Just like St. Paul in the picture above, we all recently "got knocked off of our horses." Suddenly, we saw all of the sins of our lives from our Creator's point of view. Understandably, it was a very traumatic experience for most people. What we do now is going to be very crucial in determining where we spend eternity. Please read on.
  [Note: If you don't know what I'm talking about, then the Warning hasn't happened yet. I wrote this page BEFORE the warning so it could be a reference for AFTER the warning. The most important thing is to remain calm. Do not do anything crazy.]

Letters Describing This and Upcoming Events
Spiritual Background and Prophecy
Please Send Me Any Questions You Have
The Enemy
Biographical Information
Quick Preparation


In November of '97, I sent out a pre-warning letter detailing this and other prophesied events. Back then, when everything was still "normal," its contents sounded quite ridiculous. Now that the warning has happened, it has a bit more credibility. It is good to read and pass on.

I wrote a post-Warning letter, to be sent out immediately after the warning actually takes place. It came from the prophetic sources that have been trying to get us to listen to our Heavenly Mother. It contains a wealth of valuable information, including prayers and meditations to insure we survive the terrible times directly in front of us. [Unavailable as of now.]

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Spiritual Background and Prophecy

Links List

The Three Sources of Private Revelation

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Address for Questions

E-mail: bettergetready@bigfoot.com

Snail mail:

Michael Lambert


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The Enemy


Don't let anyone stick one of these in your hand, or else you will go to hell.

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Biographical Information

I am a Roman Catholic.

Ever since I found out about the heavenly warnings that urged our serious conversion, I have been researching and propagating precisely what our celestial family wants us to. There really is no question that we are now in the midst of the final battle between Christ and the Antichrist. As a matter of fact, John Paul II said just that in an address to the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in 1976, shortly before he was elected Pope.


Click on the Pope to hear him bless you.

If you would like to understand precisely where I'm coming from, please read the article in Our Sunday Visitor, July 14, 1996 edition.

Also, you can read my conversion story.

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Quick Preparation

Two types of preparation are necessary -- one being much more important than the other.


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Last Revised: 09 September, 1998 08:49 Japan Standard Time.