Jackie - 12/11/00 03:38:54
My Email:EVEELKINS@aol.com
Bless u guys i am doing a report on ancient roman transportation and roads and you all are the best resources i am sure to ace it thank you!!!!!!!
Douglas Taylor - 11/01/00 16:13:56
My Email:dugrob@mpks.net
Favorite Ancient Civilization: American Indians
The information on this subject has been helpful. I am needing information for Roman Roads for a term paper. More Roman road names would be helpful. Most every site talks of the 4 or 5 in Italy, but finding info. on those in Asia Minor or Syria and bey
nd is almost impossible.
Thanks for this though. Very Good, I hope You can keep adding to it!
Douglas Taylor
Ceri Smith - 10/29/00 01:19:11
My Email:chikz10@hotmail.com
Grade: 10
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Rome
Gender: Female
Thanks your cite had helped me with a project for Latin class. Great Information
Caleb Devers - 10/23/00 09:06:31
My Email:washred@bdg.centrin.net
Grade: 3rd
Location: Indonesia
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Rome
Gender: Male
Bek - 10/13/00 13:50:19
Grade: 12
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Romans
Hetan - 10/04/00 16:43:24
My URL:http://bitch.com
My Email:yhhhhhhhh.fsnet
Grade: 14
Location: bolton
Favorite Ancient Civilization: medievil
Gender: sex
fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk me bitches i wanna do you sexy girz over in bed
Billy Hall Jr. - 09/19/00 04:09:44
My Email:brndah@cs.com
Grade: 7th
Location: Los Angeles
Gender: Male
My mom helped me look up a famous roman road and i had to write a report on it. Thanks for the help.
- 01/18/00 02:55:04
My Email:mist12@home.com
change your writting to a different color because i can not print it out
Gerardo Orsi - 08/21/99 23:56:46
My Email:Orsifam@dada.it
Grade: post-graduate
Location: Florence, Italy
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Roman, at moment
very interesting url
Justin Urry - 02/22/99 13:34:04
My Email:justinu@global.co.za
Grade: 11
Location: South Africa
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Romans
Gender: Male
Excellent site - well compiled and very interesting. Thanks for all the time and effort you have obviously put into gathering this information. :)
Mrs. D.Hopkins class - 01/25/99 13:47:59
My Email:
Grade: sixth
Location: Homer, New York
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Classics
Gender: 100 children and me
Your work captures images and excitement. My children in this small upstate town can feel connected with others. The modern world is open to all our learners wherever they are. Thanks for your site. We are looking at this using my desk computer and an
nlarger so all the classes can enjoy and learn from your work.
- 12/28/98 11:18:08
Lizi Johansen - 12/15/98 05:17:24
My Email:Janice_Johansen@Sympatico.bc.ca
Location: Prince George
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Roman Empire
Gender: female
Thank you soooo much! Your website totally helped me out on a school project! Your 'site helped me be able to hand in my project in time!
Thanks again, Lizi.
10/25/98 21:41:11
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Renato Bucci - 10/14/98 14:30:50
My Email:rbucci@Imation.com
Location: Italy
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Roman
Gender: Male
Very well done !
K Ferguson - 10/08/98 08:30:32
My Email:sghs@es.co.nz
Check this site for source of this material.
K Ferguson - 10/08/98 08:22:34
My Email:sghs@es.co.nz
How dare you use the copyright symbol on this
material flogged from another site!!!
You don't even index 'your' references.
Ashlee Starling - 10/05/98 23:17:19
My Email:jtstarling@msn.com
Grade: 7th
Location: Ontario, Ca
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Romans
Gender: Female
This was really cool! I am working on a project for school about the Appain Way, and this was a great help!!! Thanks!
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 23:18:51
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Torrey Woodcock - 02/27/98 03:27:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/6081
My Email:kawlaw@fidnet.com
Location: Stanton
Hey nice work......talk to ya later.
Jennifer - 02/27/98 03:27:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Underground/4973/
My Email:acidburn@gowebway.com
Grade: 9th
Location: san diego
Favorite Ancient Civilization: none
Gender: female
Awesome Page!! See ya later!!
amanda - 02/26/98 01:37:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/Smoothie37/babes.html
My Email:angelundercover@hotmail.com
Grade: 10th
Location: bowling green, MO
Favorite Ancient Civilization: umm...i wanna live in chicago =)
Gender: feeeeeemaaaaale
hey there david and friend....ok im signing this exciting page....
im joking wif ya.....if i had to do a page for school then it'd be worse then this....
good job boys!!
Matt Cox - 02/26/98 01:26:11
My URL:http://www.fidnet.com/~cox/
My Email:cox@fidnet.com
Grade: Sophomore
Location: Sullivan Missouri
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Aztec
Gender: Male
This is a pretty good page so far...I like the background.
Have fun in school.
Julie - 02/26/98 01:18:27
My Email:mikes@netins.net
Grade: been there..done that. LONG time ago.
Location: Iowa
Gender: Female
Nice page David and ..the other one (can't rememeber your name).
David Phegley - 02/24/98 23:55:43
My URL:http://www.fidnet.com/~phegley
My Email:phegley@fidnet.com
Grade: Sophomore
Location: Sullivan Missouri
Favorite Ancient Civilization: Rome
Gender: Male
Well I hope this works!!