Thoughts To Live by 

     The greatest sin..............................Fear
     The best day...................................Today
     The biggest fool..............................One who will not go to school
     The best town.................................Where you succeed
     The most agreeable companion..............One who would not have you any different from
     what you are
     The great bore................................One who will not come to the point
     A still greater bore..................One who keeps talking after he has made his point
     The greatest deceiver.........................One who deceives himself
     The greatest invention of the devil...........War
     The greatest secret of production.............Saving waste
     The best work.................................What you like
     The best play.................................Work
     The cheapest, most stupid, and easiest thing to do......Finding fault
     The greatest comfort....................The knowledge that you have done your work well
     The greatest mistake..........................Giving up
     The most expensive indulgance.................Hate
     The greatest trouble maker....................One who talks to much
     The greatest stumbling block..................Egotism
     The most ridiculous asset.....................False Pride
     The worst bankrupt............................The soul that has lost its enthusiasm
     The most dangerous person.....................The liar
     The most disagreeable person..................The complainer
     The meanest feeling of which any human being is capable........Feeling bad at another's
     The cleverest man...........................One who always does what he thinks is right
     The greatest need............Common sense
     The greatest puzzle..........Life
     The greatest mystery.........Death
     The greatest thought.........God
     The greatest thing bar none, in all the world...Love

     I found this about 14 years ago, but it didn't have an author on it.   I have always thought it pretty well summed up some of the
                                                  finer points to living.   :o)
                                      But warm, eager, living life---to be rooted in
                                        life---to learn, to desire to know, to feel, to
                                      think, to act.  That is what I want.  And nothing
                                             else.  That is what I must try for.
                                                        --Katherine Mansfield
                I am a proud member of Phenomenal
                     Women of the Web.

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