Genevieve's Glorious Page!!
"He, who will not reason, is a bigot; he, who cannot, is a fool; and he, who dares not, is a slave."
-William Drummond, Scottish writer (1585-1649).
Hey everyone! Here's a little page that'll tell you a bit about my hopes, fears, dreams, ambitions, opinions, etc, etc, and so forth. I hope you enjoy it!!
(here's a clue - I'm the one marked "Me"!)
A few of my favorite things:
- NJ Devils
(the band, not the conservative)
- other Bands That ROCK
- cartoons and comics
- My glorious and wonderful friends
Go here to check out some of my poetic ramblings, if you like.
Click on this to visit Castle Tirili and it's guardian princess.
My slightly bizzare obsession.
The full story of ME!! in a few short lines.
Some people I think are cool as all get-out!
Anyway, this will become more intricate as I become more desperate to procrastinate. For now, enjoy these links to the pages of some really cool people!
Joe, my best friend
Julia, my siamese twin
Heather, back in the 'burg
Tony, NY, NY!
Bethany, a cool chick
Steve, a bud from home
Christian, need I say more?
Dori, and her tribute to frogs!
Melanie, my esteemed flatmate
Come sign my guestbook:
Or, see who else has:
If you're REALLY bored, drop me a line!
Write me!!
for some kickin' backgrounds and a rousing good time!!
You are person number
to boost my ego!