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Welcome to...

McKillip's Page

...come on in!

Hi, my name is Jimmy Clawson, and I am a sophomore at Denison University (home of the intimidating, but mysteriously-elusive mascot, the Big Red) in Granville, Ohio. I graduated from Miami Trace (home of the highly-visible Panther) where I participated in music things, academic things, and varsity soccer.

At Denison, what I consider to be the best university on the planet (I know that since I've only attended one college and my experience is limited, this means little, but I don't care. I love it here!), I'm involved with many activities.  I live in Gilpatrick, the honors center, and next year will live here as the RA.  I am a double major in Music and English with concentrations in vocal performance, music history, and creative writing.  I serve as a tutor for Music Theory, a Fine Arts tour guide, an intern to the Vail Concert series — through which I have met artists such as Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma, and Bobby McFerrin — and a general gopher to the music department, transposing pieces or editing scores. 

This semester I'm taking British Literature: Swift to Hardy, World Music, Music History II, and Feminist('s) Milton, along with voice lessons, piano lessons, Collegium Musicum (chamber choir), Singers' Theatre Workshop (opera and Broadway), and Karimba Ensemble.  Last semester I was in British Literature: Beowulf to Dryden, Music Theory III, Music History I, and Philosophy 101, along with Singers' Theater Workshop, Concert Choir, and voice and piano lessons.  Last year I took French 112, Music Theory I and II, Chemistry 121, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Calculus II, Creative Writing, Europe at its Zenith, voice lessons, and Concert Choir, and I was involved in the Denison Singers, with whom I toured Italy last May.

Out of school, I attend Jeffersonville United Methodist Church, "flew" on a Chrysalis weekend in July, 1997, (although I haven't had the unbeatable pleasure of sponsoring anybody else yet, so if you know of anyone, tell me!). I was also a proud citizen of Brady City, Buckeye Boys State, in 1997. For all of you other Chrysalians and Boys' Staters: sorry that I haven't written! I'm making it up to you by letting you write me now!!  Also over the summer of '99, I was a counselor at Boys State in the fair ol' city of Leonard.  I work at Jeffersonville Pool as a Life Guard, and there I have the time of my life feeding the Pterodactyls.

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Read some of my poems and stories, if you have the time.  They're collected from many different years and maturities, so be nice, and let me know of any suggestions!

Listen to my original compositions... they're not ready for anything, but as works-in-progress, they have been a lot of fun.

You can find me on AOL instant messenger under the name MkCillip.  Alternatively, I'm on ICQ and can be found with a quick search.

Email me if I sound familiar or if you just want to say something— or nothing—in particular.

You may think you're just a number () but trust me, I value your friendship! Please come back soon and visit me!

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