THE MEANING OF THE GLORIOUS QUR'AN If you do not have RealPlayer (version 5.0), download it free:
The Arabic word Surah is loosely translated as chapter and Ayah as verse for the English readers who are unfamiliar with Qura'nic concepts. The Ayah (plural Ayat) means a sign. Those who have read the meaning of the Qur'an thoroughly and have had time to reflect upon them appreciate the word ayah as it is truly a sign from Allah (SWT), the lord of the universe, the absolute. In the English translation and the RealAudio narration, the terms 'those who surrendered to Allah' and 'the religion of the surrender to Allah' are used. The revealed Arabic words of the Qur'an for these translated words are 'Muslim' and 'Al-Islam'. Many other words that have been translated for the convenience of English readers are: Maryam (Mary), 'Isa or Easa (Jesus), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John), Musa (Moses), Haroon (Aaron), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqoob (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Dawood (David), Sulaiman (Soloman), and Ayyub (Job), peace be upon them, and many others. Refer to the index in the first reference cited below for more details. Additional Notes and References LINKS Quotations on Islamic Civilization
Copyright © 1998 Dr. A. Zahoor
Last Updated: June 17, 1998. (
Al-An'am, Al-A'raf, Al-Anfal, Al-Hijr, An-Nahl
Cattle, The Heights, Spoils of War, The Rocky Tract, The Bee
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English Narration by Gai Eaton (Hasan Abdul Hakim)
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SURAH 6 AL-AN'AM (Cattle)
Surah 6
Ayat 1-32 Ayat 33-58 Ayat 59-91 Ayat 92-118
Ayat 119-136 Ayat 137-159 Ayat 160-166
SURAH 7 Al-A'RAF (The Heights)
Surah 7
Ayat 1-34 Ayat 35-58 Ayat 59-93 Ayat 94-141
Ayat 142-166 Ayat 167-206
SURAH 8 AL-ANFAL (Spoils of War)
Surah 8
Ayat 1-40 Ayat 41-75
SURAH 15 AL-HIJR (The Rocky Tract)
Surah 15
Ayat 1-48 Ayat 49-99
SURAH 16 AN-NAHL (The Bee)
Surah 16
Ayat 1-35 Ayat 36-83 Ayat 84-128
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Allah: Allah is the proper name in Arabic for The One and Only God, The Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It is used by the Arab Christians and Jews for the God (Eloh-im in Hebrew; Elohi in Farsi; Allaha in Aramaic, the language spoken by 'Isa (Jesus), pbuh). The word Allah does not have a plural or gender. Allah does not have any associate or partner, and He does not beget nor was He begotten. The abbreviation 'SWT' usually follows when Allah is mentioned, and it means 'Glory Be To Him.'
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