Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kendré Bosse - 04/09/00 05:22:24
My Email:kbutterfly26@hotmail.com
Age: 20
School: Ohio Northern University (home of the ever present polar bears)
Favorite Music: Musicals, anything by barbara, bette, or mandy patinkin
I LOVE YOU Jimmy, and your writing and music, and course work show only that youa re brilliant beyond your years. They do not show however the amazing friend and wise mentor that I know. To all of you who know Jimmy, you know what I am talking about, and those who don't well, you are missing out!

Scott - 03/31/00 08:28:02
My URL:/horseradish99
My Email:Rogers_Sm@denison.edu
Age: 19
School: Denison!
Favorite Music: Country! WHEE!
Cool page, Pickle! But you definitely need some pictures of the awesome friends you have here at school, like me!!!!!!!! :) Just like a bug attracted to a light in Slayter Pit, I was mesmerized by this fabulous page full of music, writings, and graphic . Ok I'm done being silly. Sign my guestbook you cheese grater!

john jenks - 01/18/00 02:37:39
My Email:kingjohn@ameritech.net
Age: 13
School: miami trace
Favorite Music: korn
Hi, Just wanted to sign your guest book. John Jenks

Sage - 05/03/99 00:47:24
Hi, Jimmy!

Dr. Brian S. Jenks M.D. - 12/10/98 02:31:07
My URL:http://www.mveca.ohio.gov/~miamitrace/high
My Email:mt_60@k12server.mveca.ohio.gov
Age: 18
School: Miami Trace High School
Favorite Music: hmmm...
I like the page! The icons are great, and I don't care if you don't have Java even if everyone else is doing it! That's what I like about you, you're different... a nonconformist! Anyway, keep up the good work!

10/25/98 21:49:23
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

lara - 10/22/98 03:08:09
My Email:lmercurio@orion.ac.hmc.edu
Age: 18
School: Harvey Mudd College
Favorite Music: too much to list
great site! say hi to Rachel for me. why HTML? so many now are using Java... just curious! would like to read more of Your writing. feel free to email

Iva Anne Hendricks - 10/21/98 17:11:02
My Email:ivah@muskingum.edu
Age: 18
School: Miami Trace H.S.
Favorite Music: Country!!!!!
Hey Gym! This is a really cool page. Congratulations!!!!

Iva Anne Hendricks - 10/21/98 15:45:02
My Email:ivah@muskingum.edu
Age: 18
School: Miami Trace H.S.
Favorite Music: Country!!!!!
Hey Gym! This is a really cool page. Congratulations!!!!

Ray - 10/19/98 01:16:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/dorm/2710
My Email:colina_r@denison.edu
Age: 18
School: Denison
Favorite Music: Polka
Just LOVE the "Rachel" link - who is that talented young woman, and what is she doing wasting her talents at college? Tell her to call us at Nintendo64 - we want her to do background music for the new Super Mario Brothers video game called "Luigi Fixes a Pipe".

Stephanie Campbell - 10/18/98 23:21:49
My Email:stephienicole@yahoo.com
Age: 18
School: Capital
Favorite Music: Country
This page is great! Everyone should visit.

Rachel E. Colina - 10/17/98 13:37:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Dorm/2714
My Email:colina_r@denison.edu
Age: 18
School: Denison University
Favorite Music: Uh...
I'm impressed. You'll have to help me get one of my midi files on my pitiful excuse for a web page. I especially like the spinning happy face. Maybe I'll see ya some time around campus!

Kendre Bosse - 10/17/98 09:56:36
My Email:k-bosse@onu.edu
Age: 19
School: ONU
Favorite Music: anything!!! Barbara
You are awesome!!! I don't know who taught you how to do all this but they were great!!! I hope that one day we will be close friends, wait, we already are!!! Love JIm!!!!

Cereal Rapist - 10/06/98 22:59:39
My URL:http://www.Nonayourbusiness.com
My Email:Iwillrapeyouhard@denison.edu
Age: 18
School: Denison
Favorite Music: I like the theme song to "Cheers"

Stacia Waddle - 10/01/98 03:43:36
My Email:stacia259@hotmail.com
Age: 18
School: The Ohio State University
Favorite Music: Anything
Hi Jimmy! How are you? Email me!!

Cindy - 09/24/98 11:05:54
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Tabby Taylor - 08/11/98 16:28:22
My URL:http://welcome.to/tabbys_page
My Email:tabby123@hotmail.com
Age: 17
School: Vanderbilt University
Hey Jim! Nice web page!! :) Thanks for your help with mine! Keep in touch! :) Tabby

Tabby Taylor - 08/11/98 16:28:00
My URL:http://welcome.to/tabbys_page
My Email:tabby123@hotmail.com
Age: 17
School: Vanderbilt University
Hey Jim! Nice web page!! :) Thanks for your help with mine! Keep in touch! :) Tabby

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