Well, ok, so everyone always asks when they first meet someone "What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite song/singer/group/music?" Etc., etc. Well, here's more about me:
Birthday: December 31
Favorite Movies: Remember the Titans, AristoCats, Schindler's List, Star Wars (all of them), Star Trek IV & VI, Princess Bride, & Quiz Show. I also love Disney's Fantasia.
Favorite Actors: Leonrad Nimoy, Scott Bakula, Denzel Washington, Jackie Chan
Favorite Music: None--I like everything that I can understand (as in clarity of words) and is not offensive to myself, my religious beliefs, or others. I must admit, though, i listen to mostly Christian contemporary, Christian rock, and gospel.
Favorite Song: "Amazing Grace," "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens
Favorite Singer/Group/Etc: FFH, Ginny Owens, Jaci Velasquez,
Heroes: Of course, my first is Christ, who died for me. On earth, my husband Erin, my mom, my dad, and my pastor & his wife (see our church's link on first page).
Favorite Literature: the Bible, Wuthering Heights, Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac, Russ Rymer's Genie , Aphra Behn's The Disappointment, & Robert Asprin's Myth- and M.Y.T.H. Inc series.
Hobbies: I would have to say my first love, aside from God, family, friends, and pets is linguistics--study of language, grammar, and language acquisition. I write poetry in French and English, short stories, & am attempting a novel. I love to sing and once played clarinet. I have taken up the tin whistle (pennywhistle--Irish whistle) and the recorder. I'm also a "sorta" computer nerd. I am really into service and helping people. I am eclectic and I love to try new things. I like to dance, but I'm not very good at it. *GRiN*
Favorite Colors: Purple, black, & blue (bruise colors! *LOL*)
Favorite Comic: As you can probably tell from the icon above, it's Calvin and Hobbes! *sniff* Their last comic ran on my birthday! *sob*
Favorite TV Shows: Star Trek anything, particularly "Enterprise," "Quantum Leap," "Rugrats," "Emrgency Vets" and practically anything else on Animal Planet, "Modern Marvels" and pretty much the rest of the History Channel, and nearly any game show. . .I'm a game show addict! I do NOT like any "reality" TV show or "trading Spaces!"
Church Affiliation: I am a member of Jubilee Christian Center in Nacogdoches, Texas.. I love my church and my church family very much. I work in the Children's Church with the Toddler/Preschool Class. It is my prayer tht everyone finds a church which they can become a part of the way I have become a part of Jubilee.
Do you recognize this little guy? He's from one of the book series I like, Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
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