Net Links related to ISIS:
Tired of searching on Isis and ending up on the computer programming sites? Check this list.
Isis and Anne Rice
Brief page mentioning the Isis/Akasha connection from Anne Rice's books.
Short, clear look at Isis, includes hieroglyph for her name, basic story.
Well-done page, illustrated, photos of Philae, more. Begins "Isis was a black woman who was an aspect of the soul of Thoth..." Also quotes part of Thunder, or Perfect Mind. Good resource even if you don't agree with the initial premise.
Library of Alexandria
Read about this project to restore the Library of Alexandria.
Tour Egypt's Guide to Egyptian Antiquities
Usually, "official" info on ancient cultures of a nation is horrid. This is a wonderful exception, very enjoyable and informative. Nice dynasty-by-dynasty introduction to Egyptian history. Not a site to visit quickly. Here's some of their
Egyptian Express Game
Fun, informative game teaching about Ancient Egypt. Players should be good readers.
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