are some of my writing samples. The first three were written for
my Creative Writing class last year. Sechura
Desert / Lake La Niņa was written based on a picture from National
Geographic of a desert in South America, flooded by La Niņa.
The country (I think it was Argentina) was going to take advantage of
the situation and stock it with fish for a temporary fish farm. Stolen
Words was based on a prose paragraph, in which two children overhear
an old women suggesting to their mother that the children be sold.
Two Dads, a Melody, and a
Day is the short story the class required. The idea of Jeremy
being unable to write music paralleled my frustration at finding a
suitable topic for my story! And like Jeremy, I wrote my creation
all in a gust of momentum and inspiration. Pompeii
dates from my freshman year in High School. I tried to use active
verbs and aggressive adjectives whenever I could. |