This is a photo collection of me and my life. I hope you enjoy and aren't frightened by me. I promise, I don't bite! *LOL*
Ok, so this isn't me, but I think Elmo looks good with a brunette boufant, don't you? *giggle* Like I've been a brunette for the past two years. . . .
Me, looking pretty normal, but after I dyed my hair red. I really like it this way and I hope you do too, but if not, oh, well. . .
Wasn't I a cute baby? I didn't have hair until I was over two years old.
Yet one more pic so you don't forget what I look like! :)
You know, a friend told me that I had too many pics of me on this page and that I was conceited (kiddingly, of course), but I decided that he's full of it. This is my page and I can be conceited if I want! *LOL* However, my apologies to those of you who agree. :)
And now, my friends and other stuff. . .
My Husband Erin, aka Treeboy. He's an environmental science major here at SFA.
Erin and his family.
My sister, Princess TigerLilly. She's half preppie, a little nerd (not that she'll admit it), a little crazy, very sarcastic, talented, and cute as they come. She's Captain of the KHS Flag Corps this year. Congrats, sis!
TigerLilly's best friend Kristy, aka Reese's. :)
One of my best friends, Ange. She's been my best friend for 15 years running. She laughs at me now because she never thought I'd be a computer nerd. :)
Photos of Ange and me (and her poodle Nicole).
My dear friend and sis Empress Cora. We've been friends for 14 years.
Whole bunch of us at our hangout, G and G's. Top: Me, Trey, and Cora's mom; Middle: Ange, Holly, and Trevor; Bottom, Cora and Holly's guide dog Scallop (a dog with mucho personality).
Me and a guy, John, singing "Summer Lovin'" karaoke at SFA's Friends & Family Weekend '98.
My friend Trey. He and I have been friends for about 3 years and go to SFA together. :)
Me and Trey at my church's Camp Meeting this past summer. I look kind of funky, but here we are anyway. :)
This is my bud Studly Man (self-imposed title *LOL*) & his puppies. He's from Minnesota.
Ok, here's what happens when really bored people get ahold of the scanner. . . (Empress Cora's head)
My cousin Jesse.
Me, my friend Peter (in the blue shirt and bell-bottoms), and a Christian punk/rock/alternative band, Scarecrow & Tinmen. I apologize for the darkness of the picture, but it was a night picture. :)
My friend Lewis from SFA. He's a music major and a band nerd.
A bunch of us just hanging out. Don't really know what happened to the photo, but it certainly looks like Trey's being beamed up to the mothership. Hmmmm. . .
Part of the 1999-2000 KHS Flag line (and my good friends): (L-R) My sister TigerLilly, Christi, Crystal, and Asst. Drum Major Heather.
My Friend and fellow poet Elliot from Germany.
My friend, "Mickey Mouse" with Mickey Mouse. :)
All of the "Gang" hangin' out at G & G's (Grandma and Grandpa's). There's me & TabbyCat in front, then CowGirlAnnie, Trev, Trey, Empress Cora, and Gregg. Ain't we cute??
These are the night of our SFA RHA Formal. Don't we all look spiffy?
Me and some friends. I think the sign's appropriate, don't you?
My friend Jewels. She's crazy, but I love her to death.
Me & my friends Empress Cora (left) and CowgirlAnnie (middle), just hangin' out.
My friend Auntie Joh, as rendered by her 7-year-old niece--Love those teeth! *LOL*
There are squirrels all over the SFA campus. I think they're cute as can be. We have a saying here. . ."Welcome to Stephen F. Austin Sate University, where the men are men, the women are women, and the squirrels don't take any crap from anybody." There's quite a bit of truth to the squirrel part, anyway. :)
Me and my friend CowGirlAnnie hanging at the mall.
My friend Kiah from Missouri. Isn't he adorable? :)
My friend Chad aka Marine18from
My friend "Brad" from church. I've known him since we were practically babies.
(L-R)My friend Cora's hand, my sister's hand, my hand, and my friend CowGirlAnnie's hand. I just thought these were neat. :)
My bud Scooby from high school. He's a sweetheart. . .sometimes.
My precious stuffed animals (and one inflatable turtle). These are only about half of what I own. I'm crazy about stuffed animals. :)
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