This website can be used as a Teacher's Resource as well as a Student's Resource. Lesson plans, thematic units, and tidbits of information will be here for one to use as a teaching tool in one's classroom or for an assignment. Sharing of one's ideas and information enriches everyone, so feel free to share.
I will be adding some lesson plans from other teachers. These will be in all subject areas and grade levels. So look for futher updates soon! Not a lot of lessons yet. Please keep checking back for updates.
Language Arts/English Lesson Plans~There are 2 lessons here. Both lessons are a lot of fun! Science Lesson Plans~There are 2 lessons here so far. These lessons are FUN! Please check back for more lessons. I hope to add more to this section soon. Geography Lessons~This is my Geography Page. Check it out. A lot of information on this page. I am adding a Geography Lesson section to that page. Math Lesson Plans~There are 5 really fun lessons. Very hands on. Enjoy!! Internet Lesson Plans~I have one lesson here so far. Please look at this wonderful lesson! It is GREAT! Thematic Units~There are 2 thematic units here. Both are mine. I hope to add more soon.
On this page is a table of each state. I have searched for my favorite website on each state. I picked a site that had valuable information on each state and some even had children's pages about the state's information. This is a fun way for one to learn about the United States. I hope everyone who visits this page enjoys the fun information on each state.
If you would like to know more about me just go to my personal page. There is info about me, hubby, education, and interests. Please take a look at this page and learn more about me.
I have a new member of my family. A new puppy. Her name is Cassie. Please visit Cassie's Page. Jusk click on Cassie's Page to see pictures of her. Cassie's Page