Paralegal Students
of Yavapai College
Prescott, Arizona
The Yavapai College Paralegal Program is an
ABA-Approved Program
The members of PAY would like to say "Thanks" for everyone who was involved in the Divorce Clinic and making it a success this year!
Welcome back existing members
and welcome new members
for the 1999-2000 school year!
Welcome to the Paralegal Association of Yavapai (PAY)'s
Home Page. Yavapai Paralegal students--this is YOUR Page!
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this page.
If you have any suggestions for items you would like to see on this page,
including a link to your favorite "Law Related" page, please contact
Susan Howery, one of the officers listed here or the webmaster and let us know. If it is on the Net,
we will find it!