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Eagle Point High School is located in Southern Oregon on Highway 62 to Crater Lake, just 15 minutes from Medford, Oregon. Our school name is the Eagles (surprise!) and our student body numbers about 1300. We are a rural district with most of our students bussed in to school. Our Speech Team belongs to the National Forensic League and we are in the South Oregon District. For state districting, we are in District 16.

Our Speech Team has very strong support in our district, especially from our Administrative Staff: Bill Fuesahrens (Superintendent), Mari Brabbin (Principal), Dave Valenzuela(Assistant Principal).

Our Team is very active in Southern Oregon. We attend about 15 tournaments a year, two of which we host. We also host a tournament for grades 5-8 in Southern Oregon, and one for grades K-5. We end our year with a formal awards banquet.

Our biggest money raisers for the year are our Fourth of July fireworks booths and our Christmas Bazaar.