The Commerce Library Literacy Program offers free preparation classes for the GED exam (high school equivalency) and small group classes of English for Speakers of Other Languages.
To sign up for classes you may register at any of the classes or come by the CLLP office in room 217 of the Journalism Building on the TAMU-C campus 9:00 - 12:00 Monday and Wednesday or the Commerce Public Library (1210 Park Street)9:00-5:00 Thursday and Friday. You can also send an email with your name, address, and which class you will be attending to
The GED Test
The General Education Development (GED) test is given at Texas A&M University - Commerce on the first Monday of every month and the third Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each month. Cost for the test and certificate is $75.00 and pre-registration with a deposit is required.
For a registration packet or more information regarding the GED TEST call (903)886-5122.