"I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning."
-Sir Aleister Crowley


Robert Anton Wilson -Philosopher, Science Fiction Writer, Guerilla Ontologist
General Semantics -A must see site!
Hot Rod Your Head! -Have fun while you soup up your bio-computer!
The Bucky Fuller Travelling Miracle Medicine Show -one of the greatest minds of the century.
Deoxyribonuleic Autonomous Zone -I can't explain this site- just check it out.

SETI at Home -Join in the search for intelligent life in outer space.
The Philosophers' Stone -interesting site with great links.

Waco -have you checked to see if your church is ATF approved?

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Mind Magick -Reality Selection and Tek-Gnosis - we are all greater artists than we realize.

Hyperdiscordia!! -Find out all about Discordiansim. Find salvation, solve all life's mysteries, and get rid of that nasty rash...

Discordia -the closest thing you'll find to an Official Discordian page

The Artemis Project -Twelve men have walked on the moon- now its time for the rest of us to get a chance!


Everybody understands Mickey Mouse. Few understand Herman Hesse. Only a handful understand Albert Einstein. And nobody understandsJoshua Norton.

More about Joshua Norton Here

Thought Crime

Disinformation -Charles Fort, Jack Parsons, Participitory Economics

"We're living on the Planet of the Apes. Is that funny or serious?" -Robert Anton Wilson

Idiocy on the Right

NLP -a must!

Cyber-Psychos AOD -the Magazine of Mental Aberrations

The man who would be king: the truth about George Dubya -for sale to the highest bidder!

Just to be fair: the Algore page -is he real or is he a muppet? Learn all about algore and play the exciting new game, "Air War over Kosovo.!"

Find out what the CIA doesn't want you to know about the drug war!

What the world wants and how to get it.

Timothy Leary's Hompepage

Holy Grail

Channel 93 -check it out! A great collection of thelemic sites.

Heresy Central

The best Paranormal site on the web


The National Space Society

Orgone Technology

Alternative sicScience

Nicholas Tesla-one of the forgotten geniuses of the last century.

Quantum Physics-Cal Tech's Q.P. site- a good intro to the subject

Superstring Theory

Quantum Lynx

The Hunger Site

-Every time you visit the Hunger Site, the sponsors donate food to hungry people all over the world.

The Kalachakra Warriors

Check out Argotique for a great archive of hermetic and alchemical texts, as well as free graphics.

© 1997 dustin93@yahoo.com

Unitarian Universalist Association

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