And now, for a little bit of culture amongst all this madness. These are some great works of art. Enjoy!
Impression: Sunrise
This is my most favorite paiting in the whole world. It was painted by Claude Monet and released at the Salon in 1872.
Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory
Van Gogh's Starry Night
Arnolfini and His Wife by Van Eyck
The Accolade by E. Blair Leighton
Favor of a Lady, also by E. Blair Leighton
Raphael's School of Athens. This is also one of my favorites. It has a great story attached to it as to it's meaning. The two people in the middle are Plato and Aristotle. It shows the difference in their beliefs.
Guernica by Picasso. He painted this in response to the destruction of the Spanish town Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
Prima Ballerina on Stage by Edgar Degas
Cezanne's Mont Saint Victoire
Munch's The Scream
Of course, what would an art collection be without da Vinci's Mona Lisa?
The Jazz Dancer by Julie Snyder
The Stairway, also by Julie Snyder
Icarus Plate VIII From Jazz by Henri Matisse.
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