Duane Pope’s Home Page
My Left Eye My Right Eye

My Menu Section
This section will contains data on Death Dealer. DEATH DEALER
This contains my Awards and the Awards I give. AWARDS This is My Poetry and a Tribute to Lord Byron. POETRY How you can know for sure your going to Heaven. SALVATION
This section will contain data on the AWANAs. AWANA This section contains my webrings. WEBRINGS This contains a piece of Byzantine history. BYZANTINE HISTORY
This will contain a piece of Dark and Medieval History. DARK & MEDIEVAL HISTORY This contains Napoleonic History NAPOLEONIC HISTORY This section will contain data American Civil War AMERICAN CIVIL WAR HISTORY
This section contains data on collecting militeria. MILITERIA This section contains my memberships. MEMBERSHIPS This section contains data on the Colorado Springs American BloodBowl League. BLOODBOWL
This section will contains data on Death Dealer. POW/MIA This section contains Dealer's Adopted Critters. ADOPTED This section will contains data on my POW/MIAs. SITE FIGHTS SPIRIT PAGE
My Counter Section

Number of visitors Webtracker since April 8, 1998

A Word from My Sponser Seciton

This is a Consider this Button.  It's worth the Effort. Free Home Page

You are in the Academy suburb of Athens

POW/MIA Section

May We Never Forget Go Ahead Adopt One

My Guest Book Section

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My EMAIL Section

If you have any questions, concerns or comments,
please feel free to contact me by mail at

My Email is duane.pope@usa.net    NET@DDRESS

Weather Section

Check Your Weather, Things Could be Worse
Fairbanks, Alaska, United States, North America
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, North America
Dadeville, Alabama, United States, North America
Stonington, Maine, United States, North America
Verhojansk, Russia, Europe/Asia
Ahwaz, Iran, Asia
Vostok, Antarctica
Fitzroy Crossing, Australia, Pacific Ocean Region

Closing Section

These pages were created by Duane Pope.
All rights reserved.
If you like the pages, sign the guestbook.
