Twenty five hundred years after I have passed away, the highest doctrine will be taught in the land of the red-faced people. The Buddha said.

In 1893 Anagarika Dharmapala opened his remarks at the World's Parliament of Religions at the Columbian Exhibition in Chicago with a dhamma talk on the four noble truths. It was the first introduction of Buddhism to a non-asian audience in America.

Among the first of what Thich Nhat Han today calls "engaged Buddhists," David Hewivitarne was born in 1864 in Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Schooled in a Christian Missionary School he was expelled for his Buddhist and anti-colonial agitation. He took the name Anagarika Dharmapala (anagarika is Pali for homeless; Dharmapala means fighter for th Dharma). He joined a campaign to rid his homeland of British and Christian colonialism.

The firebrand Dharmapala would continue to agitate for Sri Lankan independence and religious freedom throughout his lifetime.