pain of these two losses is incredibl . This is a difficult path we've been forced to walk but we can make it through. God bless you. |
Debi Kraeuter - 07/11/98 14:44:58 My URL:/SouthBeach/Lights/1771 My Email:belovedmoon@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: Annie Margaret Cole Relation to Loved One:: daughter When did they pass on?: 12-5-92 | Comments: Peace and Blessings Molly, you have a beautiful site, filled with love and positive thoughts. I commend you. I lost my mother to suicide right before Christmas in 92. She was the only person, besides my kids, that I called family. She was a wonderful, warm, generous, loving wom n who opened her heart to everyone who needed love. I miss her every moment of every day. She was my best friend. I agree with you wholeheartedly. There is no shame in suicide, only the ignorance of those who would not recognize it as a final symptom of an illness that could have been treated, if recognized. Some of us had no signs, as in my case, other than occasi nally evidencing the "blues". Some have strong signs. The bottom line is, those of us who have survived the loss of a loved one to suicide, have lost a part of our lives that can never be filled. THAT is the only sympathy that should be extended to us, in my opinion, much as in the case of anyone surviving the loss - in any form - of a loved one. Not pity. I love your site. Michael was a gentle soul gone on to bigger and brighter things in the Universe. My heart is with you. I will be working on my Sur ivors site soon. I had major computer problems right after I got the page up and have just now gotten back online. Thank you for your support and love. |
Debi Kraeuter - 07/11/98 14:38:47 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/1771 My Email:belovedmoon@yahoo.com Loved One lost:: Annie Margaret Cole Relation to Loved One:: mom When did they pass on?: 12-5-92 | Comments: Peace and Blessings Molly, you have a beautiful site, filled with love and positive thoughts. I commend you. I lost my mother to suicide right before Christmas in 92. She was the only person, besides my kids, that I called family. She was a wonderful, warm, generous, loving wom n who opened her heart to everyone who needed love. I miss her every moment of every day. She was my best friend. I agree with you wholeheartedly. There is no shame in suicide, only the ignorance of those who would not recognize it as a final symptom of an illness that could have been treated, if recognized. Some of us had no signs, as in my case, other than occasi nally evidencing the "blues". Some have strong signs. The bottom line is, those of us who have survived the loss of a loved one to suicide, have lost a part of our lives that can never be filled. THAT is the only sympathy that should be extended to us, in my opinion, much as in the case of anyone surviving the loss - in any form - of a loved one. Not pity. I love your site. Michael was a gentle soul gone on to bigger and brighter things in the Universe. My heart is with you. I will be working on my Sur ivors site soon. I had major computer problems right after I got the page up and have just now gotten back online. Thank you for your support and love. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
kurt - 07/01/98 18:51:59 My Email:kurt_nelson@mcgraw-hill.com Loved One lost:: kevin Relation to Loved One:: brother When did they pass on?: November 14, 1997 | Comments: First I would like to say that I'm very sorry for your loss. And that your beautiful page reveals a tremdous amount of courage. I was struck immediately by the visual similarities in some of the pictures between Michael and my brother; while sitting here at work I nearly broke down completely because of them. Two young, very healthy-looking men. With a real sense of gentleness all around their images. Kevin had just turned 24 last October. He lived in Albuquerque and was about to graduate from nursing school. He had just gotten married for the second time in September. There apparently were some serious problems between Kevin and his wife; she was begi ning to doubt whether she had made the right decision in marrying him only a year after his first divorce. Unresolved detritus lay everywhere. On Friday the 14th of November, Kevin got into his car and drove about five hours southwest of Albuquerque into a large, desolate, and gorgeous preserved area called the Gila Wilderness. He drove well off the highway for several miles on two track road in o the middle of nowhere. He then at some point on Friday sat down in front of his car and shot himself in the head. Quite fortunately he was found only two days later by a couple of hunters from Texas. I got the news on Monday morning, and Kevin broke my eart forever. ** I have to return to work now, but I wanted also to leave you with a few lines from Eliot's *Four Quartets*. Please take care of yourself. Kurt Nelson Sudden in a shaft of sunlight Even while the dust moves There rises the hidden laughter Of children in the foliage Quick now, here, now, always-- Ridiculous the waste sad time Stretching before and after. * We must be still and still moving Into another intensity For a further union, a deeper communion Through the dark cold and the empty desolation, The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning. |
Traci Poole - 06/11/98 18:46:59 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/smirk My Email:traci@visi.net | Comments: What a beautiful way to celebrate his life! Love, Traci |
Barbara Garland - 06/08/98 19:22:09 My Email:BarbG3@webtv.net Loved One lost:: Jason Roger Garland Relation to Loved One:: My 22yr.old son When did they pass on?: March 9,1998 | Comments: Three months ago today, my son took his life. Tomorrow would have been his 23rd birthday. Why can't we save our children ? What is happening to our babies? We care for them,nurture them,talk to them,teach them,and LOVE them endlessly.....and yet they choo e to leave. WHY???? Why can't we save them? And how do we survive this 24 hr a day nightmare? |
Barbara Garland - 06/08/98 18:46:33 My Email:BarbG3@webtv.net Loved One lost:: Jason Roger Garland Relation to Loved One:: His Mother When did they pass on?: March 9,1998 | Comments: Hi Molly, Just dropped by to visit your site again and see how you're doing. My Jason has been gone three months now. It just isn't any easier. I still look for him everywhere, think of him constantly. I miss him so much that at times it seems unbearable. Tomorrow would have been his 23rd birthday. |
Molly - 06/06/98 23:59:36 | Comments: testing |
Tammy A. - 05/05/98 12:45:43 My Email:TAntonacci@aol.com Loved One lost:: Michael Relation to Loved One:: husband When did they pass on?: 4/9/98 | Comments: I was so touched by your strength- can you help me through these first few weeks? |
Carol - 04/28/98 03:06:43 Loved One lost:: Son, Brett "B.J." Relation to Loved One:: mother When did they pass on?: July 14, 1995 | Comments: It hurts horribly. I miss him terribly. And I'll never, ever understand why. He was the most wonderful young man. My best friend. Someone I could always count on. There is(was)nothing I wouldn't have done for him, wouldn't do for him. I miss you B.J. I do 't know what I'm going to do. |
Mike Knight - 04/25/98 15:13:49 My Email:et@surfsouth.com Loved One lost:: Greg Knight Relation to Loved One:: Brother When did they pass on?: 24 July 97 | Comments: I really like your page and wanted to say God bless to you. It is nice to know I'm not alone. Greg was my baby brother, I miss him very much, he hung himself after signing divorce papers. I guess he could not live without her. I feel sorry for my Dad, cau e he is the one who found him. God only knows why he would do such a thing. Tell me this, does the pain ever go away? I'm sure you too ask yourself, why did'nt I see it coming? The last time I saw Greg alive was the 4th of July. He and my parents came to ist for the weekend. We had long talks about his pending divorce and he seemed to be dealing with it fine. Little did we know how much he suffered. Again I want to thank you for taking the time to build this web page. God bless you and yours. |
Barbara - 04/23/98 18:21:26 My Email:BarbarannG@webtv.net Loved One lost:: Jason Relation to Loved One:: my son When did they pass on?: March 9,1998 | Comments: The loss of my 22 yr. old son is still too new to write much. I just wanted to let you know this is a nice site and I'm sure Michael is proud of you. |
Angela - 04/22/98 20:55:09 My Email:drifteress@aol.com Loved One lost:: Steven Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: 12/26/98 | Comments: My Steven shot himself while talking to me on the phone 2:00am after Christmas. He chose Christmas thinking maybe he would be cleansed of all that had tormented him for over half his life. His death tore my heart out and changed mine and his 7 yr old daug ters lives forever. He was a sensitive, beautiful, funny, and a very talented artist- my life will never be the same again. |
Angela - 04/22/98 20:44:02 My Email:drifteress@aol.com Loved One lost:: Steven Relation to Loved One:: wife When did they pass on?: 12/26/98 | Comments: My Steven shot himself while talking to me on the phone 2:00am after Christmas. He chose Christmas thinking maybe he would be cleansed of all that had tormented him for over half his life. His death tore my heart out and changed mine and his 7 yr old daug ters lives forever. He was a sensitive, beautiful, funny, and a very talented artist- my life will never be the same again. |
Stephanie - 04/21/98 21:12:23 My Email:arnold@gateway.net Loved One lost:: Charlie Relation to Loved One:: fiancee When did they pass on?: Feb 27, 1998 | Comments: Thank you so much for sharing your expirences and feelings. Charlie was my best friend and my life. I think about him and us all the time and sometimes I don't feel like I can go on, so it helps to know that there are people out there that do understand the pain. I am sorry for your great loss. It was a great help for me to hear your expirences because I lay in bed every night and talk to Charlie praying that he can hear me. You have given me new hope that he can and does hear me. Every night I give y little girl a kiss for him and tell her that her daddy loves her and it helps to know that mabey he is there with her. Please let me know how to go about contacting him, do I just ask for a sign from him? There are times that I feel him next to me and once I got out of my car and could smell his colonge but I just sort of overlook that stuff. Now I know that he is there with me. Please let me know how you have delt with the pain. |
Beth Cole - 04/21/98 02:13:55 My Email:unicornbabe@hotmail.com Loved One lost:: Mom, Dad, Brother, Friend, Niece | Comments: I have lost many loved ones, but not to suicide. No matter how we loose our loved ones it is always a great lost. I think that this page you have created is a much needed page and I think there are many like you that have lost their loved ones to sucide nd they too need help with their grieving process. I came across your page looking for stuff about parents who have lost a child, and espically for people who are having a hard time with losing someone to suicide. I totally agree with you, death to suic de is not talked about much and people need to talk about it. Their is nothing to be ashamed about. I, myself tried to comitt suicide once. At the time you don't think about the people that you are leaving behind, it don't even cross your mind. At th moment you just want out and just want to quit hurting then and there. It is just something that just happens and it is no one's fault. My heart goes to you and anyone else who has lost someone to suicide because it is harder to come to terms with it hen you don't have the support that most people have when they have lost their loved ones. Michael looks like he was a great person to have known. Seeing pictures of Michael remained of me of my brother who has died. He too was a great person to have k own and I grieve for all the people who will never be able to meet him. For they are missing out of knowing him like I did. I bet that you feel the same way about Michael. With this page you have created, I am sure will help alot of people. I also bel eve that my brother has also made his presents known since his death just like Michael has let you know of his presents. I know my words can not bring you the comfort from losing Michael, but hope it gives you the some kind of knowledge that someone is r aching out to you at the time of your saddness and is thinking of you. Good Luck with your page and helping other people deal with their lost. |
Beth Cole - 04/21/98 02:06:58 My Email:unicornbabe@hotmail.com | Comments: I have lost many loved ones, but not to suicide. No matter how we loose our loved ones it is always a great lost. I think that this page you have created is a much needed page and I think there are many like you that have lost their loved ones to sucide nd they too need help with their grieving process. I came across your page looking for stuff about parents who have lost a child, and espically for people who are having a hard time with losing someone to suicide. I totally agree with you, death to suic de is not talked about much and people need to talk about it. Their is nothing to be ashamed about. I, myself tried to comitt suicide once. At the time you don't think about the people that you are leaving behind, it don't even cross your mind. At th moment you just want out and just want to quit hurting then and there. It is just something that just happens and it is no one's fault. My heart goes to you and anyone else who has lost someone to suicide because it is harder to come to terms with it hen you don't have the support that most people have when they have lost their loved ones. Michael looks like he was a great person to have known. Seeing pictures of Michael remained of me of my brother who has died. He too was a great person to have k own and I grieve for all the people who will never be able to meet him. For they are missing out of knowing him like I did. I bet that you feel the same way about Michael. With this page you have created, I am sure will help alot of people. I also bel eve that my brother has also made his presents known since his death just like Michael has let you know of his presents. I know my words can not bring you the comfort from losing Michael, but hope it gives you the some kind of knowledge that someone is r aching out to you at the time of your saddness and is thinking of you. Good Luck with your page and helping other people deal with their lost. |
Kevin - 04/17/98 03:41:05 My Email:Puff4 Loved One lost:: 5 consecutive miscarriages Relation to Loved One:: Our little babies, now angels When did they pass on?: 1988-93 | Comments: Molly - Just dropped by to see all the lovely things you've done with your site - You are an angel youself for bringing together these resources for those who need them. Michael is proud of you, I am sure. May God bless both of you. |
CLAUDIO - 04/16/98 18:43:28 My Email:cipidoc@relay.income.it Loved One lost:: Nicola Relation to Loved One:: Son When did they pass on?: April,22,1994 | Comments: Hi Molly. Wonderful home page! We Know They are closer to us more than before the transition. Love. Claudio |
Tony & Lisa Blunnie - 04/10/98 00:45:15 My URL:http://home1.gte.net/porkrind/arron.htm My Email:porkrind@gte.net Loved One lost:: Arron Relation to Loved One:: Son When did they pass on?: March 19,1998 | Comments: Molly, Your tribute to Michael is very beautiful. We haven't yet gone through all of your resources, but plan on doing so. Our loss has been recent and is still hard sometimes to write about. |
Gale - 04/09/98 19:39:33 Loved One lost:: Rob Relation to Loved One:: Son When did they pass on?: 11-22-97 | Comments: Molly just stopped in to see if youve added to your jounal hope your doing better.I love to read the things you write.You really should write a book. Love and prayers Gale Rob's Mom |
Denise Rae - 04/08/98 19:53:10 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2432/ My Email:Jhwk93@aol.com Loved One lost:: almost myself When did they pass on?: 9/13/96 | Comments: You have a beautiful and moving page!! I know right now must be rough on you right now. I attempted suicide 18 months ago and it is still rough on my family. Anyhow, I'm the other side of things. I want you to know that when I started to surf the web fter my attempt that finding pages like yours helped me tremendously. It made me finally realize what an impact my dying, my suicide would have made on others. In fact, I invite you to visit my page, in particular my section called Reflections From The ark. It is home to poetry, narratives and other writings from suicide attempters, people suffering depression and other suicide survivors. I would be very honored if you submitted some form of writing to my page. . . |
Kris - 04/03/98 22:24:32 | Comments: Dear Molly, I have deeply missed you at the after-death.com site and then read your last entry and found out why you have not been around. Everyone asks for you and wishes you well. This tribute to Michael is beautiful and you both should be very proud. I wish that he and Scott could connect or maybe they have. They left this life the same way. I am not ashamed of my contact with him either and know that I am not insane. He has taught me that love IS eternal and that nothing can ever destroy that. We have to believe in miracles because the angels are with us-Scott and Michael are proof of this. We are all from the same material--LOVE and our threads bind us tightly together. Go forth Molly with your mission. You are a light in the darkness. Lead th way and the rest shall follow. God gives us continuous blessings. I have faith that you will get thru this. When Scott passed I had a nervous breakdown and ended up on tranquilizers--THEN became addicted to them--THEN became suicidal. Scott prevente me from taking my life. I am married now to a wonderful man but unfortunately does not share my belief in the afterlife. That's ok. I have accepted my intuition/sensitivity and am no longer afraid of it. It is a gift connecting me to Scott and we hope to help others "reconnect". I hope to hear from you when you are able. I have been off those meds now for 6 years-with no more panic attacks. Scott has been in spirit for 10. Believe Molly--BELIEVE. Much love, Kris |
Sharon - 03/28/98 06:57:53 My Email:SMason4500 Loved One lost:: Jennifer 17 years old death suicide Relation to Loved One:: daughter When did they pass on?: 4 years ago | Comments: After Jen's death I had many NDcommunications of in a variety of ways I would love to communicate with someone who believes in life after death Jen's birthday was September 4th the date of your Michaels death |
- 03/27/98 19:57:19 | Comments: |