to the 77th/71st Highlanders, Inc. Homepage

Baltimore/Washington, D.C. Area

Here you can find out about our re-enactment group. Please look under the link for recruitment.
If you are already a member, find out what events are coming up. Hope to see you there!


Here is our board members for the year 2004:
President: Bryan Sherwood
Vice President: Gerry Orvis
Secretary: Susan Krakower
Treasurer: Chris Spoor
Member-at-large: Cheryl Sherwood

Other news:

RECRUIT! RECRUIT! RECRUIT! Recruitment was the talk of the meeting. Tell your friends, business associates, and acquaitances that we need members. If you have ideas about recruitment, please share them with your member-at-large.

PICTURES! If you have pictures that you would like to see on the website, please email them to Cheryl at revwargirl@yahoo.com. Thanks!

  • Schedule of Events - 2004
  • "Advice to Recruits"
  • Our Photo Album

  • If you have any questions about the regiment please contact Bryan Sherwood our president at: bryan_sherwood@yahoo.com

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