(This is dedicated to many loved ones I have lost recently: Uncle Bobby, Mr. C., Miss Lillie, and Uncle Ned)
I will not stare at your photograph wishing impossible wishes,
For you are not there.
I will no longer sit in your room and cry,
For you are not there.
I will not dwell in the past,
For you are not there.
I will no longer visit you at the cemetery,
For you are not there.
I will allow no more tears to fall on hard gray stone,
For you are not there.
I will look to Heaven and rejoice;
I will see you again at the Lord’s Banquet
For you will be there.
Copyright 1998 by MDJ
Pink clouds float across a violet sky
Golden rays stretch to Heaven
Blues, oranges, yellows, and reds
Melt together to form a swirl of color most rare and beautiful
Ribbons of rainbow thread through the scene
A divine picture painted by angels
One of God’s most glorious gifts
Copyright 1998 by MDJ
I am peaceful.
I am strong.
I run with my pack
oblivious to all except
the yellow moon.
We howl our praises
to a shimmering acknowledgement.
The trees dash by--
Tall thin needles stabbing the night.
The white snow explodes
beneath our feet.
We run.
We are powerful--
guided by a Presence even mightier--
We hunt only for food
Never hurt just to hurt.
But when one is wounded
Fear us.
Copyright 1998 by MDJ
From a Daughter to Her Father
(Dedicated to my Daddy.)
No other has praised me the most,
Yet I never once heard you brag or boast.
Work-scarred hands struggled to provide
My every necessity, need, and pride.
Although you were strict, you were never cruel.
And now I thank you for your unbending rule.
The tears I cried burned your face,
Although it was rare for us to embrace.
My fears and my sorrows also were yours;
My dreams were the realities you'd make my future.
And though it doesn't always show,
I love you, Daddy, more than you'll ever know.
Copyright 1998 by MDJ
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