All about me. Hmm what to write that would be even of slight interest to anyone who doesn't know me. Well, let's see. I'm 37, some days I feel 45 and others I feel 25 go figure. When are we all grown up really?I have three kids. Well that says a lot. I'm very busy because of these little cherubs that I have devoted the majority of my life to. Just today I spent the entire day at my daughters basket ball tournament. Tomorrow we deliver Girl Scout cookies ( what a racket, don't get me started) to a dozen people, for my other daughter. My son is growing up enough that he doesn't need me quite as much, I just need to be handy in case he does!! I hope, that when this child raising job is over, I have given my children the confidence to always be themselves regardless of what anyone thinks. I hope they will always be true to themselves. I also hope that I have taught them the value of kindness and compassion for all people. ALL. This is important to me.
I am going to school. I want to work with computers so I'm going for the Microcomputer Support Specialist or some such thing or Associate in Applied Science Degree, or what ever, I just want to work with computers. Seems like it's going to take forever, but that's just those days when I feel 45.
I enjoy travel. I have been very lucky to visit some fun places. I have had the opportunity to scuba dive off the Bahamian islands as well as the Hawaiian islands many times. I love to dive and would love to do more of it. My husband loves this almost as much as I do so it's something we aim for. Last year I took a trip to New York City with three ladies. We had such a riot I could do that again in a heart beat, what an incredible place.
Hhmm, well that's all I can think of for now. I built this page just to see if I could, it was fun learning so much about HTML and the WWW. Now I just tinker around on it when I'm bored and should be studying. Ever notice how your worries just slip away when your working on a web page?
Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.
One helps you make a living;
the other helps you make a life!!
~Sandra CareyHhmm, still learning , damn !! L