These are some of the many pets I've had over the years. Some were with us for a long time, others weren't. Each one, however, holds a special place in my heart.
My dog Skipper. Though she passed away many years ago in an auto accident, she is still with me in my many memories. She was the best dog I ever had.
One of the first cats I can remember, which I named Tom after Tom & Jerry. He was a HUGE cat!!
My poodle puppy, Empress Chloe Elizabeth. She's the baby of the family and spoiled rotten. How many puppies know what a drive-thru window is?
Two of my cats, Fluffy (the grey striped Manx), and Goldie (Gee, which one is she?). They were definitely something else. Fluffy was a character. She never met a dog she didn't beat up. *LOL*
Witch (black manx) and Jack. They weren't with us long, for Witch was stolen one night, and Jack died in an accident. I hope Witch grew up well.
I"m not sure if this counts, really, but she's cute and she has a leash!
****A special "I love you & I miss you" to all the pets who have gone on. Some of them I don't have pictures for, but I loved them all the same: Chowder, Cubby, Bobbie, Samantha, Rosetta, Figaro, Whiskers, Freckles, Prissy, Barney Rubble, Sampson & Delilah, Fuzzy, Fuzzy II, Smoky, Blackie, Buddy, King, Ariel, Midnight, Blue Eyes, Shadow, Sugar, Kalamazoo, Cocoa Bunny, Little Bit, Ewok, Smokey Tiger, Spitz, some cute pink & blue Easter chicks, and numerous fish.****
Click here to read the story of Chowder, written by me.
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