James - 11/14/00 20:08:53
My URL:/fltwdmacattack
My Email:fltwdmacattack@yahoo.com
A prayer, adapted from Blum's Book of Runes, which has powerful results...
Queen of Heaven,
You who are the source of all power,
Who illuminates the world,
Illuminate now my heart
So that it too may do Your work.
Just thought I would share.
Denise Iwaniw - 08/29/00 13:56:01
My Email:warrior@dellnet.com
Dear deTraci,
In June, I was ordained a Priestess in the Initiate Order of the Temple of Isis. The experience was profound and unlike any other that I have had in this lifetime.
The following day, I was inspired to purchase your book. It is fabulous! I read it in a day and a half and refer to it often. As you say in your book, the energy of Isis is gentle and yet very powerful. My life has taken on a wonderful new dimension be
ause of it. Thank you for providing a wonderful resource for Isis' many devotees.
Blessings, Denise
Lori Cadena (aka Nyx) - 08/22/00 16:09:12
My URL:http://www.ancientsites.com/users/Isetnofret_Serqet
My Email:sottovocenyx@icqmail.com
Hi deTraci! It was such a great pleasure (and such fun) finally meeting you at the poetry readings for Isis Rising! I will guard the (2nd) copy of your book...religiously 8~)!
Next time you are doing a Greece tour, let me know!!!
Susanne - 05/31/00 12:43:41
My URL:http://www.rainbowstar.net/
My Email:omsala@hotmail.com
When I moved to my current home in 1996, I got a vision of three beings of light who asked me to prepare myself. "The Woman is coming", they said and disappeared. When a psychic heard about this she absolutely thought that the dream was talking about her,
whilst I thought this was a sign that The Goddess was to return and I still feel so. The Goddess is coming! :-)
*Best Rainbow Wishes* from Susanne
max - 05/05/00 09:20:50
My Email:fpi9@yahoo
enjoying your book (isis) thanks for sharing.
are the any followers of anubis that you know??
looking to learn more of him and his ways.
have been honored to have him and his mother in my life. they have come forth more in the last few months. would like to show more traditional respect twards them.
thank you
Julia Mirate - 12/10/99 05:59:21
My Email:julia99@home.com
Your book is phenomenal. I found a very high resonance with Isis, Selket, and Sekhmet.
Thank you for all of your efforts.
Jaz - 11/07/99 18:53:32
My Email:jazatnight@hotmail.com
Thankyou for the information. This is allows uniformed individuals like myself the opportunity
to experience and understand the concepts of the Goddess.
Rita Hermida - 08/09/99 19:30:21
My Email:ritagaskin@netlineuk.net
Dear Traci,I love your Web-Site,and your book equally,I should love to get postings etc., from you....is this possible...Your book is extremely informative about Isis....Yours in Isis..Rita.
Priestess of Isis in the F.O.I.England.
Rita Hermida - 08/09/99 19:28:26
My Email:ritagaskin@netlineuk.net
Dear Traci,I love your Web-Site,and your book equally,I should love to get postings etc., from you....is this possible...Your book is extremely informative about Isis....Yours in Isis..Rita.
Priestess of Isis in the F.O.I.England.
Ginger J. Wilson - 06/09/99 07:03:19
My Email:gjwilson12@aol.com
I enjoyed your web-site, and am eager to read your book.
Tracey - 05/28/99 14:05:29
My Email:Traceve@pl.net
It started with the fact that my security pass to my apartment is 1515. A friend of mine was re-reading it and thought it said "Isis". She informed me tonight. So I looked up this site and am immensley amazed at the correlations and importance of this sit
. Beautiful!
Nick LaPoint - 05/10/99 07:06:16
My Email:nicklapoint@hotmail.com
I'm sure the words in "Mysteries of Isis" will continue to inspire readers long into the future... Best thoughts for Light, Life and Love to all those devoted to further understanding the ancient Mystery Schools... CRO-MAAT!
Anne Rogers De Anda - 05/06/99 19:09:03
My URL:http://goddessmagic.com
My Email:lomilani@webtv.net
Thank you for this beautiful site, your book, and your work on our behalf. I met Lady Olivia at Clonegal Castle in 1997 on Julie Felix's Goddess Tour of Ireland. She blessed me with water from Brighid's well as a Priestess of Isis. I founded the Temple of
Grainne and enrolled in the Crossroads Lyceum.
drianna - 03/28/99 22:26:59
My Email:Adro1Temp@aol.com
I am in the middle of studying your book- It is very interesting- I am a long time interested person in Isis- and I am just now really exploring my true following of Isis- I am glad to have found this site- thank -you! :-)
Marsha Smith - 03/24/99 00:51:52
My Email:isis_rose@hotmail.com
As a sister Priestess Hierophant of the Fellowship of Isis, I give you greetings and congratulations on creating such a lovely site.
Jet Phoenix - 01/30/99 18:53:59
Wonderful! I loved every minute of it!
Sarah A. Jones - 01/06/99 09:19:11
My Email:hawkmoon15@earthlink.net
Wonderful site!! Please e-mail me to let me know where Geyersville is. I, too, am in California, and would LOVE to visit your Temple!
Beketaten - 12/31/98 19:25:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/1935/index.html
My Email:Netjert@hotmail.com
Great site you have, i love all the info on Isis, come visit the temple of Bastet and share the warmth and joy that Bastet brings.
Thank you for writing "The Mysteries of Isis"! It is one thing to be drawn to a deity and quite another to learn how to understand and worship the deity.
We found the children's rite to work wonderfully with our 6 year-old. It is fulfilling when we incorporate the children and listen to their insights about our beliefs. Our 10 year-old even set up her own altar!
Thanks again!
Lisa Fornillo
ulf persson - 12/10/98 17:53:02
My Email:wulf_persson@hotmail.com
hello Loreon,its me again, i need the history about the cults of Isis in this century.
Among the bests pages so far, i think.
Rhiannon - 11/10/98 00:09:05
My Email:Rhiannon-Lilith@Roxboro.net
ISIS find me a long time ago. In this life time my earliest memory of Her was when I was around 6 or 7 years old. I have had several visions where she came to me. I finally came to my sinces and started out right working with Her 3 years ago.
She is with me and I can not imagine my life with out Her.
I have your book, The Mysteries of ISIS. I love it! Thank-you for the book and your site.
Rhiannon *
Robert Silva - 11/02/98 06:41:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/2797
My Email:RSilvaGO@aol.com
like your site--need some more pix!
10/25/98 21:57:22
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Tim L. - 10/06/98 05:25:34
My Email:premaji@rocketmail.com
Hi again,
See you at the Oasis on Friday!
Tim aka Prema
Cindy - 09/24/98 11:12:32 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |