There are many thousands of books on Buddhism available in English.
Here are a few I recommend:Mindfulness in Plain English
by Venerable Henepola Gunaratana, Venerable Henepole
List: $12.95, Paperback, 191 pages, Published by Wisdom Publications,1993
ISBN: 0861710649This "how to" guide is the best introduction to meditation I have read.
Who Is the Buddha?
by Sangharakshita
List: $11.95,Paperback, Published by Windhorse, 1995
ISBN: 0904766241This introduction to Buddhist philosophy goes beyond the usual basic book.
A Path With Heart :
A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Lifeby Jack Kornfield
List: $14.95, Paperback, 352 pages, Published by Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub, 1993
ISBN: 0553372114This book written by a Meditation master, clinical psycholgist and former monk
is about applying spiritual priniples to daily life.
Buddhadhamma : Natural Laws and Values for Life
(Suny Series in Buddhist Studies)
by Phra Prayudh Payutto
List: $19.95, Paperback, 302 pages, Published by State Univ of NewYork,1995
ISBN: 0791426327This is sort of a "basic text" of Buddhist Philosophy. It isn't an easy read
so buy a notebook.
In the Lap of the Buddha
by Gavin Harrison
List: $14.00, Paperback, 289 pages, Published by Shambhala,1994
ISBN: 0877739951A book about transforming suffering. Written by a meditation instructor with HIV.
A few links to order books from! Worlds Largest Bookstore
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